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Posts posted by Starshine

  1. Lol, roleplay stuff leaking out like that can really be tiresome

    Tho I think robots can actually get hungry in a sense, like if they're the type that runs by incinerating bio matter

  2. At this point being a 90's kid is just yet another "meme" going around the internet, so to speak. It's really the time where so many new technologies and pop culture stuff popping all over the place available for everyone, it's somewhat understandable that some latched so much to what they remember the most from their childhood

    Can't wait to see all the hype to die down at last

  3. On 8/1/2017 at 0:30 PM, Miss H said:

    Holy shit, when did this place explode. Why does it not notify anyone like it used to anymore.

    and why the fuck do I still have this quote and message combo here. Did i really forget to send it for that long, holy fuck.

    I mean, its sorta true when like, you're one of the main ones in a thread for so long and shit and actually get it going.

    And yes, its been quite a damned long time.


    Not much on my end. I literally never leave this thread because the place is finally crumbling atop itself. eeyup, thread has hit another dead time somewhat it seems. Very few things actually start up and hold ground here for long it seems. Nothing but little oneshots of what's happened on a certain day.

    Well, there has been a talk about vidyas and its quite entertaining to read, even tho I have no idea what it really was about^_^

    So how have you been? Got a new hobby? Lately all I do is playing random mmos and mobile games, plus stalking around some random forums.

    I kinda miss the time when I was still watching the poni show, but I know it's more like nostalgia to all the fun I had talking with people here, and with so many old folks gone... Just lurking around the general discussion threads make me feel like an outsider derp

    At least the roleplay scene here is still going. Some are quite fun to read

    • Brohoof 1
  4. HLqNu8u.png

    Maybe I need to update my pony reaction images folder lol

    On 7/3/2017 at 0:41 PM, Miss H said:

    Ohey, the OG god of the thread actually showed up.


    That's a face I've not seen in a while, nor would have thought to have seen.

    Oh lol that's a weird title for one to have. I guess I've really been gone for a while :wacko:


    So, what's up? I've gone through the last 20 or so pages of this thread, looks like no one is really using this thing for a topical chat or debate anymore.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. As long as you bought the ingredients in large bulk, eating at home can be a lot cheaper in the long run. I'm pretty sure you can get a lot of delicious goodies out of any farmer's market, provided there's actually one near you. Doing dishes shouldn't be that hard as long as you don't let it sit for an extended amount of time.

    If one is just starting to live by themself, cooking at home may seem to be a dauntless task, but it gets easier once it becomes a second habit.

    Also, a lot of the stuff in those online recipes you can find a much cheaper alternative to work on. You don't have to buy ze best canned meat ever from a supermarket when you can get three times the amount from a local butcher shop. Again, assuming you have one around your place. If not, well, that sucks

  6. 5 hours ago, Zyrael said:

    Hello starshine.


    The earth says hello

    Yowza ^_^

    This thread brings back a lot of memories hahah. And by gods this site is really slow to load on mobile

    1. Locate textbook and any relevant materials
    2. Read them

    I never had any weird or unusual techniques, I just read the materials whenever I have a free time. Ofc one thing that should be important is to start studying days or even a week or two before the test, so you have more time to understand it.

    • Brohoof 2
  7. Pretty sure we can say what a shadow looks like even if there's isn't exactly anything inside that particular area, we can trace around the lack of reflected light and figures out what it looks like. Does it looks like something made by a deer, a bull, or a chainsaw-wielding maniac? We can tell :wacko:


    I think a black hole would just look like a sphere, or a circle. Everything in it is crushed by the sheer gravity down to a single point, I don't think there would be any room of variations into it, just a smooth sphere of starstuff.


    • Brohoof 1
  8. Humans tend to have the most impenetrable plot armor in pretty much all kind of fictions

    Ponies have plots


    I have yet to see any show of competence from Equestria's military, and any actually fatal magic for that matter. I'd dare to say that most of their firepower came from a handful of demigodly individuals... that tend to get knocked over easily at the most inopportune times. On the other hand, United Nations is about as effective as a wet cardboard and the sun would collapse into a red giant before every nations could reach a single agreement about anything.


    It'd be an utter bedlam, and Discord is last seen selling lemonades because the whole 'ushering an age of chaos' thing has been delegated to mutant apes with guns.

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