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Posts posted by RageonJonesy906

  1. Still, this show was notoriously girly in its past, and such it can notch be rid of it. Surely:

    1) You (probably) felt embarrassed on learning you actually liked this show you'd been persuaded, one way or another, to watch

    2) After all of that, you wouldn't public ally admit yourself as a brony (in a normal crowd) due to very judgemental people.


    Not that there's anything wrong with it, but even if you were head over heels in love with the show, you surely would not publicly admit it in front of parents, non brony friends and strangers. You might be misinterpreted as... You know what im getting at.


    Personally, I think that admitting being a brony is great, in addition to an increase in confidence it will also make you a more independent person and will possibly lead to new friends and areas in life. It might be considered a step forward.


    Even the downside of being ridiculed can be considered a positive!


    The only difficulty (that was the case for me) is having the strength to take that step.


    There's absolutely no shame in admitting you are/were embarrassed, its normal human nature after all.


    I know I was, and even though I've quit, it still 'haunts' me in a way.

  2. Now, I've had this question asked many times and I'm sure you have had to, but I'm gonna ask it anyway. As good as the brony fandom is, do we ever really feel embarrassed that we like this show which we hated bank in the day, infamous for its girliness and aimed for people over 4 times younger than us at the very least? This was actually one of the reasons I have up being a brony (needless to say I still enjoy watching it from time to time), the other being the... Not so nice parts of the fandom. I'm just wondering... Do you feel embarrassed liking this show? And if so, has it affected you?


    PS: I do not mean to offend anyone in this topic if you think I am. Just curious.


    I look forward to seeing what the MLPforums community say to this...

  3. Actually, the Claws turned to chaos much later, mostly due to Huron not getting along with the High Lords of Terra, if memories serves.

    "Pre-heresy" refers to the time before Horus' rebellion, so essentially 30k.

    Looks like I need to re-learn a thing or two, never been too interested in it, but you pick up a few things while surfing through the rule book or a codex. But, space marines aren't my first army, nids are. However, I don't know anything background wise about them :P. I chose Astral Claws mainly for the paint scheme.

  4. Doyou mena pre-treason? Otherwise my nerdrage will decent upon you like parasprites...

    I'm pretty sure it's pre-heresy, because of the Horus Heresy, which made the Chaos Space Marines as they are. Where the Emperor nearly gets killed by Horus etc.


    But yeah, it could be either since the Chaos Space Marines are referred to by the Adeptus Astartes (Normal Space Marines) as traitorous or heretical throughout 40k history


    does anyone know how to make it?


    and wouldn't it be awesome if Citadel made THE ROYAL CELESTIA ARMY as a army or THE ROYAL LUNA REBLUBIC. i would soooooo play one of those armies

    There would also need to be others like 'King Sombra's Empire', 'The Unicorn Inquistion', 'Ordo Pegasus' and how can I forget? Changelings!

  6. I was never good at maths but my teacher said Algebra clicks, Maths as a whole clicks, so try Algebra again and again. When you get it right, then you're starting a good thing.


    Science, it's knowing everything you can. Formulae, processes. Read books, they help you


    Even if these don't work, don't stop trying. A loss in commitment could mean a harder loss.


    Hope these help :)

  7. Me and a friend combined ours. 1 is me, 2 is my friend


    (2) Pinkie Pie is really annoying

    (1) Ponies are quite overrated

    (1) Maybe we should listen to haters

    (1+2) I hate iPhones, an easily broken money well, Nokia FTW!

    (2) Call of Duty is better than Half-Life (please, I'm ashamed too)


    How could I forget my masterpiece?


    I didn't care in the slightest when derpy was censored, I really didn't I thought the whole thing was stupid and still do. She's just one cartoon pony and not even a main one. I can understand she's quite cool, but c'mon, seriously?! A mini campaign?

