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Pinkamena Dianne Pie

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Everything posted by Pinkamena Dianne Pie

  1. "Well, I guess just take it easy over these next few days." Pinkamena said with a smile. "I think you need the break from all the chaos that has happened." She turned back to the door and knocked again, this time in the rhythm of a tune. "Dun dun dundun dun, THUD THUD."
  2. @@Redeye, (Well, I waited for others.) Lux was happy when she saw her spell strike the man, but was immediately disappointed when he didn't even flinch. "Crap, I thought that would wor... Whoa!" She yelped as the mans ball and chain extended out and came crashing into her leg, causing her to fall to the ground hard. Her eyes began to well up with tears from the throbbing pain in her leg as she clutched it. "Ow, you big meanie." She sniffled as she pointed one hand at the man in the shape of a gun. Lux's grimiore flipped a couple pages and a small glyph appeared at the end of her fingers. She brought her thumb down, as if she had fired her hand "gun", and a small bolt shot out at the bandit leader. (Basic attack.)
  3. Streaming Bloodborne now. Come watch me kill things and stuff and get rekt by others. www.twitch.tv/pinkamena_dianne_pie_

    1. Sky Knight

      Sky Knight

      I'm sure you'll do fine!

  4. As Lux came out of the alley way, she came upon some others dispatching the rest of the bandits in the area. She was kinda disappointed that she may not be able to get any money from them, but her thoughts stopped when a rather large man, claiming to be the leader, came out with a spiked ball and chain. She gulped and began to contemplate the situation. 'Okay. Stay far away and hit him from afar.' Lux then began to back away from the man whilst summoning her grimiore, it flipping open through pages until it hit the right one. A glyph formed in the air and Lux centered it between her and the bandit leader and blew a kiss at the glyph, firing a fluorescence spell.
  5. Had to go do stuff. Stream of Bloodborne is back up. http://www.twitch.tv/pinkamena_dianne_pie

  6. Gonna be streaming Bloodborne. Come watch mr die! (He says with extreme enthusiasm) www.twitch.com/pinkamena_dianne_pie_

