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Everything posted by Tarilaan

  1. After watching this episode, I'm trying as hard as I can to find anything to increase my opinion of it as much as I can. I didn't -hate- the episode; that title is reserved for ones I would actively skip when I rewatch the show, but I can't really like it either. I'm gonna get the negative out of the way first, so I can leave the post on a positive note. My primary problem with it was probably how over the top RD does everything over the course of the episode. Yes, I get it, her pet has to leave for a while, and she doesn't want to accept that. I also get that this is a cartoon, and such over the top stuff is normally used for entertainment value. But I didn't feel entertained by or sympathetic towards any of her actions. I probably mentally facepalmed more than anything. Tank's got to hibernate. Fluttershy has explained this. Spike has explained this. He's gonna be back. That alone is enough to remove any empathy from me towards the idea of it being some big loss. Sure, I look forward to doing things with my friends, and it sucks when one has to move away for a while. But when you know they'll be back, it's not goodbye forever, it's see you when you get back. I also understand that I'm nothing like Rainbow Dash. I'm very level-headed and take everything from a logical standpoint. I feel emotion but temper it by understanding the reason behind the feels*. But you shouldn't have to think like the character to be able to sympathize with them in an episode - especially when that episode is meant to draw your sympathy as a generic viewer of the show. Her emotional reaction makes sense; as others have pointed out from Mare Do Well, she hates being alone - and Tank's her only companion we as viewers know of when she's not with the other mane 6. But her physical reactions were vastly in excess of what was actually going on and made her seem like a flanderized villain. I'm sorry, but everything she did was an excessive overreaction for the sake of comedy, and it just didn't work for me. Without the aforementioned sympathy for her problem, all of her reactions were groan-inducing. The setup was fine, and I liked the ending with her sitting with tank, but the journey from that start to the finish was painful, to the point where I was actually glad when Fluttershy finally stepped in and laid things out bluntly near the end so it could all stop**. I even enjoyed her song. But on reflection, the way she goes along so happily singing about this scheme she's got to stop winter makes that grinch face so appropriate. That said, the main things potentially pulling this episode up from a dislike to a meh. I enjoyed all the jokes as usual. The who's on first? gag, the angry face, the grinch face, pinkie pie walking through the cloud wall of Rainbow's room instead of the door, Applejack as a whole (for what little she did), and the aforementioned Fluttershy drawing from her breezy lesson and laying down the harsh truth to Rainbow. These were all great. I even had to sigh a bit (in a good way) when Winter is Coming was said. I also enjoyed the world building of how Cloudsdale is this floating city that travels around the country to deliver weather to areas that are due for it. Basically I enjoyed everything that wasn't the way the centralized plot was executed. I'm no story writer, so I'm not gonna start throwing around suggestions about what they -should- have done. The episode's done, and the best I can muster up if I think about all the angles is a rousing "meh." The most I could say on an improvement is I could believe the reaction if for whatever reason Tank was leaving for good. Not that I want to see that happen, but it would have at least made the plot of this episode feel a lot less contrived. As to the continuity "error" some are raising, to me a continuous timeline in episode sequence goes out the window as soon as Fall Weather Friends happened two episodes after Winter Wrap-up. And even if this is all in order, as others have said, it's entirely possible she spent other non-episode winter(s) with other pre-planned events and this is the first winter she has with plans for Tank. *Yes, I have experienced loss, for those of you who might try to pull that card. I had to put down my childhood pet not two years back. **For those of you throwing this ad hominem around, I'm not one of those people who legitimately feels making Fluttershy cry is inherently a bad thing just because she's Fluttershy. I'll play along with that line of thinking, because it's fun. In reality, it's not cool to go out of your way to make others cry. But it's all based on context. In this case, Rainbow needed this to get her to let her feelings (and tears) to flow, so that she could come to terms with what was happening. And after everything that was happening, it was just so satisfying to see somebody finally bring her to accepting the truth whether she wanted to or not. The crying itself had nothing to do with my enjoyment of the scene.
  2. Saw the episode this morning on Youtube. None too shabby. Some thoughts on the episode: It took me until Applebloom 'woke up' after the first dream to realize this was doing the groundhog day dream sequence plot device. Honestly, before then, I was kinda hoping the shadow was Starlight Glimmer if it weren't a dream, and that we'd start seeing a recurring thing with her trying to get people to her way of thinking from the shadows now that she's gone back into hiding ("If Cutie Marks cause all this grief, then I don't want one!") Alas, nope, just the third CMC Luna dream episode we've been missing. My favorite part was probably the first dream. The pest control job had a very Ghostbusters feel to it, and it seemed like Applebloom could even grow to have fun with that job if it weren't a dream. It probably also helped that the twittermites were adorable in their own mischievous way, like the parasprites before them. After that, watching everything fall apart in the third dream sequence was entertaining. That scene with the Apple family disowning Applebloom definitely got trippy. I think that's the most I've heard Big Mac's voice actor speak since Hearts and Hooves Day, if you can count the baby talk in that episode as dialogue. I'm not sure they've done this 'lesson' before, but the episode did it well, without coming across as preachy. It's definitely an episode I could potentially see myself watching again in the future.
