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Everything posted by THSHappyFace

  1. 1. Sonic Rainboom. Its just a super cool episode, not only that, Fluttershy's cute cheer in the beginningwas the first MLP clip I've ever seen, its what got me into MLP in the first place. 2. Not much. I'm not sure why, but I'm not really fond of going back to rewatch something (unless its with friends). 3. Usually 1-3. 4. 2, though I really enjoyed the others.
  2. OMG I love that Luna drawing. Everything about it, I just love. Sooo uhm, I peeked around for a bit, and couldn't find a follow user thingy, cuz I'd love to follow Applepena to get updated on more epic art like this!
  3. Found this turtoiral, they say its easy http://gorgodium.blogspot.co.nz/2011/10/i-love-vector-arts-and-thats-why-i.html Also found G'Mic, the gimp plugin needed for this tutorial. http://gmic.sourceforge.net/gimp.shtml Sorry if it doesn't work, I haven't tested it yet, but it looks interesting so I'm most certain to later.
  4. Maybe this is a sign that I should change my avatar :DD But anyway, ones avatar or signature can only tell minor facts, such as interests or favorites, but most of the time, not many. For example, Yulaiyres avatar and sig, they would show that she might favor Princess Celestia, and we can see that the characters are drawn, she might have drawn them herself, for all we know, she could be an artist. But the rest I'm not really willing to bet, as, you know, you can't judge a book by its cover.

    1. Viscra Maelstrom

      Viscra Maelstrom

      need less staring eyeballs and more floppy, dislocated jaw.

  6. No sleep, yay? xD

    1. Fanned



  7. Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much. -Oscar Wilde Yep, when ever somebody tries to make me look bad, I just reply with simplicity, making them think I don't care, or that I would forgive them so easily. Things like "lol k c:", and I've found that saying ": D" at any time annoys a lot. In a game, after winning, this smiley will start to annoy them, and it will get worse for them the more you do it, and using it after losing will make THEM look like the ones that take winning/losing "too seriously". Just try as hard as you can not to show any sort of rage or discomfort. I don't see it as false impression, I rather see it as deception. One of the easiest ways I know to get rid of them parasprites xD
  8. OMG you are SOOO talented, all of these are awesome! This is a true inspiration! please keep it up, I'll definitely look forward to any future drawings!
  9. Thanks, I havent really thought of a back story, I'll probably go with "Always have been and always will be Princess Lunas minion", because I love Luna xD I used Gimp btw. ( Thanks! . I'm bad with names and backstories, so I always base my OC's after myself. I'll probably change its name and such in the future.
  10. I decided that I should make an OC. This is my first pony that I have made from scratch (no edited pictures). Compared to other drawings I have made, I wouldn't really call it awesome, but its something I'm really proud of Hope you guys like it
  11. 1. More explosions, sonic rainbooms etc. 2. More Princess Luna action. 3. This isn't really a hope, but I would REALLY love to see a Discord, Shining Armor, Twilight and the gang vs some evil epic giant monster thingy.
  12. Kissed, as to being afraid of being banished for being a butt like last time. EDIT: Yes, I like bananas
  13. Banished, because banishing people brings me intense joy.
  14. This one lie from my earliest days I could remember, that eating spinich would give instant super strength (Yes, Popeye), eventually I learned that this was false, and I haven't eaten many vegetables since. When I was about 8/9 years old, I would fantasise about running away and living with spongebob in bikini bottom. Just my mind and its fantasies, but after a few short days, this was actually what I wanted to do, and what I believed could happen. Heh, I can be so silly sometimes (all the time). xP
  15. Physically scarred: The only time was when I was playing at a beach, a shell cut my foot Mentally scarred: Nothing really cuts deep enough into my mind to leave a mark, but if I was to fear something, it would be the unknown. If there I'm in a really dark place, only one small light source, I'd probably chill in the dark, where nobody can see me but I can see them. I would only be scared that something that I know not exists attacks me.
  16. To me, MLP seemed pretty girly, but not that bad that I would bother reaching for the remote. Because of this, I got the chance to get a propper view of the show, and thus, a fan was born. But the only reason I didn't change the channel is because they were ponies. In a show intended for little girls, ponies is one thing, but actual being girls is a whole other story. I'd probably give it a short look, but I doubt I'd enjoy it. I'd probably feel from crazy to creepy.
  17. I wouldn't just insuly somebody because they said something or if their beliefs are other than my own, it seems silly. But if they decide to make fun of me in any way, I would reason with them, most of the time this happening, I unintentionally make them look like douche bags. If none of this works and they continue, I chew them up and spit them out and make them feel bad c: So yeah, Love and Tolerate unless its really necessary to do otherwise.
  18. The way society is, the things people do is considered normal, I don't like normal, if watching childrens shows at 17 years old makes me abnormal, then I'm proud to be that. When my friends introduced me to MLP, it seemed a bit of a girls show, but something I'd just sit there and watch. Then came certain enemies, rainbowdash doing a sonic rainboom, it made it all interesting. Then instantly I became a massive fan. I'm not quite sure why I watch it, but I guess its because others watch it too, people that understand that its not about age or gender. Not sure if the show is keeping me sane or making me just a little crazy, which ever, I couldn't care less.. I love it, my friends love it. This show just brings me intense happiness.
  19. I really want to help, but I've started making my own MLP RPG type game. I have too much planned to just dump it, but if it ever fails, I'll consider helping with this. c:
  20. I haven't been able to draw anything good within the last few years, ever since I started using photoshop and simply editing them. I find your drawings rather inspiring, I suddenly feel the need to start drawing more often. Thank you c:
  21. Hai gaiz and gurlz, bronies and pegasisters, and the other woderful species of this world! As you could probably tell, I'm new here! Hmmm, I suppose it would be fitting to share a bit of my character and personality here :3 Well... I love video games (Minecraft, MapleStory, GetAmped 2), Music, preferably techo (trance, dubstep), I even make music every now and then, I also enjoy drawing and editing stuff in photoshop! and something I do quite commonly, eat noodles and watch anime or mlp. Hmmm, favourite ponies? Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and of course! Princess Luna!!! I prefer the her as Nightmare Moon though, in that epic armor look :3
  22. Haii! I just became a brony a few weeks back, and I thought I should share a piece of my work with the rest of us! c: I got a few pictures and edited them together to look more detailed. Currently it's being used as my PSP theme :3 The Speed-Edit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RA2rRrGIN44 I hope everypony enjoyed it, I'll be uploading more at my youtube account (THSHappyFace) every now and then. Baii!
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