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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by fimdash

  1. love the dashie video on your page :)

  2. I love Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas that one's probably my favorite. Here's Frank Sinatra's cover: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpPdl0StUVs Also, here's a cover of the song from one of my favorite bands Lydia
  3. hmm DaReaper x Scootalove (I knew I was gonna get ninja'd. I just knew it.. haha)
  4. even though the notifications are instant again (and hopefully it stays like that for a while), i still catch myself refreshing the site xD old habits die hard, i guess

    1. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      yeah haha same here xD

  5. that's a pretty cool avatar. i'm surprised your name isn't Derpyfan94 xD

    1. Fluttershyfan94


      Thanks, actually I was thinking about using that name once. Believe it or not, lol.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. fimdash


      @RD92 you should get back on Skype dude. i just got home haha

    3. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      Oh, lemme get on my Skype app.

    4. duidamasterXD


      That moment when you find out two months later that she was kissing me all along >:3

  6. nicee wilco 8/10 i'll post a song from them as well
  7. oh my.. that's uh.. quite the avatar you have there.. :P

  8. cool avatar :D is Mami your favorite PMMM character?

    1. Eureka


      Thanks xD. Mami and Kyoko are probably my favorites. What about you?

    2. fimdash


      for me, it'd be Kyoko :) she's really awesome. Homura is pretty nice as well.

  9. three-day weekends are so awesome

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. FadedSkies


      Lucky in canada Veterans day/Rememberance day isn't a holiday :(

    3. fimdash


      i had three-day weekends every week one semester. i miss it so much :'(

    4. Commander Frost

      Commander Frost

      im sad I do online school no breaks

  10. that avatar.. hnnng ;_;

  11. that avatar is so cute..

  12. I love you because we joined this place on the same date
  13. I love you because that avatar is just.. so.. perfect. Sweet dreams indeed
  14. kind of regret this name change haha

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. fimdash




      thanks haha


      In case anyone's wondering, I chose Walla Walla because I was playing Halo once and it gave Walla Walla as a default multiplayer username and I thought it sounded kind of funny lol. Probably gonna change it as soon as I can

    3. Wingnut


      Walla Walla is a cool city from what I've been told. You could've done a lot worse as far as screen names go. You'll be fine until you can change it again.

    4. Champion RD92
  15. wow.. that fluttershy avatar :o

  16. yay it's Kagami ^-^

    1. Akemi Homura
    2. fimdash


      haha yeah :) she's definitely my favorite, although i feel like i relate to konata more

  17. Dude I have a Tech Deck of that board xD
  18. Hi glad you decided to be more active! I've noticed that some of the people here aren't actually that into MLP, so don't worry too much about not really being a brony. It's pretty cool how you're an artist oh, and I love music and cute things as well. See you around!
  19. Well, I saw some clips from the show before I became a brony, but when I decided to actually start watching the show, I watched it all in order. I always watch a show for the first time in order, unless the show is meant to be watched in some various order. After getting caught up, I'll watch random episodes here and there.
  20. Nowadays I usually go out to buy clothes maybe around three times a year. I'm kinda picky, so I only buy clothes when I really like something I see. I'll get new shoes maybe once a year. I used to go out and buy clothes all the time when I was younger, but I don't do it as often anymore. Oh yeah, sometimes my family members get me clothes, and that's always nice. I usually really like the clothes my family members get me (which is surprising since I'm really picky), and it feels nice that they'd get me something.
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