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Dawn Stripes

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Everything posted by Dawn Stripes

  1. Speak the name of the demon, and yea he shall appear.
  2. Splendiferous news! The game is ready! Scroll up to the top of the page for links to the rulebook and peices. So, yeah, what do you guys think? We're going to try and submit to EQD here shortly. With any luck, they can help me put this out there. But I guess you guys get the first look.
  3. Hey, guys! Sorry it's been a bit. We got more playtesting done recently, and are in the phase of tweaking things for balance. Once I get past this next midterm I should be able to start putting together a nice-looking rulebook. In the meantime, have another sheet of cards. This one, in addition to some swag unicorns, displays the three special Alicorn cards. Alicorns override the normal conditions for success or failure on an episode, and a player holding an Alicorn in their hand has to use it. As a pony, you can send Celestia to your fellow ponies to save an Episode that's going down the tank. Or, as a Changeling, you could sneak Chrysalis into a Pony's hand and force them to do your dirty work for you. But be careful! If the other team guesses what you're up to, they can make you pay dearly for it.
  4. "Oh, you were expecting some rules text here? That's not the way I boulder." ~Maud
  5. Hi, everypony! Got a treat for you this time. After more than a year of development, we're proud to announce: A My Little Pony Print-N-Play board game. Changeling is a hidden identity game which holds 5-12 players and finishes in less than an hour. In it, you either play an undercover Changeling attempting to sabotage episodes of My Little Pony, or a citizen of Ponyville using teamwork to overcome their nefarious plot. If you've ever played Resistance or Avalon, then you'll recognize some of the game mechanics. Changeling adds another layer by letting you call on the unique talents of dozens of different MLP characters. Rainbow Dash lets you take multiple actions; Rarity lets you give cards to other players; Doctor Whooves lets you travel back in time to a previous episode! This makes the game a bit more 'Brony-ish', in that it gives everyone something to do, even if they aren't invited on the 'misison'. It also makes the game a bit less harsh--if you're found out as a Changeling, there's still a lot you can do to wreak havoc. Like Shipfic, it's a great game to break out at meetups and conventions (or just parties). We do hope you'll give it a whirl, and we very much hope you enjoy it when you do. If you had fun, tell us! And then spread the word. Link to the PDF Version Link to the .docx Version
  6. I'm very sorry all, but I must drop out of this RP.<br /><br />I'm taking some much-needed distance from poni, possibly for a long time. Once my fanfic on FimFiction has run its course, my involvement will be totally severed for an indefinite haitus.<br /><br />It's nothing to do with you guys, you're great and I love you all. But I can't let my imagination be sucked up by ponies right now, and the degree of obsession is becoming unhealthy.<br /><br />So I won't be participating in the sequel. Since all my prior characters are currently being run by others, I'm just going to let that remain the case.
  7. @@Hypn0ticD, Oh, good lord, Hypno, that was a spazz! I can totally even hear the Jenna coming through. It's like "How to Trick others into thinking you're pretty" that was a Jenna video, wasn't it? Anyway, I feel Celestia is way too chill not to understand; she wouldn't even freak. But that's just my headcannon, dont'cha know.
  8. I'm not dead yet! Saturday I'll be gone. In other news, I've actually started uploading my fanfic! http://www.fimfiction.net/story/186260/the-faith-of-carrot-top I'd really appreciate it if you'd go check it out sometime. You know, if you like reading, which I hope you do. And if you want to tell me that you like it, or alternatively that you immediately lost all respect for me, that'd be cool too. I'll also be trying to sneak to internet cafe's like once a week during May to update, so I might be able to sneak in roleplaying posts too. Who knows. I don't mind giving up Twilight, so by all means pass her off if you want too, though.
  9. @@Pripyat Pony, @@Hypn0ticD, "Cicada! Horsefeathers!" Twilight gasped as a bullet hit the Changeling right in the arm--she only winced heavily. Must have been biting her tongue against crying out. Never had Twilight felt so useless. She must have done good--hopefully--with that outburst, but after it her magic wouldn't come back for at least an hour. Maybe not for a day. Her instinct was the pull Cicada backwards, out of the doorway, but she resisted the impulse. The soldier had to know what she was doing. --------------------------------------------- Fluttershy kept her head down and as close to Colette as possible. There was shouting everywhere and people hurting--dying--why had she insisted on coming? Rainbow Dash could have handled it, but not her. She was dead weight here. The best she could hope for was to keep from losing, stay close to the group and hope there might be a chance to tend the wounded afterwards.
  10. Okay, guys, so I know I haven't been posting too great lately. I'm afraid all I can tell you is that it's about to get worse. I'm disappearing from the country for the month of May. I may still have some internet access, but it won't be enough to allow me to participate very much. Not sure what we want to do about it.
