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Sunset Spark

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Posts posted by Sunset Spark



    Genre : Action, PvE. (Some 1v1 in-clan dueling on it's way, but, purely recreational)

    Coverage : Global. Game is p2p-based and seperated into different regions to avoid too much lag.

    Activity rate : 1.5m+ accounts, roughly 10k active accounts. (estimated number, I have no idea)


    Warframe is now in Open Beta. (has been for a month or so)





    p.s. If this thread is not allowed, please be deleted.


    (yes, I am trying to share a game I find enjoyable to many)

  2. There's a game I'm playing right now that's called Warframe.

    It's basically a tps pve-based on space ninjas.


    Anyways, I need help picking a clan name.

    The clan isn't made for bronies, anyone can join, but, I want the name to be MLP-based.


    Anyone care to suggest a few?



    Some I've considered

    - Cutie Mark Crusaders (of course)

    - Elements of Harmony (still expected)

    - Friendship Brigade (don't know what I was thinking)

    - My Little Pony (yeah... too bland for a clan name)




    the character '%' is not allowed.


    Any others? My imagination is sorta limited right now.

  3. I tried looking up shpechkesh, but I failed miserably. It sounds Yiddish, but I could be wrong. I can think of a couple of different things it *might* mean from context, but for some reason I'd like to know what you meant by that? It might be a useful word to know.

    That was a pun, Fhao. XD

    I was actually thinking "peckish" (isn't actually related to voices at all) and just changed the spelling around and added a few h's to emphasize the issue.




    Eitherway, I doubt MLP was intended to have such a dark history.

    It would sorta ruin it for the kids.

  4. He has a terrible mic.

    When your h's become over-emphasized, it tends to be because your mic is bad.

    Not to say your pronounciation is good, but, the mic will EMPHASIZE it.


    Touching tale. It would be so much less touching without that bgm.

    It would also be a lot more touching if his voice wasn't so shpechkesh.


    I don't believe it.

    Believe what you want, but, the moment you believe you believe you understand someone else in entirety, you are already wrong.


    There is too much detail in this story which shouldn't make sense.

    Even if the article existed, I can't believe whoever wrote the article KNEW them all personally.

    I doubt it was written accurately.

    This sounds more like a drama.


    If, if this is true, then so be it.

    It's still not worth talking about.

    Learn from the past, live in the present, dream for the future. Simple way to go through.

  5. You handled that fine, I suppose.

    Though, if your father had any attention for detail, he would have noted that YOU seem to know of the show's development.

    Best be honest with him, though I would weigh the risks. Not all parents can be open to their child's tastes.

  6. I favour them all equally... so... ouch.

    MLPFiM without the Mane6?


    Okay, let's picture all the scenarios.


    A) Twily

    - MLPFiM turns into a dark series because Nightmare Moon or Discord would never be defeated.


    B-) Pinkie

    - MLPFiM turns into a dark series because Nightmare Moon or Discord would never be defeated.


    C) AJ

    - MLPFiM turns into a dark series because Nightmare Moon or Discord would never be defeated.


    D) Rarity

    - MLPFiM turns into a dark series because Nightmare Moon or Discord would never be defeated.


    E) Fluttershy

    - MLPFiM turns into a dark series because Nightmare Moon or Discord would never be defeated.


    F) Dashie

    - MLPFiM turns into a dark series because Nightmare Moon or Discord would never be defeated.




    My answer is.

    MLPFiM turns into a dark series because Nightmare Moon or Discord would never be defeated.

    • Brohoof 7
  7. I always pictured that the Elements make up a true friendship. For example, true friendship means honesty, laughter, loyalty, kindness, generosity, and, well, magic?img-1301930-1-huh.png  Magic = Friendship, so, I guess.

    Inspiration just seems too off.

    Perhaps by the most optimistic definitions.

    Friendship doesn't always constitute outward kindness, honesty, generosity, loyalty or laughter.


    Picture it this way.

    I have a friend who I care for.

    I show this person no kindness for what he is, simply because I do not like him very much.

