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Posts posted by Shadelight

  1. Been a while since I updated again, but my first post has been updated with one of my most recent pieces of my pony OC, Shadelight! She now has purple hair and a slight change in design and I'm so happy with her! :)

  2. Oh my gosh those are amazing! I want the Daring Do one so bad! I love the series one figures as well, so nice to see some new ones coming out. Also, does anyone know of a thread or place where people can trade the series 1 for other figures? I have a few extras sitting around and still missing a few others.

  3. 1. King size bed!

    2. Super clean right now because I did a super cleaing overhaul recently!

    3. Has a large TV that is never used.

    4. Large bookshelf with assorted momentos collected all during my life.

    5. Newest addition is a large salt crystal lamp (and I love it!)

    6. One wall is covered in werewolf art.

    7. Features all the game consoles I've collected, from the NES to my Wii.

    8. The closet is tiny. :(

    9. Futon couch that has a blanket my grandmother made for me on it.

    10. The wall behind the door is covered in various hats.

  4. I'm engaged technically, but I just call my fiance my husband already because we've been together long enough and we live together and have a little girl together too.


    My wedding is actually this coming October, so it's close enough I think that I can just say married!

    • Brohoof 2
  5. Oh goodness, yes! I use to keep my hair super short when I was a teen and I was called a boy on more than one occasion. I was also mistaken for my father on my phone by my own uncle! I know I have a rather "husky" womanly voice, but that one just took the cake!


    A lot of people online seem to think I'm a male too, if they're just talking to me without any real knowledge of who I am. Not sure why either!

  6. Hello everyone. :3 Just bumping my threat because I've posted a new piece of work. It's of my pony pegasus, Skywing! She loves to run and play, and especially dance! She also loves fashion, but you can read a little about her below her picture in my main post!


    Sorry for being gone for so long! That's what happens when you're a mommy and work full time. :) I hope to be around more since I'm looking to get some pony commissions. Full color with a simple background will be available. Art IS my income, but I'm afraid they can't be super cheap but I'll try to make them affordable. Thanks everyone. <3

    • Brohoof 1
  7. My Mom is out of town this year sadly, but she's with her Mom which is pretty cool! I plan to give her a call to talk with her and then have the house spotless for her when she gets back.


    And being a Mommy myself, I plan to just relax. xD My Dad and brothers sent me flowers, but otherwise I have no idea if anything is really planned for me. (It's my first year as a mommy too!)

    • Brohoof 5
  8. i know this topic was meant for the ladies, but I thought i'd share my input because i'm bored and can't sleep.


    Now with a brief statement my opinion shall be given. To be honest I do not find women with facial hair to be attractive.


    I have to admit, I actually really giggled when I read that last line. The fact it's a bit late doesn't help either.


    I am a 27 female and I find facial hair VERY attractive.  The hairier the better; I love thick beards. I guess to me it's a sign of virility.  Though it's only been in the past oh I'd say 5 years or so that I have started to really like facial hair.  I think for women there is definitely an age factor.  When I was a tween I didn't like any more than just a slight dusting no matter what age man, the older I grew the more I began to like it more and more not only on the face but other parts of the body eg. chest hair used to make me gag but now I prefer a guy with a little chest hair, no back hair though that's still pretty much a no-no smile.png  Strangely enough as I have aged I have done a complete turn-around I actually find clean shaven men to be unnatractive.  I think one thing that influences my taste in facial hair is my family.  I have grown up surrounded by men who look just like the Robertsons on Duck Dynasty.  I definitely don't like my husband clean shaven, makes him look like a prepuscent teen.... quite off-putting; right now he has a full beard but a shaved head, which I think is very handsome img-1447687-1-wub.png


    "I think for women there is definitely an age factor."  I actually have to agree with this statement. I'm 27 and I really began to like facial hair as I got more into my 20's. When I was younger, clean shaven was a bit more appealing, but as I gotten older it definitely has switched.

    • Brohoof 1
  9. Goodness, they are perfect! Who said brushables can't be show like? (I actually so wanna try brushable styling that I even have a reoccouring dream about it) (but I do not have any brushablesimg-1423753-1-sad.png )

    Thank you so much! I got my brushables either offline or at Target, and they're really not too bad to work with either!


    Wow, how inventive and adorable those mane 6 look!

    They look perfect to me, and the new hairstyles really look well on them if I may say so.

    Thank you so much! :D It was actually really fun to do this for them!


    Do you have any tips for how to style them? I am scared to try it with mine. I have Twilight, Rarity, Lyra and Trixie so far. 

