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Dark Moon

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Posts posted by Dark Moon


    Transport, motorways and tramlines,
    Starting and then stopping,
    Taking off and landing,
    The emptiest of feelings,
    Disappointed people, clinging on to bottles,
    And when it comes it's so, so, disappointing.

    Let down and hanging around,
    Crushed like a bug in the ground.
    Let down and hanging around.

    Shell smashed, juices flowing
    Wings twitch, legs are going,
    Don't get sentimental, it always ends up drivel.
    One day, I am gonna grow wings,
    A chemical reaction,
    Hysterical and useless
    Hysterical and

    Let down and hanging around,
    Crushed like a bug in the ground.
    Let down and hanging around.

    Let down,
    Let down,
    Let down.

    You know, you know where you are with,
    You know where you are with,
    Floor collapsing, falling, bouncing back
    And one day, I am gonna grow wings,
    A chemical reaction, (You know where you are)
    Hysterical and useless (You know where you are)
    Hysterical and (You know where you are)

    Let down and hanging around,
    Crushed like a bug in the ground.
    Let down and hanging around.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Judge Dredd(2012)

    Douglas Quaid(Arnold Total Recall)

    Max(Mad Max Trilogy)

    Robert Neville(Will Smith)


    Sarah Connor(Terminator 2)

    Rick Deckard(Blade Runner)


    Assembled to investigate a conspiracy rooted deep in the Weyland Yutani corporation, which has been developing terminators to overthrow the US government.

    • Brohoof 3
  3. My answer: maybe


    Life on Earth could be one big fluke for all we know, after all we still don't really understand how the process began billions of years ago. It would be nice if other planets out their did support life though, although it would probably be radically different than anything we've ever seen though. I sincerely doubt we've been visited by aliens, but I'm not ruling out an advanced ancient civilization just yet.

  4. Here she is, my beast of a ride. :P, well this isn't a picture of my car, but it looks exactly like it. 2001 Black Grand Am



    And here is the exact model of my beast of bike which takes me to and from class every now and again.


  5. 1. Finger tapping, although I do like to do this just because as well

    2. Not so relevant anymore, but I used to hold my arm

    3. Trichotillomania: I will start picking at my own hair, sometimes even pulling little bits out, this is a serious problem for me that I'm trying to kick

    4. Try to blend into the background

    5. Get the hell out of there

    6. Panicky 

  6. So you think you can tell........


    ....I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn black....


    .....I'm just see through, faded, super jaded, and out of my mind.


    The easiest way to sleep at night is to carry on believing that I don't exist.


    The bitterness of one who's left alone


    These are the eyes of the old, shivering and bold


    Forward he cried, from the rear, and the front rank died, and the general sat, and the lines on the map, moved from side to side


    I send this smile over to you

  7. Yes, they were a total bitch, I hated them. Rice would always get stuck in them. Plus they left my teeth always feeling sore every time I had to change wires. I gave up on my retainer after about 2 weeks because I was feed up with crap in my mouth, my tooth alignment didn't suffer much either.

  8. This probably a waste of time :/


    Age: 19


    Gender: Male


    State: Iowa



    1. Music: Pink Floyd, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, U2, Sonic Youth, Radiohead, REM, Foo Fighters, Coldplay, Smashing Pumpkins, Live

    2. Video Games: Basically anything not Sport or Racing

    3. Movies: Adventure, War, Sci Fi, Documentaries

    4. TV Shows: Sherlock, Adventure Time, MLP, Wilfred, DCAU, Regular Show

    5. Books: Adventure, Sci Fi, Post Apocalyptic, Fantasy

    6. The Great Outdoors

    7. Nostalgia Critic

    8. Ponies

    9. Geology and Anthropology

    10. Weapons

    11. Arizona Southern Sweet Tea


    Dislikes: Stuff


    Hobbies: Listening to Music, watching TV shows and Movies, Thinking about things....., Archery, Staring at the Sky, Camping, Drawing..both traditional and vector, Video games 


    Other Info: Confused Religious Beliefs, Heterosexual if that's important :/

    • Brohoof 6
  9. I guess the only way I can contribute to this thread is explain why my OC is a Pegasus. Doesn't really have anything to do with Dash of Flutters, I just really like the idea of flying I guess. I don't really identify with Unicorns and their magic and earth ponies seem somewhat mundane to me, I guess. I can't help it they're so awesome.

  10. First I'd go into the deep future, get my time machine retrofitted to the point that it'd be like a space ship that I can fly around and go deep underwater. I'd also seek out to see if we ever find a way to make ourselves immortal and get that. Then I'd go back to the very beginning and watch the birth of our universe. Then I'd go back through the ages of deep time and document life in each era, answering important questions that science may never be able to answer. Basically I would become a grand historian.

    • Brohoof 2
  11. I'm going to describe this game, prepare yourselves.


    It's a beautifully disgusting brilliant piece of satire of America, while showing some strangely touching moments. WTF Trevor and Patrisha. It leaves you feeling very unclean but at the same time very satisfied. I'm also to the end of the campaign.

    • Brohoof 1
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