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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Rave Crocker

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Everything posted by Rave Crocker

  1. This ones a bit different I saw rainbow rocks and decided to vector her and make my first human wallpaper enjoy guys! Sunset Shimmer Wallpaper
  2. hey guys made one of rarity hope you like it!
  3. welcome to hell take a ticket and line up thank youuuu~
  4. updates, installed power windows, they need a power source atm, the radio needs to be rewired as the battery cable for it is dead, installed a new ciarette lighter, i don't plan to keep it in the car after i install a usb port, he headliner is installed I haven't had time to make a video yet as i want to fix the radio and windows first but there is one coming, I'll let you guys know more when i know more.
  5. left 4 dead 2 is free on steam for the next 15 hours!

    1. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      My brother just got it. :3

  6. you took one sentence I said entirely out of context
  7. I've had my fair share of dealing with the mods here and on another forum and I will say yes its over moderated but an under moderated site leads to an unorganized site also the character limit in my opinion is good it forces you to state you're entire opinion or think the post into a hundred words, instead of someone topic about what do you think about alicorn twilight becoming a topic filled with comments like "lul gey" or "meh"
  8. Well I'm still here, not altering the art on the escort to be twilicorn but I'll probably still be in the fandom long after its gone and over
  9. a friend of mine used to use facebook to sign in now he can't so he's locked out of his account.
  10. Sounds great cant wait! i'll be able to buy it in 2 weeks well unless you dont have the numbers by then, then probably 2 weeks after that
  11. OH MY GOD! Now I Have to Buy it I'm going to need to frame it It's even more amazing than when I saw the first picture, how much would shipping and the bead art cost on that?
  12. You are a god O.o how much do you want for it! I want it, like alot! I can pay you in paypal and send my address and i would hang it on my rear view mirror XD
  13. Alright guys! As some of you may know my radiator died on me, I'll be replacing it very soon, along with the distributor I've compiled a list of things I plan to add to the escort interior wise and exterior wise, what I'd like to know is what you guys want to see added to the car, keep in mind I am not made of money so cheaper things are encouraged. Outside: Plastic Ford Emblems to be re printed to say pony in ford font, (temporary logos are done) Rainbow dash to be printed and dipped in chrome with wings spread for hood ornament. DMC Delorean 14 inch rims with new goodyear tires DMC Center cap to be reprinted saying Pony Clear coat (really needed) Reverse Hood Lambo door kit Rear window louvers like on the gt 86 escort Inside: Pop out indash (done) pop out cup holders (car has no cup holders) (being fitted) power window conversion (mostly done) power locks with keyfob headliner (done) Professional carpet install Seats reupholstered inside door panels reupholstered digital HUD Speedometer Horntones mp3 horn replacement (want the horn to say yay in fluttershy's voice) replace all bulbs with LEDs backup camera GPS Rear view mirror replacement Engine: Each spark plug wire will be a different color Engine Dress-up bolts in different colors Cold Air Intake Possibly a turbo charger Cherry Bomb glass pack muffler Burn tip tailpipe If there is anything else at all you guys would like to see shoot me a message or comment on the topic!
  14. Don't question my logic it's the only thing keeping me sane!

  15. nine hundred and six... oh wait I Happen to be 5.68025e8 seconds old I mean 18 years old. sure feels like it too, getting old quick
  16. but i could have some art by you i could hang it on my mirror in my pony car XD and I can't wait to see it if it doesn't end up too hard to do!
  17. so even if i paid you to ship me a bead thingy you wouldnt? anyways do you think you can do this https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/1016880_10200099353437556_1650486494_n.jpg would be cool to see anyways, thanks if you can, keep up the good work!
  18. My banner is not sexual you twit , That's a projection of you're own mind making the idea and assumption, that it is. thus you are one of the people that you are so blindly pointing out.
  19. by the way how much would it cost to have a custom bead thing done of my oc and hope you are still enjoying it here on mlp forums
  20. yeah it looks like there isn't enough definition in the outline though could be me, most noticable with that first applejack one.
  21. Don't be nervous , we're a bunch of idiots, glad you found us, behave, and enjoy your stay also be sure to add yourself to the map >>>HERE<<<
  22. they look great! however you should spend more time on the outlines, really like the big twilie one, keep it up and keep having fun!
  23. sorry everyone When I wrote the post I was mostly stressed and had the feeling they don't show me love, I am trying to get a job, and I know they love me allot. thanks for you're support you guys are amazing
  24. Alright So 2 years ago i got into mlp and my parents quickly accepted it and didnt care, I had my car painted in ponies, and as soon as i turned 18 my parents started yelling at me because i didnt have a job (not that it should matter to them its not like they pay for the stuff i buy) and because all my friends are online (which they believe everyone i meet is a clopper), they don't look at the good sides of people only analyze the bad things in them, and now they are pressuring me about so many things i dont understand what i did wrong, its like they don't want to show their love for me anymore as soon as i became an adult, have you guys had any experiances like this? what happened when you turned 18?
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