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Everything posted by JayPeg

  1. Yeah I've already posted here but since then I usually go under another alias.... Somewhere I got JayPeg based on some joke names (Namely Jay-Pee due to the pronunciation of J and P) and the file format of ".jpeg", with a side of how usually I'm not too good at games (whereas most people find a .jpeg to be a bad file format.) Take the pronunciation of J, Jay, and the file format .jpeg without the J, Peg. Combine the two, boom, JayPeg. Sometimes I'll change it to JPEG or JPG or the like on Steam (with the once in a while jokes of PayJeg, JayPee, and JPNG) If the name is taken, I usually chose JayPeg612.
  2. English and Japanese. Japanese....well I can't speak it anymore due to a lack of use (but whenever given something to say in Japanese, I'll say it better than most my friends can), but I can understand it perfectly fine. Translation is completely out of the question for me so theres no way I can actually prove that I can simply just understand Japanese. I was never fluent with it anyway. English is obvious. I grew up in Americaland. I was taught it. Previously I used to be able to speak some Italian....wish I still knew some, but at least rolling R's isn't difficult to do.
  3. Err....I suppose rather average? A chill person, progressive thinker, crazy (I'll keep trying to fix something that is probably unable to be fixed whatever I do), and I've gotten adorable (from my innocence with...those topics) and huggable as well. Oh and for the folks who don't know me, I tend to get "knowledgeable" since realizing that printer drivers must be installed or that your computer isn't plugged in are some reasons why something isn't right, along with "strange" or "prepared for anything" since whenever I go anywhere, I bring loads of things that are most likely not necessary for what I'm doing. but why wouldn't you bring a flashlight with you everywhere... I suppose that all means I'm just average. Sounds good...right? right? oh and I might add that everyone calls me a dork......the cool kind though...
  4. JPdude612. If it says "JayPeg" in the name, you know you've got the right person. I'm not a big chatter, but sometimes conversation can just "spark" out of no where, sooooo Usually I'm in another call, but I'm always online and usually available to chat still!
  5. Anime. Now I've got nothing against it, but I just can't seem to get interested in any anime that I've watched, while all my friends love lots of them, keep up to date with them, or even go as far as to obsess over them. Theres only one anime which I've ever cared for and its Girls und Panzer (Because who doesn't love classic "World of Tanks the Anime" or simply just a bunch of tanks fighting one another...with rather nice detail too), but otherwise the rest just don't catch my interest. tl;dr I've only watched Girls und Panzer and liked it, other than that I have no interest in any animes. And another one thats probably connected anyway is TV, Movies, and TV shows. (And no watching them on Netflix/Hulu isn't "Not TV"). Movies, to me you sit there and do basically nothing. Nothing. I need something to do while watching anything, else I fall asleep. So yes that means I don't care for Game of Thrones and most movies out there. In fact watching MLP is something I don't often do at all, since I must distract myself and when I do watch it, I binge for a day while still being distracted. tl;dr I don't watch much TV or many movies because I just don't care for the former and dislike the latter. They bore me. Oh, Smartphones. I have a flipphone, I'm content with it. I'll be honest, theres only one reason I want a smartphone, its so I don't have to carry a phone and mp3 player seperately. Other than that, they are overpriced pieces of extremely fragile glass or crap plastic which have an expiration date of "in 3 months" or something of the sort. Not to mention you have home for internet that is actually worth your time using and your social networking needs. Being away from the computer pretty much means you aren't supposed to be on that stuff anyway (unless you're sitting at a cafe with a tablet or something, dunno.) I suppose you could add those popular games that are out there such as League of Legends or something. Never cared. Never will.
  6. Building Worlds - Glaze Wish I knew how to embed videos, forgot over all this time I suppose. EDIT: It does it all itself....how long have I been away from forums?
  7. Attempting to get a student version of Autodesk Maya working, while also getting back into using this site since it's been a year since I logged in last.
  8. Well I've grown up with female cats, I'm just kinda used to refering to a cat as a she. Its the same thing with dogs, I grew up with a dog that was male, and now Im used to refering to a dog as male. I'm sure if I grew up with a male cat and female dog I would probably think the opposite of how I do already.
  9. What made my day, a high grade on a Chemistry test and because tomorrow is going to be a good day os setting up my friend's computer. I love setting up computers, computers are wonderful What ruined it, I failed a math test and the fact today I've got plenty of math homework to go through. Oh well. No big deal I suppose. The good means more to me than the bad. What a wonderful day it is :3
  10. Eh. I told them pretty much flat out that I'm into it and they rather don't care. I mean, I get the occasonal joke from my dad but, besides the poking at me from time to time about it, they seem rather cool with it. Then again they probably wouldn't care if I told them something rather extreme about myself that I do, or at least they'd pay little mind to it. Yeah, I like having parents that don't mind what I do. Though I would like it if my dad stopped trying to look at what I do on the computer.
  11. I played games like Super Smash Bros Melee (And later Brawl), TimeSplitters 2 and 3, Halo 2/3, and more recently (though still quite a while ago), Goldeneye (Wii), Call of Duty MW2/BO, and Halo 4/Reach. I must admit, the times with the Gamecube (And later Wii) was the most fun of all Though if LAN games count too, then me and my friends also play a bit of Arma II, Arma III, Quake III, GTA IV, and CoD WaW through LAN on computers that are actually rather unfit for running such games Always fun hanging out in a real life situation playing games (Well I suppose more like screw around in the games, but still), makes the game a bit more...well...lively and fun And yes, I never seem to stick to one game, its more fun having lots
  12. Ha, haha, how about I don't change this :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JayPeg



    3. Blackcat


      We need rainbow hash up in here.

