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Everything posted by rainbowdash4ever

  1. (this is before the undead reach the shore) Jolly Roger: Fire the broadsides! Level that castle so that we have little resistance to our invasion! *firebrand broadsides are fired, leaving deep scars in some walls and blasting holes in others* *The first wave of Undead Pirates, Mutineers, Brutes, Witchdoctors, and Brigands reach the shoreline* Zom, you ready? *pulls out AK-47* I say we trounce them right here and now! *runs out and begins to mow down the first wave*
  2. *Jolly Roger's fleet of undead warships appear on the horizon* Jolly Roger: Ahahahahahahahaa! A new land to plunder, and new victims to serve in me crew! Onward to that castle! We shall plunder this land for all that it is worth! Get on with it, scurvy dogs! Me: Uhh, Princess, we have a problem. *points out to the horizon, where a skeletal fleet is gathered* ((If you don't understand who Jolly Roger is, he's the main villain of the "Pirates of the Caribbean Online" MMO game.))
  3. Luna, I learned the Skyrim draconic translation for your title: Kulaas. Interesting, isn't it?
  4. Well, the same first name, but yeah. It's getting late, isn't it?
  5. Oh hello Cloud, my name is Josh. I just moved to Equestria from Earth, Luna helped me get through a portal and I'm just staying here for a couple days, mainly until I can get a house of my own. I have a machine here *points at my computer* called a laptop computer, which I use to connect to this thing called the internet, basically it connects other computers so that if I put something on the internet, someone from very far away can view it on their computer. There are things called websites, and I recently created a page on a website called Facebook. It is of a character I made named Cloud Dasher, who basically is what I would look like if I was a pony. Funny thing is, he has the same first name as you.
  6. Thank you very much Luna, I appreciate it. *heads off to the guard room and picks an unowned bed* It's ok Storm, it's only for a couple of days. Besides, even I sometimes have a short temper. I just swallow it and keep going.
  7. Well, I cannot wait to start my new life in Ponyville. I could stay in a hotel, but I'm flat broke at the moment. I don't know where else I can stay.
  8. AJ, what do you think of zap apple cider? The idea has been burning a hole in my brain for a few weeks now.
  9. AJ, I just spotted a horde of zombies off in the EFF, so I'm gonna head over there and annihilate them. I took Doctor Whooves' advice and coated the bullets with poison joke juice. No, I didn't touch the stuff, I know enough from the name of the plant not to touch it or its juice. Then I just dumped the bullets into a magazine(not the reading kind) and loaded my ak-47. I just have to walk over there and go get 'em. They won't know what hit 'em.
  10. Pinkie, do you think someday you could break the fourth wall and meet me? I would love to get to know you, and who knows? We could bake cupcakes together someday. Not to mention a big chance to throw a 'Welcome to Ponyville' party!
  11. Oh, hi there. I was actually thinking of moving to Equestria someday, although I will need help getting there. ~Josh
  12. *walks over to Fluttershy's cottage, finding a swarm of zombies nearby* Aw crap, Fluttershy's not dying on my watch. Lucky for them, I made a secret weapon. *pulls out case of special bullets* These are coated in a thin layer of poison joke juice. I don't touch them because they're dumped into a magazine. *inserts magazine in ak-47* All right, DIE ZOMBIES! *runs over and shoots as many zombies as I can*
  13. Pinkie! Hey! *jumps through portal, making sure Pinkie gets back to Equestria* You know what my arrival in Ponyville calls for?! A PARTY!!!
  14. Yeah, don't go dissing the ROYAL CANTERLOT VOICE! Sorry Luna, just had to emphasize my point. ~Josh
  15. Oh boy, zombies. *walks into my dad's room and grabs my air rifle* This is gonna be good. Don't worry, I would never hurt anypony unintentionally. ~Josh
  16. She's busy, Zom. She'll answer when she's online.
  17. ((Not you, the Doctor. But yeah, unless the Doctor's TARDIS can't make it, that's technically what I meant. Jeez, if he has that kind of technology, then he can go practically anywhere.)) Ok, bookmarked your thread, Doctor. We can discuss this tomorrow, as it is getting late. ~Josh
  18. session_id Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/mlp/public_html/admin/sources/base/core.php:3942) in /home/mlp/public_html/ips_kernel/classAjax.php on line 323 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/mlp/public_html/admin/sources/base/core.php:3942) in /home/mlp/public_html/ips_kernel/classAjax.php on line 326 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/mlp/public_html/admin/sources/base/core.php:3942) in /home/mlp/public_html/ips_kernel/classAjax.php on line 327 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/mlp/public_html/admin/sources/base/core.php:3942) in /home/mlp/public_html/ips_kernel/classAjax.php on line 328 I just read this, and I understand every word. If I ever want to come to Equestria, however, I may need your help to make sure none of the rules are broken. As I know right now, we haven't had any major historical events, so there's not much to worry about there. However, other paradoxes can still occur, and I obviously do not have the skill or technology to prevent such paradoxes from occurring or ease the damage they can cause to the fabric of time and space. Is there any time you are available so that we can meet at my house IRL and discuss this?
  19. Ok, Doctor, if you hand me a copy of that tome, I will make sure to read every page. I honestly don't want to cause any problems.
  20. Jeez, we get it, Doctor. I understand you have a right to be so concerned, but there is no reason to go overboard with the concern. Even that has its limits.
  21. Thank you Draco. I may visit your den someday. ~Josh
  22. yes Sorry. Can Rainbow Dash break the dimensional barrier?
  23. I hope someday you learn how to enter different dimensions. If you're able to time travel, interdimensional travel isn't far off, right?
  24. And I will look forward to seeing more of you in the coming years.
  25. Oh! Didn't notice those. Heh, I guess so, yeah. In my world, there's a television show called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and it seems that some guys much older than the targeted age watch the show. They've called themselves "bronies" and older girls who are fans of the show are called "pegasisters". I just happen to be a brony, which is why those are there. I've also drawn your friends before, although I'm not a very good artist.
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