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Captain Gobblez

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Everything posted by Captain Gobblez

  1. I couldn't pass this topic before leaving a message behind I've always thought voice acting was incredibly amazing, and I've done some rolls that require a specific kind of voice. Depends though on what you're looking for obviously. And if you need certain accents or just proper English. There's another thing, I really don't have a lot of time, not even to come on the forum a lot so that's sad . My exams are coming up but feel free to send me a message or something.
  2. YEAH gonna go to birthdayparty of a friend of mine and that one girl is gonna be there too! best chance evah! :DDDD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Captain Gobblez
    3. Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Remember to be yourself! I wish you the best of luck!

    4. Boop Beepington

      Boop Beepington

      MODZ ARE GUNA WARN YA' CAUSE YOU MAKING BAAAAD REFERENCE! (just kidding, just mocking this certain mod with to much power)

  3. I apologize again for not being active on the forum, I just have so many things to do. Gotta make a huge tourism project :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Sir Cal Stonehoof

      I know you're going to rock that project.

    3. Friendship_Cannon
    4. Captain Gobblez

      Captain Gobblez

      hahaha thanks! Makes me feel much better already, let's DO THIS! :P

  4. I'm sorry for my recent inactivity guys, I want to be on the forum a lot but I just can't. Still trying to get that one girl in class to like me and doing some other stuff to. :|

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ruddboy Olaf

      Ruddboy Olaf

      @Captain Gobblez

      Welcome back and good luck!!


      @Cal Stonehoof

      I really don't have a life other then these forums and the internet.


    3. Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Sir Cal Stonehoof

      @ CRP


      Same here, but things like work, school, and sleep get in the way. x3

    4. Captain Gobblez

      Captain Gobblez

      @Cal Stonehoof

      Hahaha don't worry, I'm not changing who I am for anypony :D Couldn't be happier the way I am right now. Thanks for the advice though ;)

  5. I'm of the opinion as a guy that beard can be very beautiful IF they don't look like some caveman beard if you know what I mean. If you take care of it trim it and keep it clean in general it's very nice. I've been experimenting with beard types of late and found some nice looks.
  6. I was bored and I started doing my cardtrick thingies again, I started a while ago but found something else to do. It's pretty fun doing it again

  7. Gonna go for my drivers license soon, gunna be AWESOME!

  8. BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURN that must have hurt dayumm boy. I was just wide open mouthed when I first saw this scene. I knew somewhere in my mind that Twilight was ofcourse right about everything but the tone in Shinings words was sooooooo filled with hate. I think this scene is a bit like the scene in "the crystal empire" where twilight goes through Sombra's magic black magic door thingy.
  9. LOLOLOLOLOL I'm a 100% convinced atheist and I laughed my ass literally off. HOLYCOW this is just all a big pile of bullshit... Made for satanists... well in that case please, go on calling me a satanist seriously! I think the guy that made it was form some extremist organisation or sommin'? Actually I don't care what his opinion is... just because it isn't an opinion at all, as a wise man once said: "my right hand has four long fingers... and a stumpy one, your arguments are INVALID!" I just kept watching it for the sheer hilariousityness...ish YEAH!
  10. I just watched something amazing, here's the link you'll be really blow away! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=u7dPlCzUG44

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Captain Gobblez

      Captain Gobblez

      Oh quite, riddlemeriddleme XD

    3. Friendship_Cannon


      on my list, gotta sleep now, though, see ya around ;D

    4. Captain Gobblez

      Captain Gobblez

      don't forget to take breadcrumbs!

  11. this would be a very good episode and I really hope that it'll make it to SillyFillyStudios...or even better into the show And I wish you guys all the luck out of my infinicube... that's a ton load, believe me!
  12. My favorite pony would be Rainbow Dash, closely followed by Rarity. Third Place would go to AJ because she is just plain awesome... not as much as Dash ofc
  13. ABSATUTELY NOT! It's awesome! There are a lot of things that are considered for a different audience that I just LOVE to watch or do. You deserve a ginormous star for it
  14. I'm totally not against homosexuality! But to make an episode about it in the show... I don't think that'll be such a good idea. Although the show is more and more geared towards the fandom it doesn't fit in. And IF, how would you even do that? Please don't start about all those fanfics that are about Rainbow Dash and AJ, seriously...
  15. Damnit still haven't figured out how to find a way to tell that girl in class I like her... I BLAME THE CHICKENS!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Captain Gobblez

      Captain Gobblez

      Hmm...don't know... It's a rather awkward situation. She is good friends with a friend of mine in class, they're kinda close and that makes it hard for me to see if they are together, which I think they aren't.

    3. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      Well, in that case, just keep an ear out for a bit.

    4. Captain Gobblez

      Captain Gobblez

      yeah, I've never been to lucky in love... sadface BUT STILL I will not fail! For the fate of the universe lies in my hands! *facedesk*

  16. I'm not a person to cry with a fanfic or even a good story... but the one fanfic that DID make me cry was My little Dashy. I cried so hard afterwards that I just had to read it again. It's so beautifully written and really pulls you into the story. If you haven't read it yet it's a real must for people that like this kind of stories.
  17. Music has a rather special place in my life. I play music, listen to music... but mostly (for a reason I don't know) I link memories to songs. Like particular events in my life that remind me of a certain period or time. Sometimes they remind me of people too. "Demons" by Imagine Dragons is one of those songs.
  18. I was all like "OH NO YOU DI'ANT!" when I read "Applejack oh I meant other" hahaha! But still, having fun, telling jokes and daydreaming are like the main things I do with my time. Livin' da good life while still doing an effort for school
  19. Since the series has become more made for the fandom I think season 4 would be more adult too. So I think it could be perfectly possible that Rarity will get a boyfriend. Would be awesome just because that means it's turning more and more adult don't you think?
  20. I personally LOVE the books, I've read them multiple times and I would even say they are my favorite... BUT...The Inheritance cycle is still better. Written by Christopher Paolini it's my favorite fantasy series
  21. Any ideas on how to get a girl to like you? I'm in love with a girl in my class but don't know how to tell her..subtle :P

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Captain Gobblez

      Captain Gobblez

      But the real problem is that I'm incredibly bad at seeing if someone likes me or not. I once thought a girl liked me but that proved to be a HUGE misjudgment hahaha

    3. Skeletor Brony

      Skeletor Brony

      Friend-zoned? Been there. Is she in a relationship with somepony?

    4. Captain Gobblez

      Captain Gobblez

      No she isn't, that's something...

  22. I've been looking for these spies like a lunatic myself really They just have to be there for a reason right? Perhaps Crysalis has new agents and that they are changelings... AMAGAWD!!!!!!!!!
  23. I totally LOVE LOVE LOVE Fable III. I've played it through several times, on computer though not on X-box. The story is interesting and the graphics are nice. I agree that there are far more better games out there the Fable but it's still a good game.
  24. Hey all, I've been looking through the series for a couple of times again and haven't you guys noticed some strange ponies in the background? Some that look suspicious but at the same time look perfectly normal? That makes sense right? For example, in the episode "games ponies play", when the mane six are in the train to the crystal empire there's a rather shady looking pony watching them. Just casual normal ponies? I DON'T THINK SO! Spies from a new great evil that is going to destroy Equestria if nopony stops them? Who knows... If you have noticed some of these strange ponies just post it here and we'll see what we can do to keep Equestria safe!
  25. New profile pic, drippin' in swag :P

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