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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by deadprofile

  1. Tomatoes, peppers, squash, and pumpkins are all fruits...... I love asparagus and Brussel sprouts. I will saute them in butter and add a pinch of garlic powder and Parmesan cheese. Delicious!!!
  2. I am not a fan of Twilight in the episode. Her blanketing statements about other races is well, racist. And the head of the EEA is even worse. However, I think this presents the thought that ponies, in general, are racist due to ignorance. Not a bad thing, but Twilight of all ponies should know better. On the other hand, Twilight herself is still learning, she is far from perfect and there is a lot to do to get over preconceived notions of other races, despite having more contact with them than any pony. She has even made a few enemies due to the lack of respect. I cannot imagine the hippogriff nation just up and forgiving her, especially with how she went behind Queen Novo's back in the movie. That can present some international conflict, and at the very least, Novo would not trust Twilight in the future even if she does trust Celestia. The movie in conjunction with the season opener really makes me think about the international ramifications. On a lighter note, Yona is the cutest thing EVER! I want a plushie of her so bad! Seriously, that character just made me smile every single moment she was on screen. Her design is adorable. The yaks in general are appealing, even though the adults are disheveled in appearance. And what's with the Changelings' names. Ocellus is a term for bug eyeballs. I wish there was sentient deer canon to the series. The Changelings I guess come close, but they aren't deer. I wish that part of the comics became canon. I love deer.
  3. I am back!!!! Been a long time, but I am finally back on the site!

    1. GeneralDirection
    2. deadprofile


      it's been months since I've last posted anything. I used to be very active on the forums, but fell away due to work and lack of internet access. But hopefully I can get back into the groove, especially with Season 8 out

    3. MickeyAdaptus


      Welcome back :)!

  4. thinking about piercing my ears. Had it done when i was 9 but had an immediate infection so i'm still mulling it over...

    1. Miles


      Just don't do it how they did it in 'Parent Trap' haha.

  5. My husband has a wonderful, Amish-like beard. It's fluffy
  6. I don't know what you are talking about. Applejack has appeared in MORE episodes than any other character, even Twilight Sparkle! http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/Character_appearances She is a static character. Her majority of growth has already happened before the series started. She still has flaws, but unlike Rainbow Dash and Rarity, she has no further ambitions for her life, and thus those flaws are more focused on then ultimate goals (because she's right where she wants to be). As far as SSCS6000, she WAS right all along. How can you learn something when you were right to begin with. It's not fair to use that episode as a means to define her character as far as "growth" or lack thereof is concerned. That episode was not for her to learn something so much as it was for her family, her friends and the audience to take home the lesson. In fact that episode shows how much of a catalyst she is to helping others learn lessons. Silver Quill talks a great deal on this. Applejack is the most mature of the Mane 6, has all her ducks in a row, is practical and pragmatic, makes due with what she has, cherishes what she has, works hard to keep what she has without complaint while helping others with their own needs/desires at the same time, and overall a down to earth pony. All these traits are not often seen in kids shows, nor is the amalgamation of these traits often seen in real life. As someone being from the USA, I can say that I have never run into someone like AJ unless they are elderly. Most people in the USA are too greedy and selfish to embody an Applejack like nature, and thus cannot relate to her. However, many people know people that are similar to AJ in certain ways. To a degree, Applejack is the OPPOSITE of what most Americans are like, which explains why she is so beloved in Japan, even though she is stereotypically "Southern." But that's for a different topic. Overall, she is a very good role model, and very mature and practical one at that.
  7. Making ponies with Solidworks...Happy Joy! XD

  8. Sawsbuck all the way! XD

  9. No, but getting there. I cut them so short I cannot see the whites that normally hang off.
  10. Been forever since I made one!!! Goodness life is nuts....anyways. On Applejack Day, here's to best horse, on an Avery of course!!! I am currently in a machining program at my local community college, and have access to many kinds of equipment. One such thing is called a shopbot, where i can make signs using Solidworks and Aspire....I'm thinking one of my signs will be AJ on this engine....If I make it, I will post that too! Here's some progress.....
  11. I keep my nails as short as possible, because it gets really annoying to have long nails....
  12. dying some of my hair orange on monday. Going to be an interesting change

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. aoEAF2FBvC0MIo2Q


      Why not blue and green? >.>

    3. deadprofile


      blue will fade to green and green will make my fair skin look a bit more sickly...plus it doesn't stay in hair very well for those with dark hair.

    4. Miles


      Hehehe... When I was like 12, my mom made me spray this stuff called "Sun In" in my hair to lighten it up (because as a toddler I was blonde, but it was darkening to brown, and she liked it blonde)... Well, made the mistake of swimming after using that spray, and the chlorine turned my hair green XD it was funny.

