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Midori Massakre

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Everything posted by Midori Massakre

  1. I just wish that they could do the artwork in this style. So badly. So, so badly. I was just looking at these last night and thinking how they are the only humanised ponies I've seen so far that don't creep me out...
  2. Magical Mystery Cure has definitely grown on me. At first I was like "Wait, what? It's over already? Just like that?" but I've watched it about ten times since then and I love it more each time. I love the songs, I am a fan of the new possibilities that Twilicorn brings. I still wish it were spread across 2 or 3 episodes but only because I enjoy it so much now!
  3. I think the point is that it's done and complaining/whatever isn't going to change it. It gets old seeing people go on and on about what they DON'T like when we could be focusing on what we DO like. I'm not saying that you've been whining or whatever, I just think that a lot of people (myself included) get tired of hearing it over and over again. You're entitled to not like it, but when it gets to the point that you feel the need to constantly go on about not liking it, it's taking it too far. Some people are pro-Twilicorn, some are anti-Twilicorn. It really shouldn't go beyond that. I don't have an opinion on it at all (other than feeling like the whole Twilicorn-transformation episode was too rushed) because so far all we know is that she has wings and is a princess. We don't know if she's going to the be same personality-wise, we don't know if she's going to remain an alicorn princess, we don't know if she's going to marry Braeburn, abduct Scootaloo and move to another planet to start creating pony-plant hybrids. We don't know anything. I hate to sound like all the people that you feel are attacking you or whatever, but just relax. It's just a show - everything will be okay. Oh, and I'm by no means telling you that you should just shut up and accept it - it's totally okay to be against something. But also understand that whatever you say, someone will disagree with you. That's just life. Either way, I hope that when season 4 comes everybody's fears/concerns will be eased and we can just continue to enjoy the show. If not, well... that's life, I suppose.
  4. This wouldn't happen. Just because they're the LEAST popular doesn't mean that they're not loved by the fans. As a matter of fact, Rarity and Applejack happen to share the honour of being my daughter's favourite characters. When I was in school, everybody's favourite Powerpuff Girl was Blossom, but they didn't write out Buttercup and Bubbles because of it. It wouldn't make any sense. All shows have more and less popular characters - that's normal and okay. Don't forget that the show's number one focus is on selling toys to young girls and while that's still happening, they're most likely not going to remove a third of the mane 6
  5. I think Jimmy is a pretty normal name, considering some of the ones I've heard... but, to answer your question, no; I do not dislike my first name. My name is Alyssa-Jayne and I think it's very feminine and floral sounding I love it. If it weren't my name, I'd probably choose something like it for my daughter's name haha!
  6. I do agree that Pinkie is a mega cutie, especially with her hair straight! I fell in love with her a little when she went temporarily insane (by Pinkie standards, of course).
  7. Coke Zero. I drink 2-3 litres a day... at least. It's so amazing. I've just finished a 2 litre bottle in the past half hour haha! Omnomnom.
  8. I'm really surprised that Rainbow is winning this, to be honest! To me, she's on the low-end of the good-looking-ponies scale. But I suppose she's probably the most-liked pony and therefore earns votes. For me, though, Rarity is the obvious answer. She has those gorgeous eyes and her mane and tail are stunning! And since I'm a straight lady, I gave a vote for Shining Armor as well... though Big Mac is a cutie
  9. I don't really hate anything, but some of the things that I dislike are: When people immediately dismiss others based on their taste in film/music/books/etc. When the aforementioned people claim to hate others for being "judgemental" Minced meat and any food that contains it People that dislike things because it's the "cool" thing to do, e.g. 90% of the people that hate Justin Bieber/One Direction People that intentionally harm others, but especially those that hurt children and animals And that's about all, right now!
  10. I have neither of those consoles -.- I was thinking of getting a Wii U to replace my Wii but I'm waiting on the new Xbox at the moment haha!
  12. that Pinkie does when she's going through the wedding plans with Princess Mi Amore Cadenza (who in the hoof is that?!) makes my boyfriend laugh to the point of tears. Every. Single. Time.
  13. Rewatching "A Canterlot Wedding" with my little filly... again!! :D

  14. Wow, I was actually expecting an older average age than that. Maybe between 18 and 25. Interesting... though I was expecting a larger number of males than females.
  15. Midori Massakre

    mega thread Metal Thread

    Some of my favourite songs/bands Opeth - Master's Apprentices Eluveitie - Slania's Song Powerglove - Mario Minor Metallica - Ride The Lighning Equilibrium - Wingthor's Hammer I have also recorded some of my own folk and black metal as a one-person project, but I won't subject you lovely people to those horrors
  16. I am loving all these videos. Seriously. I've only been here for a few days and I can already tell that this is the best place in Ponyville - no, in all of Equestria!
  17. Well, I don't exactly walk around telling strangers about the show or how much I love it, but all of my friends and family know that I watch it. Yes, I could use the excuse that I watch it for my daughter - but that would be a lie and everybody knows that myself, my daughter and my boyfriend all love it. It's nothing to be embarrassed about
  18. I'll have to take your word for it, I suppose... and thank you for the video, Muffin Princess! I do love a good pony song
  19. Thank you all so much for the warm welcome!! And I may have to take you up on that shooting, Stormz... I'm all up for a bit of good, competitive gaming
  20. I'll try to remember that, haha! Wait a minute... where's my wallet... D:
  21. Hey guys! I'm also stuck trying to get Scootaloo with a grand total of zero friends Hopefully we can do it if we all send each other hearts every day! My username is alyssajayneee
  22. It does seem to be a lovely place I've stopped by to read threads before in the past but never got around to actually joining so that I could participate! I'm glad I have now, though!
  23. Hi there, fellow bronies and pegasisters! I'm new on the forums (well, I wouldn't be posting this if I weren't) but I've been a pony lover since I was around four years old. I actually spend the vast majority of my time either watching Friendship is Magic or playing ponies with my two-year-old daughter, and I'm completely okay with that. When I'm not in Equestria, I like to relax by indulging in entertainment of either the musical or televised kind. I love just about all kinds of metal, but am particularly fond of folk and black metal. To be fair, though, I do love all genres of music. Where television is concerned, my favourites are Dexter, Game of Thrones, Fringe and The Walking Dead. I look forward to getting to know everypony and hopefully making some new friends!
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