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Everything posted by jaime_lion

  1. I would like to think that Twilight Sparkle would be the hardest to break followed by Pinkie Pie who would just say crazy things and even if she said the right thing they wouldn't really know because it was all so crazy. Now if we include Celestia I believe it would take a lifetime to crack her the interrogators lifetime.
  2. I recently read Lyra and bon bon and the mares from smile. And there was some stuff in there that I'm going I wonder if this is really Canon or what.
  3. So sorry if this has been asked before but I am wondering are the books by GM berrow considered Canon? I know at one point in time the comics were considered Canon I am not sure about that anymore what is the consensus on that also? Thanks
  4. First I will start off with that I hope we can all talk about this in a mature manner. I hope there will be no off-topic posts. Anywho so at the last Brony Meetup I was at we watched a couple episodes from the earlier seasons winter wrap-up and Wonderbolts Academy. And maybe it was just me noticing this and it really was not there but it seems like in the earlier Seasons there were more shots of the ponies flanks and such versus the later season. Has anyone noticed this? Or am I just seeing things that are not there. Thank you and I hope we can stay on topic and such.
  5. So in MLP we see clothing is worn when out at a social gathering. But we see different levels of clothing everything from a dress that hides the whole body to just a bow-tie. So do you think there is a certain level of clothing that has to be worn to certain parties and such? Such as a pony must wear at least a suit coat to enter an establishment?
  6. So first off omg omfg pqrqstatjltgydr ppiotswfgq I loved this episode. "points to anyone that gets my reference with the string of letters, hint its a show about a horse" Any who so my head-cannon is that twilight sparkle is an aspie and its due to the support network of her friends and such that we don't see much of it anymore. So would you say that moondancer is an aspie also? Thoughts in general on moondancer or as i will call here mini Twi?
  7. So how ship-ish did you guys think the Lyra and bon bon dialogue was? I tend to see more than there is into things like that so I am wondering others opinions on them in the 100 ep. Also as far as doctor hooves do you think it was due to copyright that they didn't have a Tardis and such? I did like the kind of mix of Doc Emmett Brown and The Doctor. Thanks
  8. In Chinese the term kung fu translates as hard work. A more appropriate translation would be "hard work over time to achieve perfection". So with that being said what have you guys done that is kung fu? With me I am good at intellectual things my physical side needs work. Case in point at the end of wushu "Kung Fu" class we are "tested" over the meaning of Chinese terms or other things that have to do with the martial art if we get the answer wrong we do push ups. Very rarely can the teacher ask me a question that i don't know the answer to.
  9. So does anypony in here think that applejack or big Macintosh or any of the apples or other characters chew tobacco? or variants of it fictional or otherwise? Thoughts on a plotline like this appearing in the show or comics? As always please keep posts on topic and please dont just post "its a kids show" or such Thanks and moo
  10. I dont really notice any more or less chemistry. I did like the idea of Clara kind of becoming a "human doctor" in the episode flat-line. It shows to me that anyone can be "the doctor" It is more of an attitude and such. To me it speaks more to the fans kinda like saying you too can be the doctor. As far as her being a care taker to the doctor, I kind of like that in that the doctor could travel alone for hundreds of years and be back tomorrow and anyone gets a little off when they are on there own for a while. As for Danny yes agree I hope he stays dead I wasn't a big fan of his character. Side story I was hanging out with my friends at a restaurant and I paraphrased the doctor in the caretaker by saying "I can blend in with humans beings very well" and my one friend responded with "dude we love you don't ever change but you blend in with humans as well as a cheetah does with cows" So that kinda made me feel closer to the doctor.
  11. Is something wrong with clara? Also ugh "its a dream" type. I would have liked it if at the end of the episode the lady was given a doctor whoves toy or such.
  12. Yeah i was more talking about reading fics but writing works too. the reason i ask is cause my friend kinda looks down on shipping fics.
  13. So would you guys say that reading shipping fics is a high form of flattery. Like does it honor the character? In my opinion it is one of the highest forms of flattery cause you are basically saying that you like this character so much you want to spend more time with this character. Would you guys think the same about reading non-shipping fanfics of the same character?
  14. Are you guys talking about an actual "brony con" brony con or a my little pony convention cause denver colorado has running of the leaves convention. http://rotlcon.com/
  15. So my apartment building has a movie night every Tuesday and Thursday. More for laughs and giggles I am thinking about submitting the first equestria girls movie to be watched. I am wondering do you guys think it can be watched without haveing to explain anything to the other people that will be watching it? the people know nothing about the whole pony thing. The other people will be in there 60's and such. Thanks
  16. So I am wondering why my topics very rarely get over 10 replies? Is it because they are to esoteric, to niche? or is it for some other reason?
