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Posts posted by Crimzo


    Let's not forget that Shimmer was able to turn anyone she wanted into those gargoyals, she demonstrated that with Snips and Snails, Celestia or Luna or anyone else would not stand a chance against an army of those. Make no mistake, Discord would be the only one who could defeat her. And defeat her he would, since he is so ridiculously overpowered... lol


    What would have happened when they all went through the portal I have no idea. I would assume that they all would turn into ponies but they would still be in a gargoyal-ish form and the powers they had gained would remain.


    To comment on what Razzmataz said, I think that Shimmer didn't really know what sort of powers she would gain from the element, and wanted to retreat back to a safe place so she could figure out what she could do with it before deciding on a final plan. Putting on the crown right then and there would be too risky of a move if she didn't know exactly what would happen, especially since she was in the middle of the castle with all of the royal guard and princesses and everyone there. This would explain why it felt like she was 'winging it' when she took control of all the people. Her intentions all along would have been to take over Equestria though, she just didn't decide on how she would do it until she knew what sort of power the element would give her.

  2. It took all of the elements of harmony to defeat Discord, if Discord could be defeated with just Twilight's element then they wouldn't have had to come together to defeat him. Also I think the element was weaker when it was under Shimmer's control since there was no harmony in her or what she was doing, it seemed like the element was very unstable in that state. With those observations I am sure that Discord would have been able to defeat her easily. Not to mention that Discord would at least be able to take care of the teenage army for sure, and it was her plan to use the army, so her plan would have been thwarted immediately at the very least.

    Oh! oh! Could you do mine?




    Here is a bio I made for him, for you to get an idea of his personality, his name is Crimzo


    He is a pegasus pony that has two blunt horns, he is a type of pegasus whose genetic purpose is to be a protector and a "workhorse", so his body is built tough (Think of it like what Big Mac is for the earth ponies, but not quite as big and bulky). He has a condition that causes his coat to be blemished with large spots that are a darker color. Also I wanted his wings to be a bit bigger, but the creator couldn't do that.


    He is strong, a good fighter, and a fast learner. Skill-wise he's sort of a jake of all trades, he can stack up against other ponies in their field in most things but typically isn't ever the best (for instance he is one pony that can really keep up with Rainbow but is never able to downright beat her). He's smart too, enough to understand fairly technical things but he isn't a genius or anything.


    His job is protecting the village and helping people out with stuff when they need it, he gets anxious when there is dysfunction between people or there is a problem that isn't solved, he always wants to settle things and set them right. He doesn't tolerate well when people disagree or don't see things his way, he wants everyone to be on the same page. He is very interested in magic and he badly wishes he could be a unicorn so he could learn how to use it. He also has a peculiar sense of humor that other people don't often share.


    I had trouble with importing a cutie mark in the creator but if he had one it would be a shield.



    Oh, yes like Trixie has never been rude to anybody. Like taking over the entire town. dry.png  Yet, most people enjoy her. 

    By spouting a bunch of lies, kicking Twilight out of town, forcing ponies to do things they would rather not do. Trixie is worse than Gilda yet people LOVE her. It's not really fair, in my opinion. huh.png


    I wasn't aware that you were comparing her to Trixie, I don't like Trixie either. But to shed some light on why more people like Trixie I think it could be because the rotten things that Trixie does she does for an actual conceivable reason, like she feels she got showed up last time and she wants revenge (still a bad reason but at least there is a reason). With Gilda she just does things without any kind of justification, it seems like she is just a plain rotten person since there is no reason behind her crappy actions (Maybe it is because of her childhood, but we just don't know, if they revealed that she is bad because of her childhood then I think she would become a lot more likable). Also Trixie is generally more interesting because among other things she speaks in the third person, even though she is a rotten person there are still things about her personality that are likable. With Gilda there wasn't enough depth shown in her character to produce very many likable attributes.