    Just be very slow with it. I did the styling first by getting the manes wet, styling them and letting them dry, and THEN cutting so I could be a bit more aware of where the strands would fall. You can also look at this guide, which I looked at first. I didn't use the boiling water approach though. I just did hot water and styled from there.


    Wow! They look just like the show!

    I am amazed, as I am terrible with hair and can barely get mine to stay the way it does tongue.png

    Thank you! I'm surprised it worked out as well as they did! I think my favorite is Pinkie Pie though, her mane just came out so fluffy!


    This is perfect! You have to make a tutorial or something! img-1428789-1-biggrin.png

    Not that I own any My Little Pony toys at all, but whatevah!


    Seriously though, just look at that Fluttershy :3

    I just got my Applejack, so I may try to do a mini tutorial with her. :D I did use this one for reference though, but I did not use the boiling water approach. I just made the manes straight with hot water and styled from there. http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/09/bad-mane-days-guide-to-pony-hair.html



    Wow that's amazing! So show-accurate! I've always personally looked down on brushables cuz their mane is so... stringy.


    But you sir/ma'am have really changed my view! I am especially impressed with Pinkie and Rarity's manes. So fluffy and cute!img-1439174-1-laugh.png

    I was wondering how well it would take, but it does surprisingly well! I wasn't too fond of the standard mane style either, so messy and crazy but I saw a picture of a brushable that had been styled and it was pretty awesome so I wanted to try! It's not as hard as you think either! Just used some tape and rolled up toilet paper as "rollers" and it worked. xD

    • Brohoof 2
  10. (I hope this is the right forum section for this!)


    I've slowly been collecting up the mane six ponies and I have five out of six! I'm just missing Applejack, but she's on her way.


    I've never done this, but I wanted to try out styling their manes. I'll add in Applejack as soon as I get her and get her mane done.



    • Brohoof 23
  11. Whoa, great drawing, you are very talented!


    Your pony oc is really cute, love her eyes! You are also very good at backgrounds, I'm excited to see more of your works!



    Thank you so much! I hope to get some more stuff done soon, but it all depends on my work and just if I have the time available. :)


    aaaaaaaaaaa GUUUUUUUUUUUURLLLL THIS IS BEAUTIFUL! I love the second one because of the detail you put into the grass and the shadows on your Oc ;o;! 


    I your attention to detail impresses Kokori...SHE WOULD LIKE TO GIVE BROHOOFS!


    /gives hoof /) 




    Again, Great work and I look forward to seeing more awesome art from you! 

    Love, Kokori~ 

    YAY! Thanks for the brohoof! I hope to have some more stuff soon!


    Well, I said "FiM OCs", not necessarily ponies. There is at least one Zebra, two Buffalos, a Griffon, and a Changeling, although most of my characters are ponies. img-1400386-1-smile.png


    Do you take any commissions for your work?

    Those little changelings are pretty awesome. I'm not sure if I will do anything but ponies, but we'll see. And I plan to do commissions soon! I'm just figuring out how much it'll cost and such, but I've had so little time to do pony work lately due to my real job stuff.




    Wow, you're an amazing artist! The smooth shading is just perfect. Keep up the great work, I'm really looking forward to see more of your art.


    Ps. You should submit this to Equestriadaily, that way you can get more known in the MLP artist community. biggrin.png

    Thank you so much! I think I've heard of EqestriaDaily. I'm VERY new to the pony community, so I'm still learning my way around and seeing what kind of stuff is available. I'll keep it in mind though. Probably do it when I have a little more work to show people.

    • Brohoof 1
  12. Wow...your amazing!!! Could you draw me my pony...Surrealdarkness? My avatar is her... if so that would be awesome!!! img-1378203-1-img-1369822-1-UNZJLhS.png Also, if you do she's super grumpy and emotional. img-1378203-2-derpy_emoticon2.png

    I may! I've already gotten a few requests from people so I'd have to consider them first. If anything, I may open up a request thread in the creative resources section where I randomly pick a name from a hat. Just keep your eyes open for it if I decide to!


    Oh yeah, I've got around 20 FiM OCs, and ideas for more! However, for my Ponysona, I at first went with a blue Pegasus, and later went to a black Unicorn (my avatar). I'm finally set on her, but for a bit I had a different design. Hey, there aren't any limits to the characters you can create, so just go with it when you're inspired!

    Goodness, 20!? I'm only considering three, but I do have other OC's that are not ponies so I can understand! I just love designing character, but I really love seeing what other people come up with. I already have my Pegasus mostly designed, so hopefully I'll get her colored soon!


