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plasma tail

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Everything posted by plasma tail

  1. summers here!!!!!

  2. Have you ever see a girl or boy in school or high school with a Mlp Fim wallpaper but hates bronys or doesn't know what they are, and yet she/he knows about the show? make comments and share you stories about things similar to this.
  3. im interested in Equestria Girls for some reason.\

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Doc Ginger

      Doc Ginger

      Hey ill be watching it. It would be hypocritical to judge it before giving it a chance seeing as how, ya know, we belittle those who judge us. Just saying.

    3. plasma tail

      plasma tail

      yea i might watch it as well

    4. Crispy


      I'm gonna watch it.

  4. im starting a you tube channel.

  5. yea at least there is atleast one pegasister/brony in my school. but its kinda boaring and unofficial because shes in like 5th or 6th grade. and im in 8th i could care less if people know im a brony. hell, i wear my bracelet everywere, in public and school. i just cant tell them about the show.
  6. "On occasion i would find my seldf saying thing like- "oh my Celestia" or chocolate rain and cotton candy clouds!" and of course i say Eeup alot.
  7. well im trying to say that its hard to spread the brony word in Iowa, people here are very ignorant, AND STUPID. But i can also be shy.
  8. i finnaly got pony merch!

    1. Tia Is Best Pony

      Tia Is Best Pony

      NICE! what did you get?


  9. Hey fellow bronies, ive been scared to spread the brony word. why you ask? well ive told some at school but i live in Iowa, and in Iowa im not sure if people like bronies FROM THERE. also at my school, people are very cruel or ignorent. i wish i could make new friends there or brony friends.
  10. He-lo every pony, can any one think of ways to save Derpy besides mail. although its a good strategy. but i just want to hear you thoughts.
  11. yeaaaaaaaaaaaa i agree lets try new word. i mean c-mon were in the 21st centry now. thinks of words like mojo,or derpaphpomiola.
  12. i dont hate the word at all i just like to try to use different things. but swag asant that bad real i like it at sertain points.
  13. i agree because who needs swag. and for reals ima stop using that word. i thinks so and so do others. i mean its kinda getting old at this point.
  14. ok well let me explain. i was wondering why some people think bronys have no swag or aren't cool. i mean i could just lock this one and make a better one.
  15. eeeup seems legit that bronys swagger isant isant all that phony now is it. well all have our own swag and ways of being cool.
  16. I think were awesome and have alot of swager,swag however you like to say it.I could say alot of bronys have cool style. Not that non bronys arent cool.
  17. I might need help with my fanfic progress. does any one know alot about halo? i need extra writers if possible i mean i will have to tell you what to write but it should work.
  18. I feel so lazy because I don't work on my fanfics enough and im not that bad at it! i would ask for extra help but... the story gets complex in the second chapter.
  19. hey could you draw electricity and or plasma coming from his hooves? if not its ok. also is this image good? yea i wish i could do pixel art. <_< but hay i can make an oc. could you draw him with a plasma sword? :wub:i hope thats ok with you. and yes, his name is plasma tail and hes from my fanfic. good thing the request arent to bad.
  20. Well thats ok and hey check out my stories on fanfiiction.net. My user name is sonicthunderlane. everyone does thier own thing.
  21. hey guys im now doing the second chapter of my fan fic.

