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Al Pal

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Posts posted by Al Pal



    Perhaps you could try drawing my OC   The only picture I have of him is my avatar, but his cutie mark is basically just a sunrise, like a horizontal line with the sun peering over it. Perhaps have him flying   I mean thats if you want :3


    Ok this is probobly a silly question but the yellow character is Dawn Rider right? And is that a fiery sun? It looks like it's burning towards the ground. I'm just making sure - I have been confused on OC's before.




    If you don't mind could you do a cute / romantic / shippy pic of my two oc's in normal pony style?


    Does your dark OC with the blue hair have a cutie mark?

  2. I'm still here, half passed out at 2:00am - eating pizza crusts...BUT!




    can you do one with three of my OC's hanging out together (Snowdream Mist Chaser and Peach Heart)


    I did not forget folks, and here is the next request churned out. I hope you enjoy it...I realized how little I draw actual pony-looking-ponies from the show. This was surprisingly challenging!



  3. Hello again,


    I don't mean to come off as a snail, but I am working on some personal projects, and unfortunately a job is also required to pay the bills too...so sometimes due to time constraints... these requests get put on the back-burner. But I certainly don't forget about them, and when I can spare time I will do some more.


    TLDR I certainly haven't forgot, I aim to please - but please be patient. I'll try to get some more in this week.


    P.S. Thank you for the compliments, I am very grateful that you enjoy my art!



    EDIT: I am still a little unfamiliar with the site and it's abilities, so if I have missed a personal message or something dealing with my profile - I probably just haven't seen it or utilized it yet. No offense intended. I mostly just spend time here to make requests, and post now and then about episodes!

  4. Ooh! Ooh! biggrin.png Could you do one for me? :3


    I'd like a picture of Scootaloo wearing sunglasses and a trenchcoat, standing on her back legs, and pointing a pistol at the screen (you know, because The Matrix tongue.png).


    The pose would be something like this:


    Also, could you make a version without a background? I might want to use it for a signature or avatar, if you didn't mind. :3


    Sure, unfortunately you may not like it - I really human-ified (?) Scootaloo after I wasn't sure how a hoof would hold a gun...so this may not be what you wanted but hey...It's free!


    Not traced but I tried to look at trinity and references for the gun (and your pic obviously) so it may not be quite the same angle. Mostly done with midtones so you should have leeway where you use it.



  5. I wonder if you are capable of creating something of an avatar of this shadowy mage into the form of a unicorn creating minor shadowy copies of himself. The hat he wear needs to be a bit bigger but with what I used only one of that size I could only find.


    http://creativefreedomrpg.com/download/file.php?avatar=162_1340463078.png This picture I've used as an avatar  on the forum it was gotten from, though I've tried making sprite versions of him, and I can give those sprites I've made if they are needed.


    Sure I'll try it soon. Are there specifics I should know about the ratio of the avatar or size constraints?




    can you do one with three of my OC's hanging out together (Snowdream Mist Chaser and Peach Heart)


    if not can you just do Peach Heart in a cute pose :3 links to them in my signature smile.png


    Yes, I'll look at the pages and see what I can make. It may be a bit till it's done depending on when my time is free.

  6. Here, have a requesting:




    He uses a winged fedora, too.


    And his cutia mark is like...  This:




    Sorry if the image is small... It's pixel art :L


    Can you provide a certain situation you want him in? I can work without one, it would just help to have something.


    EDIT: Yeah I need to know what is cutie mark is if you can describe it. It's hard to see.

  7. Whats up folks,


    I'm open to do some simple requests. If your interested, give me a description and any desired visual references (Example: a picture of your OC). Please nothing extremely complicated.


    EDIT: If you can provide a personality you want shown, or an activity like running, flying, whatever say so.


    This is done in my spare time so I can't guarantee when it will get done. Could take a day, might take a week...It's free though!


    Ex of my work: 







    So if your interested or have questions let me know!

  8. I can't say I support Twilight in her change to becoming an alicorn.


    The situations seems like more of a blatant status change brought to fruition through an odd "coincidence" of internally perpetuated events brought on by the ruling class. The ability to juggle animals and fix spells that an old creepy unicorn had trouble with are not suitable elements for promotions. In fact, strange magic horses with the sun painted on their butt, dispensing wings is no basis for a system of government.

  9. Al Pal here hoping yer all feelin pretty bossrad.


    Glad to hang out and talk bout ponies or whatever you want. I'm here for the art though mostly. I like to make art, and see other folks make art.


    So nice to meet you guys, have a good one.

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