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Everything posted by NomDeSpite

  1. What happened to her library really sucks but look on the bright side: 1. she has a new place that can store books and 2. it's not as bad as when the Library Of Alexandria was destroyed.
  2. Did not see the episodes until 4:00 PM today. But my goodness, it was worth it! Easily two of the best episodes of the entire show, for all four seasons. Maybe even the best of all, by any objective measure. I don't do the whole "play by play analysis" thing (The best analysis you can ever give is to absorb it for yourself) but I will say what I loved about the episodes: -It feels like a finale should. Lots of grand, majestic displays of power and emotion, many conclusions reached and many stories ending, with hints of new beginnings. -Twilight's lacking role as a princess is addressed in the best way possible. -"You'll Play Your Part" has LUNA SINGING, and some touching lyrics. -the line from Fluttershy in "Let The Rainbow Remind You": "We have a light that shines within us that we were always meant to share", is a thing of pure beauty. -The idea that gifts/trinkets from previous episodes played a role in how the ultimate magic was to be unlocked. -Fluttershy bursting into tears after Discord betrays the Mane Six, and then Discord being betrayed inturn by Tirek. One of the most powerful moments in the show. -Twilight's Dragon Ball Z-esque battle with Tirek. I forget for a second that this is My Little-friggin'-Pony. -Twilight's role as princess revealed finally, along with a new castle. I liked everything about it, really. There's nothing to improve on. Even Tirek's one dimensional "all you can eat buffet" personality I didn't mind; it fit for some reason. Meghan McCarthy, I highly doubt you'll ever read this...but thank you. You wrote two amazing ones. And thank you to the entire cast of the show also. I am so grateful.
  3. Because Discord is still new to this whole "friendship" thing and he has some growing to do (hence, no throne). Back when he was a villain, he didn't have any friends. So it's understandable (wrong, but understandable) that he would think, for a moment, out of ignorance, that there is something greater than the love of friendship.
  4. I considered John Entwistle but I passed on him because my ignorance of The Who's discography is too high. I wanted to choose something besides "My Generation" or "5:15" and I had no idea what. Dibs on posting "Yours Is No Disgrace".
  5. Aaaaand it's finale time.

    1. Static Electricity

      Static Electricity

      Let's just hope they don't replace the EoH with another Deus Ex Machina :)