  5. No, I would love for her return as well.

    Gilda is actually one of my favorite characters and it's a shame people don't like her. The main reason I saw for people not liking her is because she yelled at Fluttershy. So? img-1462264-1-dry.png


    It's not just that, she did a ton of rotten things in that episode. Like not letting Pinkie Pie hang out, crashing her helicopter and then acting like everything is fine in front of RD, stealing, and all the little things she did that shows she just has a general disregard for other people.

  6. Sorry, I misread your post. When I first read it, it seemed you were simply giving out hate towards the show.


    I'm getting quite sick of people going around saying that they won't give the show a chance and throw insults at it.


    It's alright. I know what you mean about when people go out of their way to bash something they don't like, why don't they just not watch it and not bother everyone else? but I'd like to point out that there is a difference between voicing your opinion out on your own, and voicing it when you are asked for it. For me I don't like the character art and I'm not going to go around bothering everyone about it, but in this case I was asked for my opinion and so I gave it. Even if I was giving out hate towards the show there would be no problem because the whole point of the thread is to say what you think, if I hate the show then that's what I think. But to be clear I don't hate the show, it hasn't even aired yet so I don't know what it will be like.

  7. If you don't like the show then don't watch it. 


    I didn't say I don't like the show, just that I don't like the character concept art, OP wanted peoples thoughts on the characters and I gave mine. And anyways if I didn't like the show then that's exactly what I would do, why would I watch a show I don't like? Your comment seemed very hostile seeing that you used both bold and underline, and I really don't appreciate that.

  8. I don't know why so many people are assuming that HL3 will be next to release when they haven't made EP3 yet, EP3 would be the next title if you want to follow logical progression.


    Anyways the last thing I heard about what Valve was doing is that they are working on some secret thing that can revolutionize the way we see games or something like that. They have yet to reveal what that thing is, it might be the steambox but they haven't confirmed that. My guess for the next Half Life release is to be sometime after they launch whatever it is they've been working on. When Gabe mentioned it he said that they would be working on it for the next few years, and that was a bit after Portal 2 released.

  9. The main problems I have with the humanized characters is this:


    1. Their skin should not be the same color as their coats were when they were ponies, in pony form it is their COAT that is a certain color, not their actual skin, we don't know what color any pony's skin is because they haven't shown a bald pony in the show yet, but even if it happens that their skin is actually the same color as their coat, humans still do not have colored skin, there is only one factor that determines a human's skin color and that is how much melanin is present in the skin. I think they should have gone a different rout, like taking the base luminosity of their coats color and translating it into a human skin color, like what the maker of this video did, I think it works out very well:



    2. Why did they keep their wings? Humans don't have wings. And regardless even if they did get to keep their wings then why did they not keep their horns as well? It just doesn't make sense.


    I acknowledge that I may be putting too harsh of standards on this seeing that it is a little girls show, but I wouldn't like it anyways if it didn't meet these standards whether it is a kids show or not. MLP: FiM meets these standards surprisingly well and that is one of the reasons I like it so much.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. Welcome! Remember to check out the weekly Friday movie nights, those are fun; more info for that in the Equestria.tv forum section. Feel free to tell a bit more about yourself, make these welcoming forums more fun! cya around.


    Hi and welcome!, you are defiantly not alone, I thought the show was stupid at first and it felt very awkward when I actually started to like it.


