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About ManiacForPonies

  • Birthday 1996-06-27

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    Hi there everypony let me tell you a bit about me:
    I love movies (My favorite being A Clockwork Orange) and TV series (specially animated series). I have been watching Cartoons and playing Videogames since I can remember. I also became a big fan of music a few years ago. (specially Queen).
    I became a Brony back in January of last year. I started seeing it to pass the time in my house after I almost broke my leg in a car accident. Now I can´t stop looking for ponies on the Internet.

My Little Pony

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  1. 1. Hurricane Fluttershy: Best episode of the series. By far. 2. Return of Harmony: Love Discord, very creative imagery, my favorite moral so far.3. Cutie Mark Chronicles: I am still impressed by the fact that it never feels rushed. Also gives us a lot of info on the mane 6, and it´s just a very pleasant experience 4. Magical Mystery Cure: Great Songs, and a perfect, emotional second half.
  2. 1. Fluttershy 2. Twilight Sparkle 3-4. Rainbow Dash-Rarity 5. Pinkie Pie 6. Applejack Just to be clear, I like all of them, I just like some more than others. And the gap between Pinkie and Rainbow/Rarity is a bit bigger than the others.
  3. I have no problem if someone likes them. But those things are freaking scary. The worst looking mass produced dolls I have ever seen (and that kind of doll usually look quite nasty to me).
  4. Actually no. It´s really close (if I made a list it would be N.5) but there are some other cartoons I like more. But what makes me like MLP in general more than any other cartoon franchice (at least FiM) is the great comunity
  5. Yeah!!! I am so exited for next season. The best part is that it is the first in any T.V. series I have liked that I just don´t know what will happen. "Magical Mystery Cure" could be a series finale, but that is not the case. Something will change in this season, and I have no idea of what the result will be.
  6. I would love an episode about a certain super powerful and revolutionary unicorn. Seriously, I really really really want to see Star Swirl the Bearded. They could have him in some adventure with Clover the Clever and help explain a bit more about Celestia and Luna (I think that "Luna Eclipsed" stated that they had met at some point).
  7. Well I think that in the end what makes them friends is not just the fact that they make or not make fun of each other. I don´t even think it is the fact that they like similar things. It is that they have grown to care for each other and help each other if necessary. So far the best example I have seen of true friendship in the show is in "Hurricane Fluttershy" in which Rainbow Dash clearly worries more about her friend than anything else, and Fluttershy is willing to help Dash, even when she has to face her greatest fear (even if, unlike in DragonShy, it isn´t a dangerous situation).
  8. O MY GOD this is so awesome!! I absolutely adore this song. When something like this happens is when you know that your song has really touched people around the world, and in this case even space.
  9. I like to believe that their typography close to ours. But the show usually just puts random symbols (I actually believe have seen some symbols from the Greek alphabet).
  10. I don´t understand why so many Bronies want to know everything about the characters. I personally thing that Scootaloo doesn´t need a back-story or a known present situation other than the one she has with the CMC and Rainbow Dash. I haven´t even developed those aspects of her character in my own head-canon.
  11. Ok here is my top 5: 1.- Hurricane Fluttershy : In my opinion the closest the series has been of a flawless episode. Also the positive aspects are just too many: The humor always works, some great animation effects, new background ponies with awesome designs, shows that Rainbow Dash has grown as a character before Wonderbolt´s Academy, gives a lot of depth to Fluttershy, and the climax touches me every time. 2.-Return of Harmony Gives the show a great villain, the first episodes to be visually interesting, Discords plan in the first part is great, tells us something new about why some of the mane 6 are the way they are, the first really emotional moment in the series 3.-Cutiemarck Chronicles 7 stories, 22 minutes, and it never feels rushed (except in Rarity´s part). How is this even possible! Also has a nice song, gives a lot of information about the mane 6, work´s better as a season finale than The Best Night Ever 4.- Lesson Zero It has the mental breakdown that I wanted to see in Party of One. (I don´t like that Pinkie is sad and a second later she turns out to be schizophrenic, still like the episode) And it´s just a funny, insane episode. 5.- Magical Mystery Cure The first half may be flawed, rushed, didn´t have that many great songs (exept What My Cutiemarck Is Telling Me) But the second half is just PERFECT And those are just the main reasons of why I love them so much
  12. Well he doesn´t talk much. And Apple Bloom herself said that he was shy in "Hearts and Hooves Day" But I don´t think he is too shy. He is just someone that gives short answers and doesn´t usually start a conversation
  13. The original Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hHKmiRwyBU I like the animation of the second opening but I just love this one. It is just... SO AWSOME
  14. Wow, I can see that. The biggest battle ever. lol Well to tell you the truth I don´t even think they have the strength to kill another pony. The probably die of estarbation or something for trying to kill each other for so long.
  15. Well many people are incredibly annoyed by the fact that they cant realize something so obvious so I think they should. That would also give the writers new opportunities with them. Like having one of them meet another pony that is better than them at something similar or even the same.
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