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Sunset Spark

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Everything posted by Sunset Spark

  1. I'll put it in as plain an example as I can picture it right now. You like cake. I like cake. You like cookies. I don't like cookies. You say cookies are good. I say cookies are bad. Some agree with me. Some agree with you. A plain example of what standards are. What we consider the 'norm' for everything we know.
  2. Headstrong tomboy with rainbow-coloured hair, a tough act and is completely loyal and trustworthy? Rainbow Dash is - Arrogant I personally have plenty of ego and arrogance, too. It's not a bad thing in itself. Arrogance is another type of pride and confidence in one's self. Being confident means you are more assured of yourself. IN COMPARISON TO SOMETHING ELSE. Hence, it can be described as arrogance. - a Showoff Granted, one of the most annoying traits of arrogant people. However, what's wrong with showing off what you can do? That being said, Rainbow Dash is not distinctly brash about showing off and it's just an on-site thing for her, it seems. Are there that many instances where Rainbow Dash is showing off out of turn? - a tomboy I'm androgynous and find this worth the point. - Loyal Her trait of friendship most obvious amongst the rest. Sorry, this will be rude, Bluebell. You're being a tad bit(no, quite) hypocritical. You declare hate for something you can't stand yourself. You claim arrogance as something intolerable to you. Such are worthy of the words "truly self-centered". Rainbow Dash, unlike you, has her focus set on her dreams, rather than using as a means to deny things she doesn't like. She has proven, at the Wonderbolt Academy, that she cares more for her friends than her own personal dreams, too. She is, by far, MUCH LESS self-centered than what you make out and what you are in that post I quoted above, Bluebell. I hold no grudge or dislike against you, Bluebell, but I will defend Rainbow Dash in this manner. Rainbow Dash has many other traits, but I will only list these few.* We are all hypocrites to some extent. Some more than others at times. If you guys don't like her for her flaws, then I've to say, you don't quite get the point of liking anypony at all. You don't take the good because it outweighs the bad. You take the bad because it's what makes the good. (a bit cheesy, but you get the point)
  3. (if linking is not allowed, sorry, I've read the global rules but there might be some I don't know) I quite like Rarity's song more in this case because it sings to my personality. Perhaps you should listen it over before you vote for something? =/
  4. Freedom of choice. Still, I don't think it's changed. They're all still quite equal as far as I can see. Of course, I get your point on that particular prerogative. It can be hard to watch something you don't like anymore even if you did like it before.
  5. My apologies for the late reply, it was about 4am or so when I was last here. (lack of sleep due to anxiety issues) Thanks for the welcome. Confetti and streamers scare me, but, thanks.
  6. Somehow it feels like Twilight is getting a lot of heat for improving and getting better, whether or not it was her choice, nor did she flaunt it. Twilight did not place herself on any pedestal. The whole thing practically screamed "We should always be equal, regardless of the name we hold." I don't see how the writers deserve so much pain for that... Do you normally get mad at your friends just because they finally did something you 'didn't really like'? That's somewhat harsh... Anyways, for plot reasons, I don't think they should ruin the effect of an Alicorn by making anymore. For design purposes... Dash makes an excellent Alicorn. (mainly because it seems princess manes grow longer and that's kinda hawt even tho I prefer RD's usual short mane)
  7. I like to ramble. It's fun. When it involves text. Reading~YAY. Immature has little to do with it. Asking for things to go your way applies to many ages and isn't limited to being immature. Entitled? I guess you're probably right. I can understand your point that what one considers right could be wrong to another personal. My very thought pattern could be considered. wrong to another. I'm sure many would look at this and say they have the right to express their opinion in any way even if it requires yelling or shouting. Maybe i'm wrong but i still felt the need to state what i feel needs to be stated just as another may state it was unnecessary to talk about this subject. I want to thank you because it's nice sometimes to talk about philosophical ideas. Get used to it. I pretty much live my life based on whimsical philosophical statements. Which reflects more on my interwebs life than anywhere else. You can also not get used to it. Fine with me. Edit : Oh, one last thing. They stay, to my experience, because part of them enjoys SOMETHING about being here. Whether it's just for stress needs or as a means of entertainment or simply being clingy, there's a reason for everything.
