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Everything posted by fimdash

  1. Eh, it is a little annoying. I have a foreign name, so most people spell it wrong. It gets tiring having to let people know how it's properly spelled all the time, when I would never have to with an American name like Jack or Andrew. Oh yeah, I recall that some people wrote stuff in my old yearbooks like "you're my best friend!" and they didn't even spell my name right.. oh, it looks like we were best friends alright :/
  2. it doesn't get any cuter than this dashie avvie i'm using right now ^-^

    1. Show previous comments  42 more
    2. Obsolete


      You're not even using an avvie, Fimface.

    3. Clarity


      Yeah, get a grip.

    4. Obsolete
  3. mmm apple pie is so yummy

    1. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      pumpkin pie > apple pie

    2. fimdash


      i agree, actually. but apple pie is still pretty good :3

  4. i remember seeing these survey thingies all the time back during the myspace days haha nice info btw
  5. Pretty sure I mentioned this somewhere before on the forums, but when I was a kid I was totally scared of Monarch butterflies. The way they look just really creeped me out :/ Reminds me of this spongebob episode lol
  6. dude the IBC root beer.. so godlike..

    1. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      damn i need to go buy it now haha

  7. so my thanksgiving break has officially started :3

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      same here...I'm gonna go see the new Hunger Games tomorrow :D

    3. fimdash




      yeah, i have this huge paper due so i'm pretty much in the same boat as you xD




      nice. enjoy it dude haha

    4. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      thanksgiving ? that's nice we don't have it :)

  8. holy crap today feels so long.. i've been up since 3 AM ;_;

    1. Champion RD92
    2. fimdash


      decided to wake up super early so i could squeeze in some time to study for a test i had today

  9. ughhh don't wanna go to my night class later ;_; if it weren't for that, i'd be done for the day

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      well are you gonna miss anything important? If not, then don't bother haha.

    3. fimdash


      it's gonna be a normal lecture, but he might bring up some important information since the semester is drawing to a close, so i think i'll just play it safe :3

  10. wow lovely rarity avatar :P

  11. the sig pink mist made for you looks like your own work o_o

  12. I don't feel like it was a bad gift anymore, but when I was really young I got an electric toothbrush for Christmas. I remember thinking it was a bad Christmas gift at the time because I was a little kid and I wanted toys or yugioh cards or whatever haha. It was a fine gift looking back, and I used it for a good amount of years :3
  13. Well, my parents usually give me money for Christmas which is nice, because I can get what I want and it saves them the trouble of having to find a good gift. Everybody wins As for what I plan to get, I don't know really. Maybe some new clothes or a video game or something. I don't really have anything that I really really want right now.
  14. twilight looks super cute in your sig ^-^

    1. Champion RD92
    2. Woohoo


      Did anyone notice the snow on the letters? -_-

  15. nice avvie :3 i love the fall of troy

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Twiliscael


      Doppelganger hands down. Manipulator's got the best cover art, though ^^

    3. fimdash


      yeah, the manipulator artwork is sweet. makes for a great avatar too :3 haha

    4. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      I guess I need to go check out that band now :3

  16. nice avatar! i use that one for my skype avatar haha ^-^

  17. so this is what the forums are like when the episodes are currently airing.. interesting.. :3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. fimdash


      indeed. never got to experience this, since i joined after s3 ended lol

    3. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      Hehe, enjoy it. :3

    4. fimdash


      @Nature of Fluttershy


      yeah I am haha. The reviews and stuff are interesting to read

  18. your twilight avatars are always so nice.....

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