  3. The viewing I went to wasn't the first one for it in the theater I went to, so I'm sure it was more populated previously. When I went, the theater wasn't too full, but of those that were there, I'd say it was about 50/50 between kids and adults. It was actually rather refreshing to see; I prefer seeing a mix of the fandom with the kids personally. I can't say anything about the mix of boys vs girls there though. Honestly I didn't even think about that; everyone there is just a fan of the show to me
  4. Yup. for the new-ness. I completely believe you. That is the reason you want Rarity to succeed. I am very much glad to see that these battles are as close as they are. I personally voted for AJ and Rarity, but It's much more entertaining to watch a close game than a blowout, and these are definitely close. almost 300 votes at the time of this post with a spread of less than 10 on either competition. That aside, go Applejack! Onward, to victory!
  5. Oh wow, Rarity actually pulled it off. Well done there, and good luck against Pinky or Derpy - you'll need it. And I have heard the call to arms, and while I've been watching this whole time, I am of course here to support AJ yet again, though it looks like she's doing just fine. Kinda surprising, but maybe the RD fans just haven't come out in force yet. Good luck to both And of course, obligatory AJ picture to show support.
  6. I may be incredibly inactive, but I have returned yet again to support everyone's favorite cowpony. Good luck to all. and Batbrony, I'll be supporting Derpy as well. Perhaps We'll see another matchup like last year, in the finals this time.
  7. Thanks. And if nobody told you yet, you're Fairy, with Snubbull, Swirlix, and Clefairy
  8. Normal: Eevee Fire: Flareon Water: Vaporeon Grass: Bellossom Electric: Lanturn Ice: Articuno Fighting: Blaziken Poison: Haunter Ground: Swampert Flying: Mantine Psychic: Lugia Bug: Scyther Rock: Carracosta Ghost: Jellicent Dragon: Latias Dark: Umbreon Steel: Empoleon Fairy: Jigglypuff Favorite type: Water Least favorite Type: Apparently ground, as I had the hardest time finding a ground type I could put on this list
  9. Just got back from seeing this with Bhending the Rules, and I can now safely say I was pleasantly surprised. The comedy that makes it MLP is still there, the musical pieces were ok by MLP standards (I didn't much care for the title song, but I've never been much of a fan of that style of music). There are even a handful of throwbacks to the original season's episodes. I was apprehensive about the school setting, but that's just because I've seen so many stereotypical school shows that I can't help that. Fortunately, it keeps away from most school setting clichés, and kept on track with the plot. Without spoiling anything, all I can really say at this point, is if you have the opportunity to see this, give it a shot. It's actually pretty good. And if nothing else, going to see it allowed us to spot this in the parking lot - and that alone makes the trip worth it.
  10. My current team. 1) Vaporeon <-Favorite Pokemon 2) Mantine 3) Lanturn 4) Carracosta 5) Samurott 6) Crawdaunt Yup. All water, but I've made sure each one can cover multiple bases. Also, as to the Pikachu not being powerful discussion, there is a held item called the Light Ball. It doubles Pikachu's attack and special attack stat, Which would bring either one over 400 on a specifically trained Pikachu. and it's base speed isn't bad either; it'll be close to 300 with EV training, or even break 300 if it has a good IV value in speed too. As a side note, researching pikachu's stats made me realize it's ATK stat is actually higher than SP.ATK
  11. My vote's in for AJ, but Twilight fans should definitely not count her out yet. It's still very early, and it's likely a lot of the AJ supporters simply got here early to get their votes in. Not to mention it's already back to a 2 point difference. This isn't over by a long shot.
  12. Personally, I don't hate Wal-Mart. People can talk about how much they hate how it kills local businesses, but in my view (likely not a popular one) it doesn't kill business any more than a McDonald's in the neighborhood makes people fat. A Wal-Mart opens up in a town. It has low prices so people shop there. then the same people who are shopping there cry bloody murder when the shops they used to frequent close - because, surprise, they aren't shopping there anymore. You have the choice to support your local businesses. Don't start crying when you shop at the local mega-mart and suddenly the smaller shop has to make cuts to survive. And while the jobs may not be the best, in a lot of situations a new store adds significantly more jobs to an area than any potential stores closing, and in this economy, any more potential jobs, regardless of the quality, is a good thing to me. Not to mention the only complaint I've really heard from people I know who work at Wal-Mart, is that they don't have enough people hired on, so everyone's doing more work. Add to that the fact that many of the stores closing were already dying before the Wal-mart comes to town, and it simply gets blamed for the inevitable. I mean really, a Wal-Mart opened right next to another store in my area called ShopKo, and that place is still in business, as is the K-mart a bit further into town. I can't name a single business in my area that has closed as a direct result of the Wal-Mart opening. As to the pay, the people I know working there are all getting paid above minimum wage, for a department store job. It may not be the best, but it's better than fast food places. Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with Wal-Mart (Though I wish I were. Dammit Wal-Mart, hire me already! I need a job! And you need more employees!)