  8. Best quote I've seen on these forums, aside from the typos. To be fair, being bland isn't boring. It's also a sense of being natural to everything. "Quick to listen, slow to speak", I believe the saying goes. On topic, You all do know that in the entire series, plot progressions have only been ideally measured for 2 episodes at most at the start and end of each season? (unless S3 ends with 13. hope not) What's wrong with a massive plot jump in a nice episode with lovely songs and a beautiful ending? Unexpected plot? You already knew how it was to end and how every episode involves "A -> B -> Yay Happy End" What's changed? p.s. what Twilight did would NOT have been the first thing I tried, clearly. I would've tried the spell again to randomize everyone again to see if it might work.
  9. I have learnt that you can't expect anything from someone else just because you can expect it of yourself. Do they have to insult? Is it right? The answer to both those questions carry different weight with different people. I would say that they do, for their own part. Insulting others for it will do something for them, even if it's something so minor as just raising their confidence. (ego, arrogance, denial or whatever you wish to call it) Whether it's right is an ethical question and is rather difficult for me to answer. I look down on people so that I feel better about myself. Is it wrong to look down on others? Is it wrong to feel better about myself? Are my methods necessary? Are they not? That, too, is an opinion for anyone to decide, regardless of what influences the decision. We're going into really subjective topics here. *implied chuckle* Your opinion is that we should be civilized in our discussions and opinions. Their opinion is otherwise. This is what standards are to me. That what one considers vile and beautiful may not be so with another. That is also what opinions are based on and for. There is a right and wrong, but that's up to each person to decide for themselves.
  10. Season 2, because of one particular episode. Episode 3. Reasons? In order(except for a)... a) Rarity's drama fits. I CANT FIND IT ANYWHERE. ANYWHE-EH-EH-EHRE~~~~. Fluttershy, 180NECKTWIST. I mean... message. c) Twilight curled up, brushing her tail in controlled panic. d) Insane Twilight Expressions. (main reason) As again, favourite episode amongst many favourites.
  11. Everything in this post may or may not be offensive to certain people based on their own personal viewpoints, though NONE OF THIS IS INTENDED TO BE RUDE OR OFFENSIVE. Here are the list of problems I see here. (based on the contents of this thread) 1) Hypocrisy This is being applied by both sides. Read on to get my personal reasoning. 2) Labelling - This is on those who posted here calling others bronies. Yes, they may fit the term. However, put it a different way, you might as well be calling them 'sissies' or 'faggots' for all the difference in opinion it makes. If you were to say that 'brony' is not intended as an insult, it doesn't mean it cannot be received as one. It is considerably hypocritical to label someone with something you admire or respect and expect them to do the same, even if they fit the terms of that label in any way. 3) Denial This is their problem. You can hate on it, that's fine. However, why go so far as to stooping to their level? The existence of this thread is proof that you don't want to tolerate them just as much as they don't want to tolerate you. 4) Acceptance There is none here. You cannot accept someone who denies being a brony and insults other bronies. Those in denial of being bronies cannot accept being labelled adequately for what they enjoy. I admit I do not care about pony chat. Frankly I just love the series for certain reasons. (started and currently waiting for only about a week) 5) Typos and grammar errors. All over. Woohoo. (this isn't actually a problem related to the topic) p.s. all this is judged based on everything written in this thread, not the bronies and ponies who wrote them. Enjoy the moderately long read.
  12. I understood very little of that, but, thank you. Well, I won't really enquire who or what either of those names are, though, I will not ignore anything.
  13. Well, simply because I'm trying to postpone my assignments... When I was a kid living with my granparents and cousins, (folks split at the time) I once had a dream that I found little alien things. I don't fully remember what they look like, it's been years. I dreamt that they were ordering me to do really strange things around the house. I distinctly remember burning the prayer shrine. (don't ask what this is, it's a Buddhist thing) They had set up base in a wooden cabinet used to store matches and stuff that had a glass case. I think they were planning to eat me. I recall waking up wetting the bed. This dream made me doubt the inexistence of aliens. That and it made me fear alien life for a few years. Sorry if it wasn't what you had in mind. I'm just passing time.
  14. Sunset Spark


    I'm not really much into pony chat or discussing things I personally enjoy, be it MLP, anime, games, hobbies, etc. I just like the series. Nice to meet you.
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