    I am not honest to him, for I do not trust him myself.

    I am not loyal to him as a friend, I would rat on him if it suited me.

    I do not talk to him very much, even if I see him all the time. We do not laugh together anymore. Haven't laughed with him for almost 10 years now.

    I am not generous with him. We are very close, but exchanges between us have usually required something in return.


    Yet, I do care for him, even if we would never show it.

    Of all else, friendship, is magic. It truly is in my eyes.

    That friendship can exist in so many ways is already magical beyond my beliefs.

  8. No particular order for these.




    Digimon Rumble Arena series

    Bloody Roar 4

    Musou Orochi series

    Touhou 12.3 (others, too, but this one is a must)


    Princess Maker

    (r18 game, related to ^^^, cannot be mentioned, if you get it, then you know)

    Persona 3, 3 FES, 4. Only. Yes. Only these in the SMT series. Others, too, just not 'favourites'.

  9. Rarity is the element of generosity, but she is rarely generous. I believe she was supposed to be the element of inspiration originally, actually. Which would fit her much better.


    Rainbow isn't really very loyal. She's generally napping when she should be working.

    When has Rarity ever been selfish? Easy, when Discord turned her over.

    I count more times when Rarity has been generous than when she has been selfish, whether of her own mind than not.

    The fact she isn't ALWAYS OUTWARDLY GENEROUS ALL THE TIME does not mean she isn't...


    Loyalty has little or nothing to do with work ethic.

    (in most cases, definitely including Rainbow Dash's particular setup)





    You may see differently, but there's one subtle difference between the elements for the Mane6.


    Twily is the element of Magic. (which also consitutes element of Friendship, if you want to call it that)

    - Used and practiced as a daily chore for her.

    - She has friends.


    Pinkie is the element of Laughter.

    - Despite being a party animal, she doesn't quite laugh very much, nor does she often need to cause it.


    Applejack is the element of Honesty.

    - Practiced EVERY TIME SHE TALKS, so it's quite easily emphasized.


    Fluttershy is the element of Kindness

    - This element, like honesty, is usually displayed as an attitude rather than personality.

    - Her element is shown through her daily actions rather than brought up specifically.


    Rarity is the element of Generosity

    - This is a curious element, considering that Generosity simply means to be the opposite of selfish...

    - Randomly going around giving things away isn't generous. That's just charitable.

    - However, as far as I can recall, Rarity has generously forgiven and given her time and value to others.


    Dash is the element of Loyalty

    - Like Generosity, it isn't something shown through daily activities.

    - Instead, loyalty is something that is tested during dire situations or when it is called for.

    - Loyalty is something that is proven through challenges.

    - Unless you expected Rainbow Dash to run around pledging loyalties to everypony every other minute, how are you questioning her loyalty?




    Spotted the difference, yet?

    Indeed. Not all the elements are qualities that are always externally displayed at all times.

    • Brohoof 2
  10. I have a few that gets Unfair Hate which are Strike Witches.. I mean the show was Amazing ever time i watched it my heart Skiped a Beat.. but people said it had no real story or plot to it.. the other two are Nartuo, and Soul Eater... in my eyes Strike Witches has got the most undesrived Hate...

    Sadly, I agree, Strike Witches never struck me as 'deep' in any sense.

    However, considering the character cast, I never saw it as something to be judged for it's plot.

    Where do you find 'hate' for Strike Witches? I get that people say it has no real story or plot.

    That's perfectly understandable. How is THAT supposed to be hate?

    The series was CLEARLY targeted at men and had no implication for relatable detail.



    Soul Eater gained perfectly valid reasons. While retaining excellent characters, they managed to screw up an ending which could have gone SO MANY WAYS by picking the one that had minimal impact.

    Here, allow me to rub it in. (I have to) :



    Even Bleach deserves credit for their 'SUDDEN OVERPOWER MODE VICTORY' stuff compared to what Soul Eater did.


    p.s. If it makes you feel any better, the Soul Eater manga is coming along quite nicely, if you're into it. (no, I don't think it ended yet, not that I'm 100% sure)


    edit : I do not know how it went in the manga or if the ending was a setup for a 'hopeful' second season. I will judge it as I saw it. It was probably the most anticlimatic ending there was.

