It is really easy to shake your stick in the air yelling“ Those kids and there music to day. It ain’t nothing but fart noise talking about shooting money and buying girls.”
But in truth there is nothing new to that argument. Back in the day Elvis Presley's music was considered Satan’s music and a bad influence.
It's easy to sight lack of grammar for stupidity. The loss of grammar it a sad reality not just for kids but adults as well. The adults are lazy and the kids feel it.
It's easy to blame COD, GTA, Halo Doom and Mortal Kombat. Truth be told all those are
“Rated M”. That's 17+ equal to a Rated “R“ movie. They can not legally buy those on your own until you are 17 and have an id to prove it or some one else gave it to them.
Its easy to say one is mature...on a forum for a cartoon for little girls.
It's easy to get on a high horse and claim moral high ground. But it is a long drop down.
You do not know what there life is like at home or even out side school. Most kids have at lest one thing that they are going threw at any given time. Why not cut them some slack?