  11. @@Hypn0ticD, @Pripyat Pony,@00Pony "Do you know who these men are and where they came from?" Twilight said breahtlessly to Diliges. "I was in my room when we were just attacked!" ------------------------------------------------------ Rainbow frowned, shifting in her shackles as if she could have somehow pressed her ear against the heavy wall-cum-door that sealed their new cell off from the outside world. "I know know," she said. "Pinkie? I coulda' sworn I heard something like right outside. Something's gotta' be going' on. How long as it been since they took us outta' here to stick needles in us?"
  12. @@Hypn0ticD, "It's okay," she said, trying unsuccessfully to shake him off. "I'm...not a rabbit. Urk...I'll be okay eventually." She looked up at Applejack. "AJ, where are the others? Did they get out? Or are there still people trapped upstairs?" She clambered up with Stephen's assistance, looking to each one for help in turn.
  13. @@Hypn0ticD, @@Pripyat Pony, Twilight groaned as Applejack embraced her. SHe covered her eyes with a hand. "Oh, no...not again." She sighed. "Well, at least it'll probably wear off in a couple of hours. Make sure everyone knows that." She tumbled back to her butt when Cicada shoved Applejack back. Unfortunately, Twilight fell in the descending direction of the stairs. Crashing in slow motion, she made a feeble, intent effort to reach out to the bars, but fell short and slid down the rest of the flight on her back. "Ow..." Twilight sighed again. When she had been a little filly, she hadn't really imagined that being a Princess involved dealing with this sort of thing. "Stop fighting," she tried to say, but she wasn't sure if she was loud enough to be heard from up there as she pulled herself onto her knees, and then onto one leg.
  14. @@Pripyat Pony, Twilight stayed, not by choice, exactly where Stephen put her. She glanced up at Cicada and smiled weakly, as if apologizing for keeping the Changeling soldier who was no doubt much more competent out of the fight. But apologies for later. "What happened?" she croaked, coughed to clear her throat, and spoke again. "I didn't see...what I did. I didn't hurt anyone, did I?"
  15. Lol. My headcannon of crystal ponies is from a comic that was featured on EQD--that if they trip and fall, they shatter into a million pieces. Life is more interesting that way.
  16. @@Hypn0ticD,@@Pripyat Pony, (Super-awkward-thinking-Fluttershy-IC-move-is-to-trip-and-get-shot-but-not-wanting-to-slow-down-the-story-so-ignoring-Fluttershy...FTW.) Twilight groggily pushed out to find purchase, encountering a slippery metal bare to one side that seemed to do the trick well enough. She held herself up by the rail until the world had stopped spinning enough for her to stand, whereupon her other arm wound up grabbing Stephen's pocket for balance. "I'm okay," she insisted. "I'm not shot. No one is going to get shot." She took another deep breath, working her way to the point where she would stand without holding onto anything. She'd never tried to force herself to come to so fast after a major manaburst like that. It certainly couldn't have any positive health consequences. Why, if she wasn't careful, she might even... Too late. The thought sent her lunch ricocheting in lumpy green glory down the center of the story.
  17. @, @@Pripyat Pony, @@Hypn0ticD, "Eeep!" Fluttershy covered her head. "Don't hurt anyone!" ------------------------- Rainbow Dash inhaled deeply, rewarded by the distant tang of smoke. In her new cell, the sounds of gunfire were seeping easily through the walls. Her chains rattled as she turned to Pinkie. "Yeah," she said. "Thanks. Thanks for that." @@Hypn0ticD, @Pripyat Pony, Twilight rubbed her foredhead, moaning heavily. She felt like a million pounds of lead. Her eyes were cracked open, but admitting no more yet but colorless light, and the pain...like an alicorn playing drums on her... Were those wings? Oh, right...she was an alicorn. Hah. "Where am I?" she mumbled.
  18. @@Pripyat Pony, Dash harrumphed, doing her best to nicker. "Pinkie," she moaned, "if you could've got that door open, we could've been out of here a week ago!" She rapped on the thick steel pad a couple times, then shook her head. "Stupid," she muttered. "Can't let Pinkie get in my head. Seriously, filly, don't you hear something outside?"
  19. Rainbow Reacts? Sounds fun enough. Fluttershy's in a bit of an odd situation. Was it my idea to bring her on a mission where people are throwin grenades around?
  20. @@Pripyat Pony,@@Hypn0ticD, Fluttershy kept her head down and ran, trying to stay close to Colette ----------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash lifted her head for a moment. For a moment, she thought she had pricked her ear, before she realized that she had cauliflower ears instead of the fine-tuned triangular dishes she'd used to. "Pinkie?" she muttered in the dark. "You hear something?"
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