  11. Sword Art Online

    I am not an avid reader of light novels, and I don't mix the written material with the visual series... ever. But all that this show has gotten was hatred and contempt from the fans. I do not get it.



    All I hear is how it's got too much filler, and tries too hard to be DBZ... I laugh. I laugh hard.


    There are others... but these are the only ones that redily came to mind.

    Sorry for not replying to this sooner, I missed yours when I last read it. (or it wasn't there).





    Sword Art Online - The novel was a bit long and swindly, most of the content from it didn't make it into the anime cut, though, that's not why it's hated.

    The Anime itself, if you recall, was split into the SOA and ALO arcs respectively.

    While the SOA arc was full of interesting character progression and fascinating concepts with an enigmatic villian and soul-wrenching social-moral dilemmas, the second arc, which also ended this 'first' season of SOA, was the most generic thing in anime yet.


    "Dedicated hero saves beloved fiancee who is the most generic dere princess yet"

    "Jealous, petty sub-villian antagonist who couldn't even compare to the main villian who had so much depth, or none at all, before"

    "Ending was super lame. Sugo can afford a lab to test brains but CAN'T AFFORD A BLOODY GUN TO SHOOT KIRITO with?".


    Bleach is just kinda dragging on with very dull plot lines and to-be-expected action with no interesting buildup.

    It has the most generic main character. (subpar idiot with natural talent and brash manners. remind you of EVERYONE?)

    Suspense? I admit it's flashy, but what suspense? It's like watching a contest of "see who gets stronger in the next 5 minutes and the one who does wins".




    Honestly, while I admit SOA does not deserve to be completely thrown apart, the reason for it's hate isn't 'unfair'. Even if the first half is excellent, the next 12 episodes being what it is, they actually sorta deserve SOME grief for that.




    There are only a few anime listed here that I have to acknowledge, have 'unfair' hate for what they are.


    Dragonball. Newer anime enthusiasts will hate on it for the generation it is from. They jump straight into complications and forget the basis.


    Naruto. It may have way too many fillers, however, the show itself is moderately deep.


    Soul Eater. Aside from Maka's terrible voice and the stupid ending, soul eater was a moderately unique series.


    Elfen Lied. As mentioned, it's petty and a bit dark in the wrong places, but still a classic.






    One more series, I have to mention.

    Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.

    Yes, it gets hate.

    I've been trying to share it with my newer anime friends who aren't accustomed to the 'sort of old' stuff.

    Those of you who understand, though, why I find it unfair when TTGL gets labelled as a sub-par Gundam.

    Calling it a MECH ANIME. Okay, it is a mech anime of sorts, though, if you understand, MECH HAS VERY LITTLE TO DO WITH THE AWESOMENESS DESPITE BEING EVERYWHERE.

    I've even had people who compared it to Power Rangers because of the 'MECH COMBINE' concept.

  12. Plant Team? So much lol in that name.


    Simple, heavy work would be a lot easier for me than having to keep tabs on which animals I've woken up or coordinating sky clearups. I suppose if I WERE actually a pegasus in MLP:FiM, I wouldn't be afraid of heights and I probably would like being on the Weather Team, too.

    • Brohoof 1
  13. Fluttershy - Twilight - Rarity - Dash - AppleJ - Pinkie - Almost everypony(?)


    Personality... what a broad subject.


    I'm a bookworm. (well, not that anyone is called this anymore)

    I'm dedicated to try when I have a goal.

    I'm into art.

    When I don't feel good, I like to act silly and just say stuff randomly.

    I'm shy with strangers. (I usually just avoid them if I can)

    I care about my family, even if we don't always think the same.



    (look at all the I's. Heh)

  14. The three mainstreamers. Naru, OP, Bleach.

    Though, a lot of the hate is from fans of each of the series for the others.

