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Posts posted by Flutterwhat

  1. I was listening to a few things, and my iOS is 6.1.2 Jailbroken (shouldn't matter, only use it for downloading files from YouTube)


    iPhone 4S AT&T


    Btw; After testing a couple I found a few that worked for me, but the ones that didn't work never work.


    I think this all might have to do with the fact that iOS can't natively play .FLAC files. Others work because they were most likely a format that is compatible, such as .AIFF or .WAV, but since the iPhone can't play .FLAC, you might be out of luck unless you find a jailbreak tweak to enable such functionality. That doesn't fix the problem for all users, as not everyone wants to jailbreak their device

  2. I think if hasbro would launch a C&D against pony.fm it would be because pony.fm it's self is hosting work that contains their IP, not because users are disabling downloads and providing links to bandcamp in their place. If you'd truly like to be rid of any risk, why not dissalow the upload of any music containing audio from the show? 

    My point in all this is that providing the option to disallow downloads would be more user friendly, and bring more content to the site, the discouraging artists who do not wish for their work to be redistributed without their consent (for any reason.) 

    • Brohoof 1
  3. I agree with this. I think it's a bit silly to have a user's music on the very bottom of the page. I'm not a fan of the musciian profiles overall. there's little to no costomisation. I had to write a comment in place of a disctription. I would love to have links to my various social media outlets as well the other places where my music has been stored. 

    • Brohoof 1
  4. If you are not actively enforcing your disclaimer it is basically nil

    a disclaimer stating that pony.fm isn't responsible for what the users write or do doesn't have to be enforced. 

    also, read it again. I tweaked my wording.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Honestly, feld0, Since every other musician's music site offers the option of disabling downloads, pony.fm should too. It should not a question about why any particular user wishes to disable them, as such a standard option is implemetned on other sites for any reason they'd be needed.


    While you are free to discourage advertising of media that contains show audio, a good chunk of my late 2012 and 2013 work doesn't have samples so I wouldn't be caught in any theoretical legal hassle with my work. If i'd like to disable downloads and direct users to my bandcamp for such songs, I should be able to do because there is no legal gray area when all of the creative work is mine. 


    Everyone should have the right to to dissallow the distribution of their work for any reason they see fit. I, myself, am not entirely comfortable having all of my pony.fm songs available for download regardless of how I wish to have them distributed. 


    I feel like this is a bit anti-consumer and I hope that you'll add the option to disallow downloads via the download button in the future.




    If the main reason artists want to disable downloads is so they can ask people to buy them from Bandcamp, it'll look like Pony.fm endorses commercial activity.


    If you include a disclaimer somewhere on the site saying something along the lines of "pony.fm does not directly encourage the marketing/sale of music uploaded to pony.fm. All content created and literature written by members of pony.fm is not representative of pony.fm or it's staff."


    I think it's pretty standard that sites with user generated content don't hold themselves liable for the content uploaded or what the users say or do. 

    • Brohoof 2
  6. I actually wrote that before I went to bed last night. I'm very happy the post has been spreading across tumblr and brining the site to people's attention. :)

    • Brohoof 1
  7. What you could do is let the songs play one after the other in a particular genre listing you enjoy. Creating an algorithm similar to Pandora or Last.fm would require a ton of work and I don't think it's feasible for the developers to implement such functionality during an open beta.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. hmm...I will have to see. I know for a fact that its not an mp3.Though I bounced the file agian as a WAV and I got this:[{"name":"Output 1-2.wav","size":74209244,"error":"The master file has an invalid sample rate."}]

    A bit off topic but i just wanted to congratulate you on using the best D.A.W. ever made: Logic Pro

  9. I personally like the design, and is very serviceable for a beta. I'd like to see the design become something similar to an "itunes for ponies" type site, but for a beta this is a very good design.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. I honestly think this is one of the cutest little flourishes i've seen on the site thus far! *attached image* but i feel as though an animated gif with a caption would be better suited to this cute lil flare. I could find/make one for use on the delete sheet if you'd like.


    Goodnight for now; this site will have an amazing future


  11. I used the tumblr share sheet to test out what it would look like and I don't really think it's doing a great job right now. It embeds like a video, meaning that the post it's self will often get overlooked on people's dashboards, and the player, while functional, huddles it's self in the top section of the post and there is an awful, unattractive, waste of space on the bottom part of the post.


    attached is an image of what i'm talking about. 


    As a blogrunner with over 1,500 followers, i'd like to see much better tumblr intergration overall. most ponies outside of tumblrpon don't realize how massive the fandom is on tumblr and as a platform for my music, i'd love to see this done well. 


  12. first of all, I don't like that you arn't making it clear if these licenses are based on the creative commons license or not. On all other sites on which my music has been uploaded, I've been able to use Creative commons. The fact that I cannot do that here is offputting as an artist. I also dislike that the "open" option is always green; this is a bad design choice as it makes me feel like it is always selected. I also dislike that this is the recommended, as the artist should make a firm choice as to what they feel is the right license for their hard work.



    • Brohoof 1
  13. THE UPLOADER KICKS ASS. it's fast and, so far, reliable, and easy to use. Dragging and dropping is always an imprssive feat on a website. However, It's time consuming to have to go into each song to edit the metadata by hand, including publish date, album into, genere, and cover art. Those options mentioned ought to be there to edit at the time of upload...ESPECIALLY album art.


    I suggest that there should be an option to automaticly add metadata such as album art, publish info, and license automatically based on values made at the time of album creation if it is determined that the track being published is part of said album. I cannot express my displeasure at the tedious work i now must do to insure the information for all my songs on this particular album have consistent data

    • Brohoof 1
  14. Please include "...a remix of the show's audio" as an option for type of track. None of these options fit for songs that use lines from the show. In the meantime, I'll have to file mine under original song, but I don't agree with this category for the certain songs.

  15. When on the edit page before publishing a track, "Track is part of an album" is unticked after an error message while everything remains the same. The user might not notice and their setting will be lost at time of publishing.

    UPDATE: the Licence option's setting is also lost when the error message appears.

  16. While many won't have a problem initially with the album art uploader, as it's pretty standard to require a perfecly square image of at least SD definition, images that are slightly off dimention should be allowed as a simple cropping of the offset wouldn't destroy the image's quality.

    My biggest pet peeve with the uploader, however, is having to re-upload the same image for mutiple songs on an album. I suggest users be able to upload album art separately and then choose from what they have upload at the time of publishing.

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