    Before I had seen an episode or even heard about the fandom, whenever I would see a picture or anything from the show I thought it was stupid and it repulsed me, this was coming out of the assumption that all it was was some girls kids show reminiscent of teletubbies or something like that. And that's exactly what it looks like at a glance. When I heard about bronies I figured there must be something to the show, so one day when I was bored there was an episode listed on the side of youtube and I decided to give it a chance. I immediately skipped the theme song or any other song as soon as it came up, but other than that it wasn't bad, although I didn't particularly like it either; I wasn't a brony at the first episode, that's for sure.


    over the course of a few months I ended up watching 2 more episodes, the second was the season 3 finale (twilicorn episode), it was listed on youtube because it had just released and was popular. While it was in the beginning I actually didn't skip the first song because it actually sounded decent and thats when my interest peeked, because they were singing about their "cutie marks" being switched and that had some kind of significance. I was thinking, 'What? those symbol things on their butts actually have significance in the story? They aren't just some stupid thing the makers put there for girls to like them more?'. I was immediately curious, I googled "cutie mark" and it took me to the MLP wiki where it mentioned that they are explained in the episode "cutie mark chronicles", so I searched for that in youtube and watched it. After this point every episode I watched made me more and more curious. and then started liking it more and more, I ended up going on a three or four night marathon of the entire show.


    When I started that marathon I still didn't particularly like the show itself until I had seen both the 2nd and 3rd season and most of the 1st. (I watched in reverse order because most of the episodes I had already seen was from the 3rd season) The reason I kept watching was because it was refreshing to watch something for a change that isn't chock full of profanity, perverse jokes, and propaganda that I am so used to seeing in all types of media nowadays, the innocence of it was just refreshing. by the end of it though I started actually liking the show and feeling attached to the characters, which at first was very awkward and I almost wanted to stop, but now when I look at the show I don't see pink, purple, and rainbow colored talking ponies anymore, I just see characters in a show that is very well written and produced.

  12. Mine's my avatar, his name is the same as my forum name, Crimzo.


    He is a type of pegasus pony that has horns.


    He is strong and a good fighter, he's sort of a jake of all trades and a fast learner, he can stack up against other ponies in their field in most things but typically isn't ever the best (for instance he is one pony that can really keep up with Rainbow but is never able to downright beat her).


    His job is protecting the village and helping people out with stuff when they need it, he gets anxious when there is dysfunction between people or there is a problem that isn't solved, he always wants to settle things and set them right. He doesn't tolerate well when people disagree or don't see things his way, he wants everyone to be on the same page. He is very interested in magic and he badly wishes he could be a unicorn so he could learn how to use it. He also has a peculiar sense of humor that other people don't often share. I had trouble with importing a cutie mark in the creator but if he had one it would be a shield.

    I see your point Mothybolt, I was thinking about it kinda like she has a princess body now but isn't officially a full blown princess yet, but now that I think about it she did go through that cerimony and everything so I see your point. It would be bad for the show if she is elevated to too much of a higher level that the others. I remain optimistic though, I'm sure the makers will do a good job at adapting the change without ruining the chemestry between all the characters.

    For instance what I mentioned already; the problem could be dealt with if you use the concept that she is only offically a princess now and she has to reach certain age or something before she is regarded as full blown royalty; in other words she is in sort of in a long transition period, where several seasons could be made before she is elevated to a level above her freinds, at least any more than she already has been (Twilight has already been at a level higher than her freinds in a sense, being a student of Celestia, her element of harmony being a tiara instead of a necklace, her magic being so ownage, and that she is generally regarded as the leader already).as long as the show stays in good hands I am sure it will turn out great.

    The only thing at this point that doesn't sit right with me is that she is going to outlive all her freinds now, which is quite sad.


    EDIT: Maybe I should mention that I had only watched 2 episodes before I saw the season 3 finale, I watched the rest of the show shortly after. That probably had an effect on my reaction to it.

  14. I've seen a lot of people getting mad over it and was wondering why, I personally like it, some people have mentioned that it means she won't be in Ponyville anymore, but why is that? There's nothing stopping her from staying in Ponyville, she could be it's overseer or something.

    On top of this I have some related questions that could be a good discussion starter:

    Since Twilight became an alicorn does that mean she is going to grow over the years to have more of an adult-looking figure similar to what the other princeses look like? Also is she going to live for thousands of years now? That is a sad thought since she would outlive her freinds eventually. img-1341275-1-sad.png

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