    I'm part of the OP side.




    Gurren Lagann - Looked down upon by 'newbie' enthusiasts for being a 'mech' anime.

    (who watches this for MECH?)

    TheNinjaPony, on 14 Mar 2013 - 11:55, said:

    I'm not sure about you guys but I'm an angel beats lover. Through and through. However I feel it gets a little too much hate. The story is great and it has good action and FANTASTIC music. I can't get the songs out of my head. And that's a good thing for me! Most people say angel beats is boring and it drags on but I think it's perfect. And the ending. I cried for half an hour. I don't cry very often.

    Who is "most" people? It's a ranked anime even among enthusiasts

    Where do you find Angel Beats HATERS? I've never met any.

    p.s. try out Ano Hana. It would suit you, hopefully.

    TheSteampunkNinja (TSN), on 14 Mar 2013 - 08:58, said:

    Ranma 1/2 is probably my favorite out of what I've seen, but I have been called a pervert multiple times for watching it. I'm not sure if the people saying that are ignorant, trolls, or just haters (probably the first) but I find this hilarious and ironic. If anyone out the has seen it then you will understand what I mean.

    No, this anime is a legend as a genderbender series.

    People are called perverts for liking kid's shows, too.

    The series itself is not hated, it's awesome.




    Fairy Tail

    The series itself has a decent plot and fair characters with heavy emphasis on


    I say it gets unfair hate because "I" hate it.

    Erza was the only decent character with a plausible background.

    Natsu is the generic 'Luffy'. (seriously, too many similarities)

    Laxus... awesome, but they only gave him one arc. What a killjoy.

    They suck at telling the story in a fascinating way. (I stopped watching round the S rank tests)

    Jellal should either have mortally wounded, killed or died at the hands of Erza.

    Forreal, he's the most baseless character in the series. (not the most in anime history, but clearly in the ranks)




    For me I think that it would be Soul Eater

    Even though I'm not a huge fan of it anymore

    The storyline was way more unique than other anime shows

    That consider to fall under the same shadow as Soul Eater does

    And not only that, but the characters are really awesome

    Honestly, I laugh whenever Death The Kid's OCD behavior kicks in


    Well, I think I can relate.

    Most of the characters are awesome, but I think, I know why it's hated, for I know why I hate it.

    First : Maka's voice. The most backward choice of voice for her, period.

    Second : Tsubaki x Blackstar. Didn't get enough screentime. Eff.

    Third : The ending. Go read the manga, you'll understand.

    Fourth : Still the ending. Wtf is with that sudden plot twist and takeover.

    Fifth : Without any ACTUAL context, Kishin, the only villian as good as Medusa, dies from a PUNCH.


    Seventh : Mabaa. Hmm, could've used more details.

  15. "Smart"... That's a loose term. It has a ton of factors, like age, specialty, etc.


    Also, do you mean smart as in overall? It's a bit confusing.


    For me, i'm about average, slightly above. I just need to stop being so dang lazy. That's my problem. :lol:

    I would deem anyone capable of estimating their own intelligence as 'smart'.

    We can all read, write and learn. Our intelligence, based on our estimation, is almost always above average.

    okay so do you think you are smart or average or below average,or why are you smart? simple i think but  i want to know why do you think you are smart?

    A better question would be 'how knowledgeable are you', a question with a more 'measurable' scope.
  16. Ponies make everything better.



    -today I learned there is an emote for brohoofing... finally, an emote I actually like-

    Too bad it doesn't really work with all fonts.


    Testing :





    Is this what Harlem Shake is, though?

    For awhile I thought it was just people having seizures.

  17. I don't really feel like showing off my works or proving myself, but, if help is what you want, I wouldn't mind offering.

    I'm still a beginner myself, so try not to take what I say too deeply, it's just advice from a fellow beginner. I hope this helps.



    First off, you don't need to bother with the skeletal structure if you don't want to, and it probably won't help much since most skeletal forms aren't shown in MLP as all bodily functions are actually rather liquid-like.