  17. Um i didnt dress myself for a certain stereotype it just kinda happened, i do have a neck beard and am obese like many in america. Also the tail costed 12 dollars. also Im kind burned out on anime, it has gotten very cliched. the club I go to respects the show and my liking it they just say ok the topic has moved to ponies lets watch some anime. Also trigun, black lagoon, naruto, fairy tail, dream eater merry, spice and wolf, dbz, one piece, bleach, fushigi yuugi, yu yu hakusho, gundam 00, gundam wing, gurren laggan, inuyahsa, steins gate, chaos head, cat planet cuties, outlaw star, ruruoni kenshin, baccano, eden of the east, high school of the dead, school rumble, psycho pass, serial experiments lain, xxxholic, cardcaptor sakura, magic knights rayearth, karneval, yugioh, melancholy of haruhi suzumiya, urusei yatsura, darker than black, loveless, kaze no stigma, attack on titan, ghost in the shell, fullmetal alchemist, another, deadman wonderland, code geass, genshiken, my bride is a mermaid, dragon drive, unico, akira, ranma1/2, future diary, ergo proxy, rune soldier louie, le chevalier deon, gundam unicorn, kimba, the white lion, lucky star, mushishi, myserious girlfriend x, wolf children, digimon, pokemon, all purpose cultural cat girl nuku nuku, shinesman, angel beats, domminion tank police, hellsing, hetallia, jubei chan, wolfs rain, death note, magikano, princess tutu, maharomatic, puella magi madoka magica, revolutionary girl utena, shakugan no shana, umineko when they cry, shuffle, slayers, soul eater, thouse who hunt elves, twelve kingdoms, wedding peach, utawarerumono, magi, hyper police, kaiji, aquarion evol, eureka seven, full metal panic, guilty crown, horizon in the middle of nowhere, welcome to the nhk, gantz, gankutsuou, ouran high school host club Seen all thouse all the way through as far as they are dubbed. or subbed but realesed in the USA.
  18. So I am wondering what are your guys thoughts on a petition or someway we might be able to get a character with autism on the show? I know this will probably be a long shot but i am in an asking mood at the moment. I have messaged Jayson Thiessen and Meghan McCarthy on if they think any of the characters have autism. So far they have yet to reply. So thoughts on if this is doable and ways we could do this. Thanks As alway please only post on topic things a joke is ok as long as in the same post you post something on topic.
  19. Lol so I am going to an anime club I go to every monday. Today though I am going to be very cliche stereotype. I have a neck-beard am obese am wearing a mlp Halloween tail of twilight sparkle and will have my twilight sparkle plush. This is a rarity I actually feel embaressed a little bit. Oh well anyone want pics of my tonight?
  20. So what is your guys-es thoughts on the crime rate in equestria? Do you think ponies are capable of crimes like rape or killing? Or do you think it is griffons or minotaurs that are responsible for the more serious crimes in equestria? Also do you think like jobs in law enforcement or royal guards etc are more of a "defeat self not opponent thing" like for example I do kung fu and where I live i will more than likely never have to use it on another individual but I still use it everyday when something is bothering me it helps me to stay "centered" calm and collected till the stress is over. That being said I can see a police pony or royal guard pony not doing much 99% of his or her career except helping ponies by giving directions and such. More than likely never drawing his baton or lance or what ever weapon the police or royal guard use. So thoughts? Also please keep this in the world of ponies no real world talk. When writing this I was thinking how this could possible get into talking about real world police and military etc. And please no comments like "this is a kids show" or off topic comments a joke is allowed if in the same post you put a comment that adds to the conversation. Thanks
  21. essentially the sisters write in their diary that starswirl the bearded and the three pony tribes picked them cause alicorns represent all three races of ponies. no more back story than that.
  22. Lol reminds me my friends told me that I am more like a kid than an adult so I now carry a "shorted out psychic paper" in my wallet to prove I am a mature and responsible adult.
  23. I would say no. In the journal of the two sisters celestia and luna are crowned and such and they don't really want to be rulers per say more like security for the land. But there is a quote from the movie I love by principal celestia " a true princess in any world leads not by forcing others to bow before her but by inspiring others to stand with her" Also does one need wings and a horn to rule? can one be a "regular pony" and still rule? is ruling a land more of an attitude than a look. not quite sure how to phrase this. in googeling this princess thing there is a book called warrior princess about a transgender male navy seal. http://www.amazon.com/Warrior-Princess-Journey-Coming-Transgender-ebook/dp/B00D5CXCLY That being said what about the term warrior princess?
  24. I will respond with this just so you dont think i am ignoring you. I read the art of war as philosophy and such. i know nothing of actual war. and that kind of seems like a loaded statement. Anywho back on topic celestia and the art of war?
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