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Everything posted by rainbowdash4ever

  1. Alrighty, then. alienkiller45@gmail.com. Just lemme know when things work out.
  2. I'm definitely in on this! Bronies of the world, unite!
  3. I am an Equestrian citizen at heart. I'd love to go there, believe the multiverse theory is true, and would probably be best friends with the mane six.
  4. For me, I'd marry RD, swear an oath to protect Equestria, answer questions about Earth while staying with Equestria's historians for 2 years and spend 5 years not only helping Ponyville to my greatest capacity but also being Pinkie's assistant. I can handle that.
  5. Honestly, it has to be real. The multiverse theory, to me, sounds too plausible to not be real. I just hope that interdimensional technology will be developed soon.
  6. Granted, you lose a large chunk of your brain because your eyes are so big. I wish that Equestria met Minecraft.
  7. Yeah, I agree, they have to be adults. From oldest to youngest(just my guess) Rarity: 20-21 Applejack: 19-20 Fluttershy: 18-19 Rainbow Dash: same as Fluttershy, except maybe a couple months younger Pinkie Pie: 17-18 Twilight Sparkle: 16 - 17
  8. Ice Storm, I agree with your opinion. If being alicorn equals OP, then why did Cadence get exhausted after 3 days of the same spell? Why did Celestia get defeated not once, but twice? Not only that, but NMM was an alicorn and got creamed by the EoH. Hello, if that's not balanced, IDK what is.
  9. Granted, you get a bootleg and the FBI is at your door. I wish Minecraft had dragon shouts.
  10. Sounds good, but BronyPony hasn't been online for a looooooooooonng time. So basically, there's no new update, and the mod might be dead. Edit: Hey Mods, couldja lock this topic, since the op isn't on? Everybody's gonna inevitably spam this thread with "Where's the update?" stuff.
  11. Damn, gave me a 404 error too! Jeez, apparently BronyPony isn't on, so don't expect an update anytime soon. In fact, this game might be dead.
  12. Nvm, just added the runtime environment to the EOO folder and it works great now. Edit: Ok, it's October 3rd and server's still down. Any idea when the server's gonna be up? Server's still down for me. What in the world is going on? Alright, it seems this topic is dying. BronyPony, I still keep getting the server is down error. Is the server up and if not, when will it be up? I'm getting quite annoyed with the error message popping up every time I try to register. Ok, seriously, no one's responding? Guess I'm gonna stop following this topic because it seems both the thread and the project are dead. Bye.
  13. Oh, hey Discord, what's going on? I still think Earth needs a little "chaos", if you catch my drift. Your brand of chaos would be perfect! I don't mind seeing a cotton candy cloud every now and then. Just don't let it get toooo out of hoof, k? There is such a thing as too much chaos.
  14. I think they do have parents, but Lauren Faust hasn't revealed them yet. With Season 3 fast approaching, they may be revealed later in the season. I think them being revealed at the end of Season 3 would be awesome, as well as a way of giving us bronies and pegasisters closure as to who are Celestia and Luna's parents. This pic should give you a clue:
  15. Excuse me, but I'm always getting "Run-time error '339': Component MSWINSCK.OCX or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid", even though I correctly installed the runtime several times over. What in tarnation is going on?
  16. Granted, you are phone. I wish I knew who was phone.
  17. Granted, he is an ass to Loki. I wish the Avengers defeated the changelings.
  18. Granted, you get so much of it that it engulfs the planet, suffocating everyone who lives on it, including YOU. I wish I could fly like Superman.
  19. That wish was made already, but granted, you're a fish out of water and you dry up and die. I wish nobody had to kill each other, and that 4chan was banned.
  20. Granted, now no more great movies can be made. Nice going, hotshot. I wish the Three Stooges were still alive and making episodes.
  21. Granted, Slendermane gets pissed and kills you for making that wish...because all the other creepy fanfics were creepier. Damnit, ninja'd. Granted, you are lighter and float away. I wish Nightmare Moon was killed by a creeper, while Princess Luna escapes unharmed.
  22. Granted, it's not a holiday and you get fired for missing work. I wish Queen Chrysalis invaded Equestria and won.
  23. Granted, they're terrible. I wish this game ended tomorrow.
  24. Granted, they just knock you out. I wish Princess Celestia controlled our sun and Princess Luna controlled our moon, and for my wish to never be corrupted.
  25. Granted, you stink at all other games. I wish TNT in Minecraft didn't hurt me, but hurt other mobs instead.
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