  22. That sounds like a cool story. also i like fanfics just as good as normal books. Ive just half way finished mine. if u finish it soon, i would like to hear it! Chapter 1. The landscape was barren, and full of debris from the banshee crashes. We managed to hold back the elites and fodders, but after the suicide squads came, survival has become the main objective, forcing us to leave the other objective behind. Most of my earth pony troops were killed or captured. The Generals were now after me; behind them were Ghost, Jackals, and many other elites. I flew as fast as I could but before I even left the ground my wing was slashed by an energy sword. My body fell onto the ground and I was surrounded. One of the spec-ops elites jumped on top of me, attempting to stab me. Plasma built up through my body and exiting out my hooves, filling the elites head with radiation, killing him. “Rainbow Dash, where's that air support!?” I yelled out. The radio was silent at first but then i got a response. Suddenly out of nowhere, thousands of pegasi flew over my head including spec-op pegasi, firing at the enemy with plasma swords and machine guns. we finally had the upper hoof and the covenant fell back. “Hows that for extreme air support Tyler? “Rainbow Dash said” “pretty good for an entire covenant army” I said happily. Every pony went back to base including myself. While we were flying back we picked up the other ponies as well as the other ground troops. I was eating in the mess hall, there i met a newbie named firefly. She was a part of the S.O.P.T/spec-ops pegasi team. i wanted to sit next to her but I didn't, because the only human in the equestrian army. Everypony else was used to me and other humans. Be she was new so I wasn't sure how she would react. Instead I sat down with Rainbow Dash and Spitfire. “Hey girls you did great out there today” I said thankfully. “Awe it was nothing really, just another day of slaying grunts “she replied. “Who’s the new mare by the way?” “Oh I don't know her, but her names firefly” I said. At the end of the day every pony went off to bed. I stayed up a little bit thinking about the newbie alot for some reason. I felt like I had a crush on her strangely, although I didn't even see her that much. The rest of the night I spent my time watching to royal guards from the bedroom window. I was about to finally sleep until the announcer called for an overnight mission. I was surprised because most of the spec-ops were already out on the battlefield and its 1:03 in the morning. “Why would they send more troops for a spec-ops mission?” “This doesn’t make any sense!” we all got suited up and headed out into the mountains. I was about to go with the rest of the squad until I was separated by Master Chief. “Where are you going?” I didn’t know why he wanted me to come with him but it seemed important. He told me that it was about this sabotage thing with the covenant or something. Chapter 2 “So Chief why did you want me to come with you on this mission, instead of following my own squad?” I asked. He answered. “I need someone to watch me from the skies at all times and you’re the perfect one to do it” He gives me a sniper rifle and tells me to fly to the top of one of the surrounding mountains. I leave master chief behind and fly up to the mountain. When I get there I see something that worries me. An entire covenant fleet stretching off into the distance. “Oh crap” I get on my radio. “Uhh Master chief we have a problem!” He answers. “Yes what is it? “Oh well it’s an entire covenant fleet”I said. “Good that means we're almost to our objective” “wait what do you mean?” I asked. “We’re gonna get on that ship and sabotage its troop forces and i need you,Tyler to kill the guards in the pod bay doors” “well ok but how are we gonna get into the ship?” “There’s only one faster and safer way in, the same way the covenant troops got out” Chief said. we were sitting on the mountain sides looking up at the massive super carriers along with transport vehicles flying over us. an AI named Cortana pops out as a hologram from a small chip.”Instead of going through all of the ground troop defenses and setting of an alarm i recommend making a direct teleportable line into the ships data field” she said smartly. “So in other words we can just teleport into the supercarriers deck room?” I said. “Who are you?” she asked.”I'm Tyler lane, leader of the spec-ops pegasi team” “well nice to meet you” she said. We teleport into the ship and when we get there I fall on my head. before I could get back up on my feet Master chief falls on to me from the ceiling.”Cortona you suck at teleportation!” “Twilight Sparkle is much better at this than you, sorry” I say with a smirk. After making fun of Cortina’s lack of conveniences we continue into a mass array of hallways and open rooms. I spot an elite General guarding the door. Master Chief looks at me awkwardly and looks back at the elite. “Well?” he asks. ”Oh right sorry I thought you were going” I sneak through the hallway up against the walls. The elite looked to its left almost looking at me at an angle. I came up behind him and took out my shank my I moved my foot and it made a loud squeak noise. It turns around and roars at me, i get my sword out and the elite counteracts aggressively attempting to stab me missing many times putting holes in the floor. This time he did not miss and I broke my gun blocking the blow. “Awe crap get over here” I said punching the elite. Master Chief runs over and shoots the elite in the head while pinning him on the floor. Before we killed the elite he set an alarm on the coms. “Shit they're everywhere!” Master Chief yelled. “Don't worry a have a little trick in my blood that will save us oh yea” I said in a weird evil voice. “OH and you might want to lock you armor up for this he he”
  23. Well sir i could help you there. I dont make storries longer than 2,0034 words that often and i was just finished with the first part of it. Ive posted it on fanfiction.net
  24. Well my story is pretty simple really. It started pretty soon too. I started to notice allot of pony videos on you tube latley and i thought it looked pretty cool. I mean don't get me wrong for it being 2010 mlp was already popular. I soon cheeked the show out on TV at 8:00 in the mourning. i loved the show instantly from there and it was the first episode to air to. mlp s1 e1 il never forget.
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