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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Greyeye

  1. 2020 is not that far away. Not much can happen in 7 years. Argentina and Hong kong whould become big players on the world stage. Texas may or may not be a country. So barring war I think we can look forward to the starting foundation of one or more new forms transperth. fingers crossed for airships. More of Tolkien's work on the big screen. a Cure for HIV. Super strains of gonorrhea and Tuberculosis. Bed bugs are also a thing. Latin american spanish is a popular language to know. Solar panel sculpture in backyard are cool. Hover car driving next to normal cars. Africa will be building up their cities. maybe with the new greenhouse tech inmind.
  2. For lets plays I watch ChaoticMonki aka Cry has some what random sens of humor well still seeming mostly insentient . SeaNanner for morbid knife hug fun short mash ups of his multipayer matches make my day sometimes. My favorite Creepypasta reader are creepsMcpasta & Mrcreepypasta. . The best part is they both do not use jump scares.
  3. OJ becomes a wealthy juice baron. With her status in high society she is introduced to important someponies all the time. On one such occasion she meets princess Celestia (maybe a run in with Twilight) and learns of the Summer Sun Celebration being ponyville not to long from now. She dose not have to much time be for then and a pony of her status will need a new dress for that evening. Lucky for her she has heard of a young hot shot designer. In Ponyville no less. To bad it will take a week to make especially seeing as OJ has a how you say...unique physique. looks like she is staying at the farm for a week.
  4. Im not the tired... not that tired even thow it is late.the last few nights I've been up at odd hours of the night. the longest Ive gone with out sleep was a day then I pass out. what all ways helps me fall asleep is to get in to deep thought about anyting other then sleep and then I imagen driffting off deep and deep in to the worm sea
  5. Hay ocean is not my cup of tea. They are quite talented dont get me wrong. As far as finding out about other genres from with in an already established interest is concerned. It is half the fun off life and its where most your interests are born.
  6. If the only down side to something is it is not as big as its predecessors then it is by default it is infact equal in quality. They might have cut it shorter because they needed Twilight as an alicorn for story line reasons.
  7. All thou I do not condone what they reported using 'hate' and name calling is a little more Irony all things considered. Hating on haters is hypocrisy and gets us no where. How ever a well articled argument will over time sway others to your cause. Intelligent beats emotions any day of the week.
  8. I like dub because I can watch it the way it was meant a visual media. Diverting my eyes from the action loses some of the meaning for me. but I do enjoy subs if I have seen it a dozen. Some times I put the audio in other languages then in was made in.
  9. I do catch flack for liking ponys. Unjustly but form others point of view it is almost a religious following. Some Bronys are The gospel of Twilight sparkle all who watch can learn to love and tolerate. Plus it has the extra stigma of being a cartoon and you know something is wrong with you if you are into cartoons at your age. As for other fandoms in less its sports its made fun of some were. It's not just ponys anime is still regarded as all hentai and or devil worship by many older gentians. That aside the fandoms them selfs are bad. I freely hate radical anime fans be cause they took the fun out of Naruto, bleach and 5 min in haring about The melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya the big plot twist was ruined. Not even going in to the sub vs dub debate. X( Fist impressions sick. Fim doesn’t have a good one with a lot of people. A fandom of grownup liking little kid show is still a new idea. It hasn’t sunk in as yet. Anime and gaming is just now fully establishing them selfs as a thing. Hopefully with time
  10. Well if we are talking Subway Italian cold cut on Italian bread pepper jack toasted lettuce spinach and Italian dressing. They will ask if it's cool that they give you a packet of it because they only have it in packets. So I say yes and then they slip it in with the napkins. As for my sandviches at home grilled cheese with a little ranch for the crust. .
  11. "Now or never" By elvis It's about the same subject matter these youngster listen to already. Braking out the ' mature' language are we. It's scientific that younger individuals have a hard time emotional dealing with stress and stuff like that. All the generations have had almost the same problems. but these newer generations have it a little worst off then the last some odd ones. They could be being raised in broken households. There parents being laid off or being over worked. Then there the issue of the future whether you believe global warming or not we are told we humans have destroyed the earth. Obesity it a thing. I don’t think it to much to let kids be kids rather then turn then in to adults out of the womb. As for real life back in the day if a girl got pregnant they would often time discreetly send her to a participle school until she had her baby. After that it would be adopted to a another family in a secret adoption or the mother or older sister of the girl would say it was there own child.
  12. You may have at some point come off as intenser. It could be as simple as forgetting plans you had with that person or a lack of interest in the things they find important. Even if you apologize some thing like that remands all ways gnawing at the back of there mind when ever taking to you. The worst part of this scenario is they may never tell anyone how they feel about it.
  13. It is really easy to shake your stick in the air yelling“ Those kids and there music to day. It ain’t nothing but fart noise talking about shooting money and buying girls.” But in truth there is nothing new to that argument. Back in the day Elvis Presley's music was considered Satan’s music and a bad influence. It's easy to sight lack of grammar for stupidity. The loss of grammar it a sad reality not just for kids but adults as well. The adults are lazy and the kids feel it. It's easy to blame COD, GTA, Halo Doom and Mortal Kombat. Truth be told all those are “Rated M”. That's 17+ equal to a Rated “R“ movie. They can not legally buy those on your own until you are 17 and have an id to prove it or some one else gave it to them. Its easy to say one is mature...on a forum for a cartoon for little girls. It's easy to get on a high horse and claim moral high ground. But it is a long drop down. You do not know what there life is like at home or even out side school. Most kids have at lest one thing that they are going threw at any given time. Why not cut them some slack?
  14. Seven psychopaths The trailer made it seem that the movie was a feel good dark comedy. but in fact its just not. it is funny but is not the focus like the trailer portrait. I got a hipped for a comedy and I got a good story based movie with half the jokes spoiled. and then also The Raven One of the biggest let downs. The trailer made it seem like a Sherlock homes-est smart movie. Could not be further from the truth. Makes me sad just thinking about it.
  15. well I may not celebrate the FIM holidays I do see the appeal. But there mostly just the some holidays we already have. Hearts warming eve = Christmas heart&hooves =valentines day/ singles awareness day Nightmare night = Halloween etc. but no-matter what you call them its almost the same holiday and a lot of the others have to do with changing the seasons which unfortunately change them selfs. If on the off chance we become a domed society (say space colonies) where we do Chang the seasons I would love to celebrate Winter wrap up, Running of the leaves and alike.
  16. The meaning of life is to pursuit of your unique talents, skills and dreams. Every one has some thing that only they can accomplish or perfect in a new special way.
  17. a hat

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Greyeye


      but a shirt gos on your body silly

    3. Vaporeon


      > Implying your head isn't part of your body.

    4. Greyeye
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