    (if you do want, google for 'equine skeleton' and 'mlp skeleton' accordingly)




    Still, if you want to learn to draw with some accuracy, you need to work on your natural observation and understanding abilities.

    I'll provide a method I was taught to use. Once you're really good, you don't need to work with it anymore. (I'm not even close to it, yet)



    (original image)


    First, the Equestrian pony's head is generally an egg(yes, all ponies are eggheads), just a bit more rounded. (see the black lines)

    All other additional stuff like wings, ears, eyes, etc(shown in red here) are sort of like add-ons. They're just glued to the head(very literal)

    TAKE THIS INTO ACCOUNT, when I say GLUED I mean it literally. If the head is rounded, you should also take into account that the glued parts will curve to fit it!

    Colts/stallions have the exact same base head, I believe, with different add-ons.

    The eyes are slightly different. Because of the nature of this cartoon... pony eyes are actually flat. (or almost flat)

    They're very much STICKERS. Of course, you still need to understand where to place them.

    Edit : Forgot to mention. Take note of the expressions as the addons may change. (ears flop down, mouth shape changes, etc)


    Be careful to note that if you turn the base of the head, the rest will turn with it!

    (this might take some time to grasp properly, so just keep trying)


    Note, that the height, position, distance and size of the add-ons will drastically affect the appearance of your pony.


    The MANE is very much like our hair. If you've never drawn hair before, take note, it ALWAYS comes from SOMEWHERE. Hair cannot just be plastered on, it has to have a source+direction. (look in the mirror...)


    For ponies, their manes are sourced STRAIGHT down the back of their neck, starting somewhere near the top of the egghead base.


    Their necks are basically just ovals with a the top being a circular curve that wraps around their head.


    Try and use this method to decipher the rest of their body structure. (note that the age, gender and "species" have differences)






    Here are three basic points of drawing that any artist should possess and work on if they don't have it yet.



    - The most basic form of drawing.

    - A line is a progressive dot from one point to another. (A>B>etc)

    - There are three major things I had to learn about drawing with lines.





    - First, confidence. Your lines might be a bit shaky at first. This is a lack of confidence.

    Try not to draw by repeatedly adding strokes.(like I did for the pony head up there) 

    It's still an acceptable style, though one should save it for when one actually has skill to back that style up.


    - Second, Control.

    A dot from one point to the next.

    Do not misdirect your lines by not paying attention/etc. You should always know where you want the lines to go and move it as such!


    - Reaction

    Basically just how your hand responds naturally.

    Try to avoid tails. (highlighted reference in red in the image)



    - Adding shadow using pencil/pen lines. (works with most kinds of lines)

    - Regardless of how you shade, pressure and the tool used should be taken into account and controlled to your own taste/style.

    - Shadows are what differentiate the shiny from the dull, the rough from the smooth. All textures and light are a result of light+shadow forming in different ways to show different things.

    (if you don't get it, try to draw the outline+shadow outline of a shiny object and a dull object)

    - There are three general styles of shading that I know of.


    i) Usual Shading/Colouring - Basically just filling the space with lead/ink/etc.

    ii) Hatching - Done by using closely packed crosses in ONE direction. You may overlap them to make it darker.

    iii) Crosshatching - It's basically hatching, but in different directions.  

    (careful not to make the direction angles too far apart, it will look very rough)


    - ALL THESE STYLES ARE FINE, regardless and you may use any method you like!



    - Yes, this is an IMPORTANT element.

    - Always work on improving your lines and shading. Work on that confidence.

    - Aside from always drawing, you could also consider warmup practices.


    i) Make your lines more confident! Less shaking, steadier lines. Straight lines, curves. Draw them in S or C and U curves to practice more curve confidence. Draw circles repeatedly until you can make the lines overlap perfectly over the previous circle. Draw straight lines STEADILY(don't rush it for speed, it won't serve much purpose if you can't control it) across a large A3 paper. (use cheap paper for this, don't go with artblock/etc)


    ii) Always know where to end your lines! Don't just let it end randomly where your hand thought to stop.