    2. NomDeSpite



  6. In the town I live in currently, there is very little crime, we are BLASTED with sunshine (though that's the Southwestern United States in general), there are very nice mountains to the East, there is a charming downtown done in Old West style, it's got a prosperous middle class...a bit sleepy and unexciting, but not too much to complain about other than that.
  7. Not really. I did recommend people print this list out in my first post. Also, posting it on the internet guarantees that people who use the internet too much and want to cut down can see it. I'm bumping this thread because I found an article I found that I really like. Joshua Fields Millburn, writing for the website TheMinimalists.com, removed all internet service from his apartment and now claims that "Killing The Internet At Home Is The Most Productive Thing I've Ever Done". He still uses it, just in public places like the library, or where there's Wi-Fi. Here are some of the benefits he lists: My time at home is more peaceful now, as if my home is a sanctuary. I do more meaningful things with my time. I have more time to read. I have more time to write. I have more time to think. I have more time for friends. I have more time to exercise. I have more time to walk. I am less distracted. I am less stressed. My thoughts are clearer and less fragmented. I no longer crave the internet like I once did. My mind is more focused on meaningful things. I don’t have an internet bill, and that saves me money He says, quite bluntly, "you don't need the internet at your house" and unless your job requires it, that's probably true.
  8. From the bassists already listed, I have to go with Les Claypool and Cliff Burton. I will add: Chris Squire from Yes ("Heart Of The Sunrise" or "Roundabout") and Geezer Butler from Black Sabbath ("Into The Void"). You could also make a case for Michael Rutherford (Genesis) and John Myung (Dream Theater).
  9. I don't want this to become canon at all. Also, why single motherhood? Who's the father and why did he leave?
  10. I love swimming and am a great swimmer. Backyard swimming pools are a bit small for my liking. But put me in an exercise pool, a competitive pool, an ocean, etc. and I'm a happy clam. I came in 2nd place out of a class of 30 or so, back in high school swimming, for quickest laps. I was going to try out for my university's male swim and dive team, until I discovered that it was discontinued after the Spring 1999 semester. Oh well. That's why recreational teams exist.
  11. Apparently, yeah they do. http://www.redbubble.com/people/triforce15/works/9600303-princess-luna-the-fun-has-been-doubled?country_code=US&p=t-shirt&utm_campaign=shopping&utm_medium=google_products&utm_source=google&gclid=CM3rkdmDm74CFUOFOgodfHwASg Ask and you shall receive.
  12. http://www.redbubble.com/people/carnivean/works/7277240-princess-luna-cutie-mark?p=t-shirt Check it out. Luna's cutie mark works perfectly as a more subtle brony insignia. I also have this image as my desktop background.
  13. Life goes on and so do I. I have other things to do. Including things that don't involve being on the internet. *GASP!*
  14. I'm going to use this opportunity to take aim at that most vaunted of Tyson quotes: "The good thing about science is that it's true, whether or not you believe in it." This quote is really dumb and now I shall explain why. The word "science" has three definitions. 1. The scientific method. Science as a verb. Observe, Question, Hypothesize, Experiment, Results, Repeat. 2. Science as a body of knowledge gleaned from using the scientific method. 3. Science as a profession or business. The task of performing research and experiments in accordance with the scientific method and getting paid for it. Now, obviously, saying "science is true" in regards to definitions 1 and 3 is absurd. Verbs cannot be true or false (unless you also think the statements "cooking is true" or "playing the saxophone is true" make a lick of sense). And saying "science is true" regarding the scientific profession can't make sense unless you say it to mean "It is true that many people are professional scientists". So that leaves us with definition 2. And science as a body of knowledge is actually a mixture of truth and falsehood. Much of the information we've gleaned from the scientific method has turned out to be wrong (geocentrism, miasma theory, steady state theory, fossil fuel theory) and much of what we think we "know" now will be shoveled into the grave in years to come. Don't be surprised when it happens. If Tyson had simply said, "you can learn alot using the scientific method", I obviously would have agreed. Instead, he chose "science is true, whether or not you believe in it", which sounds fine and dandy upon casual inspection, but turns out to be dumber than hell when you look a little closer.
  15. Why does Cosmos call Bruno a "hero of science" when he wasn't actually a scientist? Why does Cosmos call Bruno's death a martyrdom for science when he wasn't murdered for his dissent from Geocentrism? You give no answer to either of these things.
  16. Both the original Cosmos and this Tyson-led rebooting are of dubious, throwaway quality. Pop-science is a religion for people who consider themselves too smart, cool and "enlightened" for religion. Sagan, Dawkins, Tyson and Nye are more or less the exact same person, all prone to the same errors of fact and errors of reasoning. Here's a specific example:
  17. Cinco De Mayonnaise

    1. M'aiq the Liar

      M'aiq the Liar

      das racis, im calling the feelings police.

    2. Static Electricity
  18. On Blue Oyster Cult's first album, there is a song called "Then Came The Last Days Of May". The song itself, while decent, is nothing to fawn over. But the title has always stuck with me. It's dramatic and ominous. Like a snippet from an amazing story. That's my favorite song title. My birthday, coincidentally, is also one of the last days of May. But I digress. What's your favorite?
  19. I am male and heterosexual. I'm just fine with being a man but I have had moments where I've thought it would be cool to be a girl. Most people in general, I think have feelings like that. It doesn't mean that you should get transgenderized, though. I think my reasoning is because, as a heterosexual guy, there are alot of women I find really attractive. And that gives these women power over me. In some ways. So if I was female I could make myself attractive looking and be powerful. But then I realized I can do that as a man also. *struts around in a business suit with a briefcase*
  20. The best analysis you can ever provide for a work of art, is to experience (watch, listen to, read) that work of art, independent of any analysis.

    1. Static Electricity

      Static Electricity

      Interesting. Never thought of it that way.

    2. Virgil


      That is very true, and definitely something I have to work on personally.

    3. NomDeSpite


      I'm glad I was able to give you room for improvement, Virgil.

  21. There's a home movie projector in "Hurricane Fluttershy", which is used to train the Pegasus ponies to create storms. And there's a movie theater. So it seems technologcally, Ponyville is in the 1910s or 1920s.
  22. The fact that Friendship Is Magic is technically a children's show makes the writing quality more important, not less important! Children need the best influences they possibly can have, and if you raise them improperly, it makes the mistakes that much more difficult to correct once they have grown up, assuming they even can be corrected at all. The "it's just for kids" attitude that Sir Wulfington describes is...deeply insensitive, at best.
  23. I don't really remember if I corrected her. That incident happened in 2005, almost 9 years ago. Memories from that time are often faded.
  24. It looks like a mosquito combined with a velociraptor.
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