    • Brohoof 1
  8. No matter, the colour scheme sounds cool anyway. I still am obsessed with it. A Codex per day keeps the Dark Eldar away ;). The chapter's got an interesting name 'the woad', anything behind that. I always wanted to create a custom chapter, but don't have the imagination to think up a name. Dare I say though, I have painted a Rainbow Dash colour scheme marine. The Rainbows are so frustrating to get right!

  9. Yeah, I'm not too competitive either, mainly cus I use nids, they tend to get blasted apart fairly easily if the player knows what he's doing. My friend collects Tau, so there's a bit of a tourney side to me. What's you chapter's colour scheme? Astral claws aren't well known. They're metallic grey with blue shoulder pads and gold detail. They turned to the Red Corsairs chaos warband which is well, red (with dark metallic grey outline). They can be found on ForgeWorld. Do you have a picture of one of your marines? :)

  10. So, sometimes I'll see a random image of pony combined with 40k (such as the one attatched) so, do you fillies and gentlecolts play it?


    If so, mention experience, any armies and anything you see relevant :)


    Myself, I collect Eldar of Biel-Tan, Nids of Hive Fleet Kracken and Space Marines of the Astral Claws (pre heresy) but played with every army. I've been playing for three years.


    You now have the right to call me nerdy :P


    Just look at my profile pic XD. It's Princesses Celestia and Luna making the sign of the Imperium of Man (or bronies in this case)

  11. Well, I've made peace with them now. Some of them were a bit less... Acknowledgeable but nevertheless. I did flip them the bird though. After everything, I didn't want to stay. They couldn't respect my opinions. Still OK people though. I remember being called a 'social reject' but that's in the past, forgive and forget, right?

  12. I'm good at some stuff in school:

    Religion (what its for, I don't know)

    Science (biology, I know a lot of background which surprises teachers)


    But languages are my strong point, I study(ied):








    And I'm good at most of them, but not fluent (yet)


    Oh, and electronics, circuit boards and soldering. I make a lot of stuff, including my Xbox controller's mods. I'm good at computing too.

  13. No, not really

    Personally, I don't see how people find ponies sexy, my guess is a sort of aftermark from too much exposure to that mean, dark, terrible thing called (4chan) Rule 34


    I tried to get a hi res and cool soarin' wallpaper, half the pictures were shipping and one... I'm going to stop talking now. I don't really care about it as long as its not rubbed in my face with a comment "look @ dat plot!"

  14. It's hard. There are so many out there. A few picks would be: discord tombstone remix, 20% cooler (ken ashcorp) and good ol days by thelivingtombstone. I really should listen to more. Anyone have a good dubstep one?

  15. It could be like that skyrim DLC: dragonborn. STOP READING NOW IF YOURE GOING TO PLAY IT OR ARE DOING SO. King Sombra has an incredibly powerful representative (who uses his power) who the mane 6 have to stop. Forget the ending though, that needs to be rethought. Would make a great fanfic though if cleverly and well written.

  16. I've got no idea, sometime in 2011 when I had nothing better to do, I actually got in it through curiosity alone. One of my friends is becoming one. He's relaxed and (toleration mode active) thinks pinkie's annoying. Family doesn't really approve though. I've done stuff online but never been to bronycon, even though I'd like to one day. Family doesn't really approve of it, but they're ok with it.

  17. I have no idea, I usually get fluttershy or rainbow dash in tests, even though they are nearly the mirror opposite. In public, I'm quite shy, but converse comfortably quickly once I get started. Around my friends I'm a lot more relaxed and a bit like RD. Is there a pony like that? Also, I'm quite random and hyper sometimes, but usually the factors above wipe out pinkie pie as an option. Also, I'm quite smart and (a bit) geeky, and strong. I beat any of my friends in an arm wrestle. So, a very weird mix. I'm nothing like Rarity though. My hair's always unkempt and I'm not at all into fashion. I'm also quite lazy sometimes, according to, well, everyone.


    Any pony got any idea who I am? I certainly don't have the slightest clue in the world, ever since I started watching the show. That's saying something

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