  13. Well, it was a well fought battle on both polls. Congratulations to Luna and Discord for the win. My vote was for Fluttershy, but it seems the Princess of the Night is not to be counted out so quickly. Pinkie and Cadence have my vote for this one. If anybody left can knock out Luna on this side of the bracket, it's gonna be one of those two. Good luck to all contenders
  14. Well, I certainly wasn't expecting Discord vs Scootaloo to be the close match of this bracket. My votes went to Discord and Fluttershy, but it'll be interesting to see how this goes. I mean really, basically the god of chaos, vs a chicken.
  15. That battle was nuts! It looked like AJ was going to pull it off with a bit of breathing room, until another ~25 votes came out of nowhere. Congratulations to both Derpy and AJ supporters, for a well-fought battle. I shall continue to support Applejack in the next battle, but it's going to take a miracle to beat the main character. Good luck in advance to both sides of that fight.
  16. Oh man, this is already an intense battle. To battle, Applejack fans! We mustn't let the Derpy Brigade succeed! Good luck to you, Derpy Brigade
  17. Dangit, you're making me choose between Dawn of War and Starcraft. For the sake of this poll, I'm voting for Dawn of War, but I like the both of them almost equally.
  18. Honestly, I was among the last of my friends to become a brony. Not because I hated the show, but simply because I hadn't heard about it beyond rumors that ponies were starting to invade all sorts of places on the internet. Among my friends, it simply never came up as a topic of discussion, and when it finally did, it was only a few more days until I became one. The transition was so smooth that there wasn't any drama or anything. I guess I was just gifted with awesome friends, because I hear all these scare stories about people who were rejected for their choice or something, but I've never experienced anything of the sort.
  19. This one isn't for everyone, but if you're looking for 'new' anime, there's one I like called Girls und Panzer. It starts out making you think it's one of those school slice of life anime, but it's actually a show about girls driving tanks in competitions. yes, the armored war variety. And while it might start in a silly carefree fashion, it does pick up in seriousness as the show moves along. It's only 12 episodes long (and has 2 filler episodes, but they're numbered 5.5 and 10.5, so don't take up an actual slot, and were there because they needed to fill a time quota), and they deliberately stay away from panty shots. It's not a war anime, it's more akin to a sports anime, where the sport is tank battles. The anime's not exactly mind-blowing or anything, but it's enjoyable nonetheless. as to how new it is? the 12th episode comes out near the end of this month. Again, not necessarily for everyone, but I can recommend it if you like tanks (don't know if you do) and anime.
  20. While I haven't been here long enough to answer the initial question of this thread, I think I may know at least part of what keeps trolls/haters away from the forums. you see, having recently registered, I noticed the 'captcha' question they ask people is actually an MLP trivia question; [insert mane6 character] is the element of ---------. while it seems simple enough to any fan, a troll/hater would have to actually do research into MLP to find this answer, which I highly doubt they would want to do, just by their nature. And those that do that much research may end up liking what they see and all of a sudden what was a registration to troll becomes a hater-turned-fan
  21. oh hey, this test. I remember taking it a while ago. Turns out I'm most like my favorite pony, but it's so close between Fluttershy, Twilight, and AJ that one question in any direction could probably change which of those is actually decided upon.
  22. My favorite genres of music would have to be Rock, Prog Rock, 80's Hair Metal, Metal, and Prog Metal. also Parody music a la Wierd Al Yankovic. Examples include my two favorites, Dream Theater and Shinedown, as well as others such as Rush, Motley Crue, Journey, Queen, and Avenged Sevenfold
  23. That Derpy vs Octavia battle was a blast to watch over the course of yesterday. I figured Derpy would blowout Octavia, but the poll was constantly tied with Octavia occasionally stealing a lead. My only concern now is that one of my personal favorites, AJ, has to contend with all the Derpy fans once it gets around to that bracket again. Nothing seems too surprising to me about this particular bracket. The cutie mark crusaders seem to be pulling along just fine, which means even Trixie doesn't stand a chance there. Though this does bring up an interesting matchup coming in the next bracket. Spike barely got away with beating Gummy. How's he going to fare against Sweetie Belle? He'll have my vote, but this should be interesting. Also, Batbrony, that Derpy vs Octavia picture you posted is amazing
  24. I enjoyed the episode, but it definitely did feel rushed. Honestly, I think a lot of the pacing feeling off could've been solved by the cutie mark swapping happening at the start of the episode, instead of hastily covered in a flashback. On another note, the episode felt like My Little Pony: The Musical, but I can't honestly say that's a bad thing to me. If you've got a lot of story to cram into a small amount of time, the musical format is a good way to go. As to the alicorn twilight part of the episode, I couldn't help but think the whole time during one of twilight's songs that the phrase "Everything is certainly fine" was a subtle jab at all the freaking out that was bound to happen over the development. I'm almost certain I'm wrong about this, but it's an entertaining thought anyway. I'll leave my own thoughts on the development itself for the Alicorn Twilight section of the forums. All in all, I enjoyed the episode for what it is, even if it felt rushed.
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