    . Great job, really nice to see your art here. perfect figure for a smart pony. I like both of her name and cutie mark. well done fellow pony biggrin.png


    Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy the other pony art I end up doing. :D

    • Brohoof 1
  13. I think I already complimented your work in your introduction thread, but I shall do so again! XD Your OC is such a cutie! You definitely have your own style, but still keep close enough to show that it's easy to tell it's an FiM pony. Awesome work!


    And thank you again! :D It actually took me ages to pick an OC and a name for her. I went back and forth from a unicorn and a Pegasus. I actually plan to make one of each at this point (Unicorn, Pegasus, and Earth!) and I've been roughing out the idea for my Pegasus. I think the name is the hardest part though.

    • Brohoof 1
  14. Really great job.  I can't really drawimg-1375221-1-laugh.png  cue rarity for the second time: WHY DO YOU HAVE TO LOOK SO GOOD AND MAKE ME LOOK SO BADimg-1375221-2-wink.png   Really awesome job! It's really hard to do androgynous ponies from what I've seen.  Keep up the good work!


    Thank you so much! I'll keep doing what I love to do. :D It honestly took me a LONG time to get to the point where I am, and I'm still going and still have a lot to learn. It's fun though.


    Really good, I love your art style with ponies. This is even your first pony drawing! I am very impressed with this! Keep drawing you have a lot of talent. smile.png


    Thank you! :D Now that I kind of went full force though, that first drawing I did is basically nothing compared to my full illustrative approach to a pony. Oh well. As long as people like it! :D

  15. On the one hoof: that is amazing, you rock.


    On the other hoof and in the words of Rarity: "why do you have to look so good and make me look so bad?"


    *sigh... someday I'll be able to draw like that.


    Keep up the awesome!


    Oh dear, thank you! And just keep practicing and you will! I had to start somewhere too, and in time if you keep going you'll get there! Even I still have a lot to learn! :)



    As you already know, I greatly approve of your work, and I look forward to the day you start commissions, because that will be an awesome-tastic-sauce day biggrin.png


    Oh and look out for Key Gear, most liekly he would be teh first or second to get a commission for you, he's a sucker for fine art x)


    Thanks again Dawn. :D I just need to figure out how much I'd charge and a set style that I'd offer. I don't want to make my stuff a clone of the show style (Even if it is amazingly adorable!) so I should offer something different. And I'll keep my eye out for him! ;)

    • Brohoof 2
  16. Umm..wow! This is fantastic! You my friend are a great artist!


    Now, can I ask you for a favor? Can you draw my oc? If so, that would be awesome!




    Thank you! It's so new to me, I imagine I'll get the hang of it eventually. I don't want to make it too similar to the actual show ponies, so I imagine I'll be playing around with a style. :) And I may draw your OC! I'm thinking of opening a request thread where I use a random generator to pick someone to draw. I'm not sure though, we'll see. I think I do that over in the creative resources section, right?


    Nice piece of artwork. But I have a question. What software was used for the creation of this fine piece of artwork. I am curious on how to do this kind of thing, but I don't know any good software. This one used here looks like it would work.


    I like your OC too. Pardon me for asking, but is it a mare or a stallion. Its hair looks female as well as the glasses, but the snout looks masculine.


    Other than that, great job.


    I use Painttool Sai for just about everything digital I do. GREAT program and not too expensive. They have a trial version too so you could give it a test run.


    And she's a mare, but if she seems kind of androgynous that's even better. I imagine after I get the hang of kind of "pony rules" of anatomy, it'll be more obvious.

    • Brohoof 1
  17. Hello fellow ponies! I decided to start a thread that'll feature the pony work I do. I'm afraid that pony stuff is a very VERY new subject for me. Once I get the hang of it, I know it'll vary from what I first did. (I'm typically a very detailed and full paint kind of artist, so this kind of stuff is kind of difficult for me!) Kind of get my own pony style flair, but for now it's pretty basic until I learn a bit more.



    Here's my most recent piece of Shadelight! I changed her around and designed her a bit more to my liking. This has been her set design for a while now.



    My first pony drawing is of my OC, Shadelight.



     Thank you for looking!



    UPDATE!: Alright, so I went ahead and did a full out illustrative approach to a pony. As you can see.. it's INSANELY different than my first little dinky drawing (Which was basically more of a simple image to just rough out my OC!). Get the basics down first, then go at it I suppose. I'll be posting more as I get to them.




    My pegasus, Skywing! She loves to dance and play, being a very active individual. She doesn't use her wings often, but will use them if needed. She prefers to run around on hoof! She also loves fashion, and will do her mane an tail in various ways. Featured in the drawing is just her simple work out clothes!

    • Brohoof 21
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