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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Apollo

  1. "Im sure it does."*King laughed.* "How did you end up in Russia anyway? Its not really simple to get from Utah to Russia. It costs quite a bit of money." *King asked as she sat down on a nearby bench.*
  2. Minecraft 1.3 is a lot of fun! Although finding emeralds is very annoying.

  3. "Well, personally, I think this shark person, is really cool."*King said with a smile.* "There are a lot of people out there who get shunned for their abilities or appearance, when they had no choice about what they are. Thats why the shunned have to stick together, so we have someone to call family." *King looked up at the starry sky.* "Thats what I learned from her. And I stick by that motto." *King looked back at Jet.* "Whenever I meet someone who has been shunned for something they had no choice, or control over, I make sure to befriend them. Thats the way of Track."
  4. "Nowhere really. When I discovered my abilities as a polymorph, I was shunned by my family and friends."*King said sadly.* "I was alone with uncontrolled powers, and eventually, they killed me. Life in the otherworld was no better, but the place helped me learn to control my abilities. The story of how I came back is long and tiresome. Not a story for right now, but in about a month, it will have been six years since my resurrection."
  5. "That is pretty cool." *King said as she leaned her arm on Jet's shoulder.* "Looks like there are a lot of unique people attending this thing. Especially that Hypno guy. Something tells me he didnt give his fight with me his A-game."
  6. *King smiled.*"Second werewolf I have met and just as attractive as the last one. I guess its a running trait." "Alexia King is my name, kicking ass is my game."*King said with a smile.* "But just call me King, okay? Its nice to meet you."
  7. "A you? Thats a nice label."*King said jokingly.* "If you must know, Im a polymorph, but Im also, well, even I have difficulty describing it. Lets just say this isn't the first time I have lived in the world of the living."
  8. *King walked onto the ship's deck and saw her teammates practicing thier shooting.* "Hey boys! How goes it?" *She said as she walked over to the two.* "Interesting day, wasnt it?" *She grinned at the two.*
  9. "Story for another day."*King said calmly.* "Come on, lets go find the cafeteria and get something to eat. Im famished." *The two of them continued thier walk to the cafeteria and eventually found it.* "Finally!" *King began to help herself to loads of food, seemingly more than her slim figure would ever be able to consume.*
  10. "Healing isn't always a pleasant experience."*King chuckled.* "The power is stored in the music's sound waves. Trapping the sound waves in these little earbuds make for good instant use of the music's abilities." *King explained.* "You get some interesting powers when you come back from the dead."
  11. "Oh that was nothing. You're lucky I didn't turn it into the spiked mace."*King laughed.* "Anyway," *King took an earbud out of her pocket.* "Here, stored song of healing. It'll fix you right up." *King handed the earbud to Hypno.*
  12. *At the mention of eating, King's stomach loudly growled.* "Ah, hehehe... Thats a good idea, lets find some food." *King grabbed her guitar and laid the strap over her shoulder.* "You need any healing?" *She asked Hypno.*
  13. *King winced as she stood up, blood spurting from the deep gash on her shoulder where Hypno had cut her.* "Damn that stings." *She said calmly. The blood was staining her white tank top. King walked over and picked up her jacket. She opened the jacket's breast pocket and took out a golden coin. She put the coin to her lips and a gold aura surrounded her as the wound began to close. Once the wound was healed, King cracked her neck and put the jacket back on, placing the coin back into place. King walked over to Hypno and held out her hand.* "Nice fight. Lets do it again sometime."
  14. *King raised a fist in victory, then fell flat on her back laughing.* "That was so much fun!" *She said. All of the flames receded, the amps disappeared and King's guitar returned to it's normal shape.* "Its been ages since I have fought like that."
  15. *King blocked the sword with the handle of the battle axe.*"Come on, is that really it?" *King pushed him back and swung the battle axe to slam into Hypno's side and send him flying into a wayward flame.*
  16. *The hit from the punch caused King to bite her lip and it began to bleed.*"Not bad. I guess this fight is about to get more interesting." *King wiped the blood from her lip and cracked her neck. She walked back over to the flame copy and grabbed her guitar from it. The chakrams merged themselves into the guitar and blades sprouted from the base making it like a battle axe.* "Come on! Show me what you've got."
  17. *King clanged her chakrams together, stopping the stab, then hoisted herself to flip over the blade and double drop kick Hypno onto the ground while she stood on his back.*"Come on, cant you do better than that?" *King taunted.*
  18. *The part the sword hit quickly turned to steel, preventing any wounding.*"Whats wrong? Too scared to fight me like a man?" *King raised her hands up to her sides, flames swirled around in her palms and two bladed chakrams formed from the fire.* "Through the Fire and the Flames we Carry On." *She said and dashed at Hypno swinging the chakrams wildly at him.*
  19. "And I burned, burned, burned, as the flames took me higher."*King said with a grin. She caught the blade in one hand, the skin showing through the glove had turned silver, like steel.* "Polymorphism is a wonderful thing, isnt it." *She yanked the sword from Hypno's hands and dropped her guitar. King swept her hand through the air and a flame burst from one of the amps and caught the guitar and the flames shaped themselves into a likeness of King and continued to play the music. King dropped Hypno's sword and pulled him up onto his feet.* "Lets fight hand to hand, shall we?"
  20. *King took the hit, the adrenaline from the music allowing her to ignore the pain from the wound.*"Nice slash boyo, but not nice enough." *King raised up her leg and drop kicked Hypno to the ground, then she raised her guitar into the air by the neck.* "FORE!" *King swung the guitar down and into Hypno's face like a golf club. The impact, strong enough to break his nose for a while.*
  21. "Last minute swap eh?"*King said eagerly.* "Perhaps this form wont be the best to fight you with." *King's blade arm shifted back to normal and her body changed back to its regular composition. King picked her guitar back up and a pick appeared in her hand. She played one strong note that resounded through the air, and a large set of amps slammed into existence behind her.* "WHO IS READY FOR SOME MUSIC!?" *King shouted and began to play. The amps blasted the music into the air and pyrotechnics from seemingly nowhere went off.* "SONG OF FIRE!" *King's playing beat the air like the hammer of fate upon the anvil of the gods. Heavy Metal. Flames spewed from the amps surrounding King and Hypno in a ring of fire.*
  22. I WANNA FIGHT! Bring it on Hypno! Do whatever it takes, King is ready and she wont leave until she gets a fight!
  23. *King glanced over at the readied Edward. She stood up, spun the guitar around in her hand and slammed it down onto the ship's deck. The wood splintered, but the guitar took no damage at all. King took off her bulky jacket and dropped it on the ground so she was just wearing her jeans and tank top, plus her boots and fingerless gloves.* "Well, ready for a little fun?" *King smiled. She raised her right arm into the air. Large red veins bulged out of her arm and her arm began to change shape into a large blade while the color of the rest of her body turned to solid steel. King slashed her arm blade through the air and then took a fighting stance.* "Time to fight."
  24. Alright. King vs Hypno. This is gonna be fun. >:'Dhope Hypno doesnt cry when King beats his ass. Edward? D':<
  25. I kinda want to fight next and show off King's bawz powers. Its been a long time since I have done a combat Rp and Im itching for a fight.
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