    4. Blackcat


      Excuse me, *Rainblow Hash

  13. Eh. I don't think anything absolutely that signifigant really changed from the fandom or the show, although I'll admit I am a bit more social than I used to be, going to meetups, using forums, etc. And perhaps a bit more cheerful, but aside from that I don't really think it changed me a whole lot.
  14. Oh man this will be a hard one to remember...ummm...I think around the time I was 4 or 5 I played Tetris and Super Mario Bros. on the NES (As my mom had kept one over the years from Japan). Sadly it did not last much longer than after I was that age as either my dog broke it or it broke on its own because well...that stuff happens I guess. Either that or I played on an old Performa Mac, some Atari-esque game, with wireframe tanks, and I had to shoot those wireframe tanks as I moved through the level. I can't remember the name of that game anymore though as I played that at 4 or 5 as well probably. (The performa mac broke a year or so after that and got replaced by a purple old iMac, and not the flat panels, I mean the old CRT iMac that weighed a ton.) Ah well its all old childhood stuff anyway. I was told I've been fooling around with computers since I was 2, so I'm going with the wireframe tank game thing, seems more likely at like 3 or 4 that I played it.
  15. Apparently I'm sitting in my unfinished room smelling the smell of wet paint on a carpet thats simply disgusting. While posting this post using my dead laptop battery of which now I must find the charger. I hate looking for the charger. It always takes forever and I hate doing that.
  16. I suppose the truth is always nice, but in terms of needing a lie really badly, you could say its an anime convention. After all, everyone has heard of those I'm sure, and they exist everywhere. Though seriously try to stick with the truth. You'll want any amount of trust, regardless how little it is. I'd say go with the advice of Nayruthepegasister. Have your friend's parents/friend convince your's. Hope you can make it to BronyCon though! I wouldn't mind giving a brohoof while there :3
  17. Ah the sun is shining, the birds are singing, spring feels like its here! And suddenly we are buried in snow! FFFFFF MINNESOTA D:<

    1. Blackcat


      I feel you Sir. Oklahoma went from 80 degree's to an ice storm just yesterday.

  18. Though I'm rather indifferent to the whole idea of Twilght being an alicorn, I'll admit it is a bit too soon, perhaps they could of made her a princess at a later time? I dunno, its just my thoughts really. Otherwise, I'm pretty much indifferent to the whole idea of her being an alicorn. (or as my friend randomly reffered to her as, a UNIPEG! i'm sorry...)
  19. JayPeg

    mega thread Anime Discussion Thread

    Well its rather short and one season (12 episodes, not including recaps and bonus episodes), but I found it pretty cool. "Girls und Panzer" I suppose at first its nothing more than cute anime girls doing something, but more into it theres flippin' tank battles and whatnot! I mean really! Tank fighting as a sport! I suppose its just me and my friends, but I enjoyed every minute of watching it. Cause tanks. So go look it up and see the tank fighting. also theres no english dub. only Japanese with English subs...and a Russian song that was sung with English subs... Though besides that one anime I am not into a whole lot of anime. I don't care for it all too much personally.
  20. To the hypocrites thing, yes I typically find them to be quite hypocrites, but some really do stand by that phrase, which I do admire. And I'll admit, I can't even fully stand by that phrase. Personally I do think the fandom could be a bit better, but I don't mind it too much since natrually, fandoms usually have their bad parts just as much as they have their good parts....and then they have their other parts. I did say I am white, but I am also Asian as well, half and half, I suppose its ok set the way it is but for people of multiple races perhaps its better with checkboxes.
  21. I've been trying to limit myself, but somehow I can never stop, soda is amazing, I must admit I find myself addicted to that stuff too >.< Though some sodas seem to give my stomach a hard time and well....I suppose its not the best feeling in the world.... But a sprite is always nice, and a Dr Pepper being my favorite soda to drink. Although the carbonation seems to just kill me when it comes to cola and dr pepper.
  22. Yes, this picture is absolutely amazing :3

  23. I have to agree on the fact its the people that I like. Nothing better than having a nice conversation wth someone, about ponies or not, with people of similar interest that I meet through this fandom. though I will admit even if theres a lot of cool people in the fandom and the friends I have made in this fandom, theres a lot of people I dislike as well...but thats normal I suppose when it comes to anything.
  24. Banned because <insert clever reason here>
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