I'm going to use this opportunity to take aim at that most vaunted of Tyson quotes:
"The good thing about science is that it's true, whether or not you believe in it."
This quote is really dumb and now I shall explain why.
The word "science" has three definitions.
1. The scientific method. Science as a verb. Observe, Question, Hypothesize, Experiment, Results, Repeat.
2. Science as a body of knowledge gleaned from using the scientific method.
3. Science as a profession or business. The task of performing research and experiments in accordance with the scientific method and getting paid for it.
Now, obviously, saying "science is true" in regards to definitions 1 and 3 is absurd. Verbs cannot be true or false (unless you also think the statements "cooking is true" or "playing the saxophone is true" make a lick of sense). And saying "science is true" regarding the scientific profession can't make sense unless you say it to mean "It is true that many people are professional scientists".
So that leaves us with definition 2. And science as a body of knowledge is actually a mixture of truth and falsehood. Much of the information we've gleaned from the scientific method has turned out to be wrong (geocentrism, miasma theory, steady state theory, fossil fuel theory) and much of what we think we "know" now will be shoveled into the grave in years to come. Don't be surprised when it happens.
If Tyson had simply said, "you can learn alot using the scientific method", I obviously would have agreed. Instead, he chose "science is true, whether or not you believe in it", which sounds fine and dandy upon casual inspection, but turns out to be dumber than hell when you look a little closer.