    The mind must always be master of the hand if you wish to push yourself.


    iii) Hatching and crosshatching is about already-steady lines.

    This is hard for most new artists and takes time.

    Try putting two lines together in any direction, then shading in between them, trying to get the tips of the hatches to land on the lines as close as you can.

    It won't be so good for awhile, but, work at it.

    Also, remember. If there's the option between stopping short of the line or going over it, choose to go over it.

    White spaces will turn out really odd.

    • Brohoof 1
  18. Nope, I took a psychology class where we analyzed dreams and other stuff. This dream symbolizes that his stress is getting the better of him and the pony in his dream stands for the desire to have some more relaxation time by reconnecting with the child inside of him.

    I'll take your word for it, then.

    What do you mean by "this" dream?


    How would you normally analyze a dream?

    What are the scenarios in which a dream is a categorized?

    Is it a perfect analyzing system? Is it always accurate?

  19. I think you're probably a really gullible person. (no offence intended)


    The dream sounds really fascinating and slightly erotic.

    (visualization of a non-human cartoon character into a humanized form usually symbolizes human physical attachment of some sort, from what I gather)



    p.s. It is quite simple to end up dreaming about whatever you want.

    If you're new to the concept, there is a point in between being awake and asleep that isn't drunk/high.

    Given enough imagination, you can fall asleep while fantasizing and wake up the next day feeling like that was a dream, with moderately vivid memories of it. (not always vivid)

  20. - Your toy products are ugly and really low on material quality for their price.

    - You should be more considerate of your fans. They make up a huge portion of your gain and success.

    - Let the Mane6 make their fangame. (skip this, they won't hear it)



    I'm just ranting. I don't think you should call them up for that.

    It's probably just going to make things difficult/tedious for their customer support team or whoever, with hardly any impact on the lead management team.


    Not to mention they could probably call it harassment if you pester them with calls all day.



    • Do you honestly believe the decision to transform Twilight into an Alicorn was driven by the thirst for increased Toy Sales?
    • It's complete rubbish in my opinion and is the result of Anti-Twilicorn enthusiasts trying to bash poor old Twilicron and Hasbro into the ground with anything they can get their hands on.
    • Has Hasbro even release Twilicorn toys yet? I've not been able to find a single Twilight Alicorn toy on the Official Hasbro MLP toy site. Wouldn't they have toys everywhere if it that's what it was all about?
    • What evidence do people have to even say this in the first place other than that "Hasbro always does this".
    I don't hate people who are Anti-Twilicorn but i can't stand it when they, and i know it's not all of them, are making up things like this. Particularly just to throw Hasbro under the bus. Thank Hasbro for being so money hungry otherwise they might not have wanted to produce FIM in the first place. 



    1 - No, it could've actually been the writer's own decision and taste or as a build-up for Season 4.

    However, considering Hasbro's history *and that they're supposed to be working on raising their sales at all times*, it's fair to consider the likeliness it was still to improve sales for any reason.



    2 - Your opinion. You're bashing them for bashing Hasbro. I can't take it too seriously because you already know it.



    3 - No idea, I don't buy their toys, the ones I have seen are all ugly. (sorry, personal taste)



    4 - There might be none, though, I believe it's closer to that Hasbro has shown themselves as any other less respectable(to the fans) company has done.

    I know very little of Hasbro's history.

    I do know they put a halt to Mane6's fangame project and that their products clearly aren't meant to be worth the material and effort put into it.


    5 - I will not thank someone for doing something they're made to do.

    Hasbro exists to make money, yes. However, I do not have to like how they choose to do it.

    I will be grateful they made MLP, I will NOT be grateful that they do not show support for their fans.



    6 - Why do I take this Mane6 MLP rights issue thing so hard?

    Ever heard of a franchise named Touhou?

    It has hundreds, if not thousands, of fan games and concepts and sales of fanmade material.

    Hasbro cannot be compared, as Touhou was a hobby game franchise with no legal copyrights to begin with.