    1. Pinkamena Dianne Pie

      Pinkamena Dianne Pie

      Was wrong with the url. www.twitch.tv/Pinkamena_Dianne_pie_

  7. @@Ranger22, Chris handed the piece of parchment back to her, which she then just stuffed back into her satchel. "You'll have to speak to her tomorrow. She won't be here til then." Lux said as she turned and started to walk. "So, bye for now." She added as she took off down an extremely narrow alleyway that led to another part of the city. She was trying to find more of those bandits that were raiding the city. "Maybe, if I get enough of them, the city will pay me." Lux said optimistically.
  8. Lux watched as Chris shook his head and pulled out a piece of paper. He then asked her to show her proof of membership with the KoA. She sighed and then opened her satchel. 'I should really organize this thing.' Lux thought as she dug through the messy contents of her bag. It took her a little while, but she managed to find the piece of paper and pulled it out. It was a little bit torn in places, and had found a few liquids in its lifetime, but was still legible. "Here. Happy? Can I please go now? I'm sure there are more of these guys in the city." She said to Chris.
  9. @@Ranger22, After she slipped into the crowd, she tried to get away from the area as fast as possible. Though she was an agile person, her thinner stature made it rather difficult to get through the crowd, causing her to worm through it and give up time to do so. Shortly after she had entered the crowd, Lux could hear people getting pushed out of the way behind her until she could see Chris coming behind her. Knowing now that she wouldn't get away, she quickly stopped, turned on her heel, and pointed at Chris' chest just as he caught up to her. "Why won't you just leave me alone? I can handle myself fine." She said, throwing down her arms and stomping one foot on the ground. "I don't need your help. So, just leave me and my sis alone." She added, crossing her arms with a pouty look to her face.
  10. @@Ranger22, It seems that Chris understood her plight about the sword, as he took it back from her. But, shortly after taking the blade back, he gave her another one. Lux frowned when she looked at it. "Great... Just what I wanted..." She said slowly, turning the dagger in her hands. 'I do hope sis gets rid of this thing for me when we switch. She could probably haggle a few extra gold.' She thought as she put the dagger into her satchel. "So... I'm gonna go help the others." She started slow, but finished the rest of the sentence really quick and tried to slip away into the crowd.
  11. @@Ranger22, Lux stood there, feeling defeated when Chris refused to leave her be. She was then surprised when he placed a sword in her arms, saying she should use it. "Heh... heh... Thanks? But, I don't use swords..." Lux said to him, trying to refuse him in a kind manner. "I'm not good at sword fighting." She added.
  12. @@Ranger22, "Nope, she's gone out to do some things while she told me to stay back here in the city. She might be a while" Lux said modestly. Though she was technically lying, she could say things like that truthfully as her sister was technically "away" while she was conscious. When he said that was going to have to accompany her, she got a little uneasy. "Uhm... Me and my sister are doing just fine. We don't need you to follow us. Really." Lux said to Chris.
  13. Lux watched as the man went over to the bandit, took his weapon, and walked back and eyed her. He then introduced himself to her and asked about how she got into the KoA and why she was alone. She put her finger to her mouth and thought for a second. "Nope. Never heard of you." She replied to Chris. She then put her hands behind her back and leaned slightly forward. "I don't travel alone. Me and my sister always travel together. And she was the one who got us in the Knights." Lux added with a smile on her face.
  14. Your question made me imagine your character just beating up a guy with a large stick. XD
  15. Lux sighed with relief when the bandit stopped moving after she hit him. She then got up and brushed herself off. Her hood fell down when she tackled the bandit, revealing her silver hair that she had parted to the right, so it covered up her green eye and showed her blue one. Her grimiore then floated to her, which she grabbed, closed it, and then dispelled it. Lux looked at the man who had just helped her and noticed the KoA insignia on his armor. "Hi, I'm Lux." She said, tilting her head and smiling. " Thanks for the help."
  16. Lux saw as the newcomer missed his attack, but now the bandit looked startled and dazed. The man above her nudged her to do something and successfully hit the man the second time around. Lux nodded and summoned her grimiore, which opened up and flipped pages. When it stopped, a glyph drew itself in the air and Lux blew a kiss at it. The glyph glowed and Lux fired her Fluoresence spell at the bandit.
  17. Lux tackled hard to the ground with the bandit. To her glee, the children managed to get away from him with her actions. But, now she had to deal with the bandit herself now. She then suddenly got pushed off the bandit and nearly gets hit by his axe. Lux's eyes widened as a loud thump on the ground came from behind her and a large solid object went flying at the bandit.
  18. Realizing the bandit ignored her and that he was readying to swing his axe at the children. 'Crap! No time to cast a spell!' Lux thought as she started to bolt at the bandit, closing the gap between them as fast as her legs could move her. When she reached him, she braced herself and tackled him as hard as she could going full sprint at him.
  19. Lux had stepped outside to see where the scream she had heard from earlier came from. Much to her surprise, people were scurrying around and running away from bandits that are now pillaging the city. She spotted a couple of children being cornered by one of these bandits. She started walking towards them, hoping a mysterious hooded figure would scare the bandit away. "Mhey ymoo!" She tried to yell at him, but she forgot to swallow the mouth full of food before she did so. 'Great start...' Lux thought.
  20. So, as it sits, is this the progress of the characters if I'm correct? I am responding to what's happening outside. Anima is sitting at her table in the tavern. Same with the zephian and the boxer. Uther is outside the tavern are the town entrance. Aria is scrubbing himself squeaky clean. Timothy is REALLY into that book of his. Lastly, Christoph is still heading towards Ithagor. I think that's right. If anything, shoot a message or tag the ones who are behind if need be.
  21. Lux tried to eat more of her food, but that weird feeling she had made her stop and look around some more. She didn't like this feeling, and to make matters worse, the feeling was getting stronger. She looked around at every single patron in the tavern, the waiter, bartender, the zephian, the penumbran, and the locals to see if it was maybe another mage trying to get her. Her searching stopped when she noticed a small vibration going through her water. Seconds went by and the ripples in the water were slowly getting larger and more frequent. Then a scream from outside was heard, which made Lux jump. As she got up, she downed her water and threw a handful of her food in her mouth before throwing her hood back up and quickly exiting the tavern.
  22. Lux snapped out of her trance when the waiter had returned to her table and placed her food and water on the table. She quick looked around and saw a couple faces looking away from her. She shrunk down a little from embarrassment and gave the waiter the money she owed. "Thanks." She said quietly. She then began to eat her calamari. She savored the flavour as she chewed it in her mouth. A few bites later, she began to feel that strange feeling again in her spine that she felt earlier. Lux stopped eating and looked around with a look of curiosity on her face.
  23. You're not that slow. As long as you're faster than Mars Orbit, you're good.
  24. Lux examined the torn parts of the book and looked closely at the inside of the spine where they were placed. She saw what looked to be tiny dark red-brown specks where the pages were torn. 'Uh... Ok...' She said, slightly intrigued and worried at the same time at what had been inscribed in this grimiore. She closed it and looked up as a female zephian had entered the tavern and took a seat at a table. 'Weird place for a zephian. Wonder why she's here.' Lux thought. Trying to examine this woman without making it obvious, she saw she had a staff on her. Lux nearly jumped out her seat when she saw the staff, meaning the woman was a summoner. She then began to daydream about all the cute animals that woman may have with her, not realizing she was staring directly at her while doing so.
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