  13. i don't get candy on nightmare night. I get the discounted candy the next day!
  14. milk chocolate candy is the only thing i am not picky about. i will drink chocolate milk but NOT any synthetic kind. I don't like chocolate much of anything else because it's always too sweet, too rich, or fake tasting.
  15. Wil lbe going through the winter without running water, plumbing, or heating....joy

    1. Miles


      Oh gosh, sorry to hear! I reckon you have a truck and a big water tank in the bed? I got a friend who lives outta town who has to do that (drive into the city to get water in his tank) because his well freezes up.

  16. They were shot out of the show Team Rocket style....Due to their very nature as creatures, they should be reformed and doubt they will return (except for fan shoutouts like ep.100)
  17. Pokemon....really only Pokemon..... and would be Minecraft (if my computer didn't lag like a sloth) (I do play other games, but the only the pokemon games do I get extremely excited about and play them nonstop for hours to days on end.)
  18. I do not think it would be a downgrade in quality. The Legend of Zelda games for N64 have been reworked to be beautiful and up to date, perfect for a whole new generation as well as nostalgic fans. I think there is a great market for revamping series that are not near as well known as Zelda, and I would definitely partake (as long as Bubsy isn't touched; I loathed that game). I believe that developers are already jumping on the bandwagon, and with XBOX Live and PS Network and the 3DS, there are plenty of revamps and remakes already available, with more coming out all the time. As long as their is a market.... Personally I am primarily a Pokemon player. I only recently have opened my horizons into other games (I am not an elitist, I was only given Pokemon and did not have time to explore other games outside of awful and difficult PS and N64 games). The reason why I started to expand out is one day I was locked out of truck near a Game Stop for 3 hours (had to wait for my husband to get done with work), and played the demos in the store. I was enchanted with Windwaker HD, and owning a Game Cube, I went out to buy the Game Cube and realized through this experience what I have unintentionally been missing!
  19. The Cakes have been such a sweet and adorable couple since their first appearance in the show. Being a married woman myself, I actually hope that with time, my husband and I can communicate and understand each other the way the Cakes do. They obviously have been together a very long time. The fact their relationship is strong and resilient with stresses of their business AND the twins (as infants no less) makes them the ideal couple to work to be in my own relationship. Forgot to mention Pinkie Pie too! Being able to deal with her just makes them a god tier couple!
  20. I do not remember anything from the comics about how Cadence became an alicorn (I own all of them to date). The story is in one of G.M. Berrow's books, Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell. That story basically takes place where Season 3 left off. The story Cadence gives about her past and becoming an alicorn is so forced (it's clique, and honestly compared to what Twilght has done well before becoming an alicorn is far more impressive and deserving of alicorn-hood in episode 2 of S1 than what Cadence did). And those books I consider less canon than the comics are (and the stories really mess with characters that can get fairly demeaning and insulting to someone who knows these characters from the show). This is something to be expected though, because they are made for elementary school readers, and because mostly girls under age 8 will be reading them (I read these books faster than I go through manga), the stories are more G3 in nature than G4 or the comics could ever be. It's not a bad thing, and the stories for what they are, are entertaining and enjoyable considering the intended audience (hence why I own all these to date as well). With all that said, I do not consider this story a part of Cadence's characterization. I agree with the OP, and adding the fact of the reveal in the latest episode, I fear we won't see much of her being better characterized in the future.
  21. I would if I knew what my future was going to be, then I would done things very differently and would have come out better for it. I am talking more about my relationships than school itself. I was a 4.0 student, and I wouldn't have changed that But I wouldn't have stayed in my 4 year relationship if I knew I would be with the wonderful man I am with today. Not to say I didn't learn from it, but I think it would have saved me a lot of grief back then.
  22. My avatar says, "yeah sure, I could use the Pony Creator avatar that I used to develop my OC, but I am not going to just sit there and think that's okay. I am a doer, and I want to my OC to be my own." Thus I drew it myself, and I am not a drawing artist by any means.
  23. My Ring tone (makes me super happy and jealous of Canadians) La Soiree du hockey My text tone (makes people laugh all the time) A thing Applejack says
  24. Im currently in school for precision manufacturing (machining), but I was a welder before going back to school. I guess I would say, metaworking is what i do (because I also blacksmith and know foundrywork as well).
  25. What I say tends to be dumber than what I think. Personally, it's easier to "talk" online because it is quicker and easier to type what my mind is thinking because my fingers can keep up with my thoughts a lot better than my mouth ever could (I type 150+ words per minute, i have the nickname of Lightning Fingers amongst classmates). I am socially awkward, and I do not relate to peers very much at all, so I tend to dumb down my words and overall seem a bit more ditzy IRL unless I feel comfortable around someone (like my husband). He often comments that if I talked like I do around him but in public, I would taken a lot more seriously and respectfully.
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