    However, Hasbro's ideals are clearly not for their fans.

    Selfishness is a right to anyone, but, it does not demand or earn respect from it's fans, nor do I think it should if you decide against it.



    7 - I'm not anti-Twilicorn. For the entire first season, Twilight was my favourite of the Mane6.

    (now they're all equal in their own rights, after some more depth into their character)

    • Brohoof 1
  22. Oh my....so the designs are official. Well okay then I mean they aren't bad but as everyone else pointed out they certainly aren't human. In fact they aren't anthro either, or at least not in the same way characters like Sonic The Hedgehog and Mickey Mouse are.


    Really we can't judge this show yet since all we have is this piece of concept art and a vague idea of what the premise is. I mean for all we know highschool, or school in general, barely pops up in the series. Yes there is a chance it will become some crappy generic teen show that looks like something on Disney Channel but it could also be a really kickass human version of what we already know. That's really what I expect the show to be; Friendship is Magic but everyone is a human now. Hasbro is smart enough [or at least should be] not to fuck this up. I'm sure all the voice actors and writers from FiM will return. So just calm down and wait for more information until you decide to freak out, and for the love of god TRUST THE WRITERS!!!


    If your still not sure a MLP highschool story can work please read Dash academy, it's a great comic about RD's High School [Flight School?] days. http://www.dashacademycomic.com/

    Did the writers announce that they wanted to do this and enjoy it?

    I hope not. If they had to announce it, it probably was to quell some negativity that breeds off such material.


    We can't judge the story.

    We can judge the design. Disturbing.

    (the Design probably had little to do with the writer's decision, though this may not be true)


    Those things are not passable as human. At least not to me.

    Those are ponies with sub-human limbs and faces.

    Those things are pony-sailormoon-highschool-girls.

    (the sheer amount of stereotype potential is already painful...)


    It's not that most would feel to judge it based on nothing.

    We already have a premise to judge on.

    The design of anything is usually a testament to the ideal or concept.

    It has followed the ceremonial theme of being what you described as a "crappy generic Disney teen show".


    I agree it has potential. Everything has potential. However, I can't say we haven't been given enough reasons to doubt the extent of said potential.

    Trusting the writers is as efficient as hoping that Hasbro's management team will NOT try to choke out every penny they can regardless of how far they have to stoop to get it.


    Still, I have to agree. It's not like the series is ALREADY a deadweight.

    A chance be given where a chance can be taken.

    Ah the bronies. We overreact to the slightest of crap thrown at us. For we all forget the true meaning of our fandom.

    This is a show for girls

    we were never the intended audience

    please stop whining.

    I'd like to keep whining.

    This is not a show for girls. This is a show INTENDED for girls.

    The true meaning of WHOSE fandom? Yours?

    Well, for some, the true meaning of their fandom is to be as interested in the progression of their interest as possible.

    Please read the definition of the word 'whining', friend.

    Everyone here is complaining, supporting, disregarding or expressing opinion.

    (and whining, if there is any, I'm not looking for it)

    • Brohoof 1
  23. But who wouldn't get all mushy and stuff when he goes "Eeyup" it's so nice sounding. It makes me feel so mushy like eating ice cream and petting kittens and angels singing.

    I wouldn't.

    I agree it sounds really nice and I wouldn't mind listening to that for a few hours and still not get sick of it.

    However, I don't get the mushy part.


    Especially because he can have different emotional variations of "Eeyup".

    Sure, some of the way he says it might make it sound really nice, but, most of the time, no mushy for me.


    Care to explain how you DO get mushy over it?

  24. I also wish they would have gone with a different approach for the character's designs, something like this, that actually resembles the characters:



    Yeah, the way they draw the heads the same make them look oddly out of place.

    On top of that, the figures all seem identical.

    The figures clearly aren't humanoid(ignoring the ears and additional details)

    Human legs very rarely extend to that length.

    Equal proportions don't fit them very well, either.

    Time to start spreading my hatred for Hasbro as inconspicously as possible.

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