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Posts posted by LittleshyFiM

  1. I've had a pony join me every night for so long that I can't imagine sleeping without somepony at my side. I'm currently being held hostage in bed by Twilight because it's too comfy to leave. Ponies are the best treatment for insomnia!


    • Brohoof 3
  2. Normally I'm quite boring when it comes to customizing electronics. My PC desktop has been blank for years. My phone wallpaper is a default/stock pattern I happen to like.

    But my lockscreen is a whole different story, as every time I want to unlock my phone using the under screen finger print sensor I have to give my Derpy plush a boop!Screenshot_2023-11-21-10-39-02-90_1.thumb.jpg.ecaaaa271589dccf72782f2dd13ee9d8.jpg

    • Brohoof 4
  3. I discovered FIM at a very tumultuous time in my life as a teenager, and both the show and community shaped me for the better without a doubt. I would probably be a very lonely and very angry person if not for ponies. The brony community has also been a catalyst to get me out of my shell and try new things I would have otherwise never tried. Friendship is magic!

  4. I could easily be wrong and please correct me if that's the case, but I think OP's video is blowing a lot of hot air. EGEDA isn't maliciously claiming videos, but it looks more like Hasbro has "partnered" with them to handle the job of content management. I know this because all of my videos which were claimed by Hasbro now include EGEDA's name alongside Hasbro's. They aren't new claims.

    For the moment, I'm actually optimistic about EGEDA handling the job. It used to be Shout Factory, but they were doing such a terrible job that Hasbro had to step in or otherwise risk fans rioting. My guess is that Hasbro couldn't handle the workload of actually checking disputes individually, so they got a group that actually knows what they're doing.

    I recently had a video automatically claimed and blocked in a couple countries, but the claim was completely removed just a couple days after submitting a dispute. I wasn't actually expecting that to happen considering how much crap I had to go through back when Hasbro was in charge of reviewing claims. Waiting a couple days for a claim to be removed is completely acceptable compared to Hasbro's way of doing things, and it's heaven compared to Shout Factory. I recently disputed a claim on a video I know Hasbro would never allow through, so I'll report back here when EGEDA makes their decision.

    Here's hoping that having a non-profit handling this job works out better than the greedy suits at Hasbro and the nazis at Shout Factory.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Pinkie Pie

    How did you find MLP Forums?: Good ol' Google :)

    How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Simple answer is curiosity, longer answer below.

    Hello everyone! My name is Littleshy. It's been a while since I've been a part of any sort of forum, but I figured I'd lurk here a bit and possibly stick around if I don't make too much of a fool out of myself :D


    I became a brony late 2011, and have been a brony YouTuber for close to 3 years. I've survived Derpygate, only left the fandom a couple times during the season 3 finale, and weathered through countless instances of petty drama, but here I am with a colorful pony-filled room and an empty wallet to show for it.


    In a way I'm returning to my roots. When I first discovered ponies, I signed up for the first forum I could find to see just what the deal was with all of these weird cartoon-horse-loving people. Well, years later with three BronyCons under my belt and countless hours spent consuming brony media, I can safely say that I am one of those weirdos. And I don't ever wanna go back.


    I do have a YouTube channel as mentioned above, but I already have more subscribers than I deserve so it's not worth plugging. Plus I'm trying to make a good impression here, and my videos make me seem like more of a jerk than I actually am. Jokes aside, I've had an interest in making videos ever since I was old enough to pick up a camera and have been using YouTube since 2007. Fastforward to early 2012, and It was videos such as "MLP FIM FanFic" and some of Navybrony's early work which helped me to realize that I could incorperate my previous interest in video making into something pony related. I started off by making pony in real life videos on account of those being live action and the most fun to make, then later I made a couple PMVs, and currently I'm hard at work creating ponified Cinema Sins rip-offs parodies which are getting far too many views and I have no idea why people are watching them.


    I think that's enough rambling for now; If I'm forgetting anything crucial for an introductory post feel free to let me know. [Derpy is best pony, there, I think that about covers it.] Hopefully I'll see you guys around on other threads and such /)

    • Brohoof 3
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