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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Hypn0ticD

  1. I've donated to Making Christmas Merrier since 2014, I believe. I've also donated to a dear friend here on the forums, and plan to do so again in the future.
  2. I just discovered something today: coconut tea is AMAZING!

    1. Jeric


      This is tea crazy day! :please:

    2. Hypn0ticD


      Rarity would be so proud! 

  3. Nope! I don't see the need, seeing as there's a calendar right there on my phone! I don't see the point of owning a physical calendar...
  4. It's only about a 10 to 15 minute walk to my nearest Walgreen's. About a half hour walk from the nearest dollar store, Wawa, and a bit further for the laundromat I use. The closet Walmart is about an hour and a half away, either by foot or by bus... Maybe I should look into walking there more...
  5. I live in Orlando, Florida. It's currently the third largest city in the state, but I would like to move, as I find myself growing more and more tired of the city...
  6. While I don't own a car and public transportation is a joke where I live, I'd go insane without the internet. I don't even have the internet at home, but that makes me all the more thankful for my smartphone!
  7. I've never been banned from a forum, and I've been on a few. Don't see the point in getting banned!
  8. @Fhaolan I got electrocuted 17 times already, and now everything is blue! I'm hoping that goes away... But in all seriousness, it's good to be back! Did anyone else miss me?
  9. @cuteycindyhoney, It's been several years since I've changed my avatar... I need a internet connection at home so I can get on that! Also, I like the new round avatars as well!
  10. Found another bug. The words in quotes are being counted towards your post, though you didn't say them... EDIT: I also ran into this when I click on the forum FAQ:
  11. @Randimaxis, I get paid in a few days, so I hope I can donate at least a little more to you. I hope you and your family are well. And I wish you a happy birthday!
  12. I have dark brown eyes, and I find that this is pretty hit and miss for me. I used to love books, but now, I spend the vast majority of my free time surfing the net or watching YouTube. I also tend not to defend myself as well as I should, and all of my friends are online...
  13. Right now, it's this song: Damn good cover to a folk song, and damn good game. Watched Markiplier play it!
  14. I've noticed another little bug since posting: the new site seems to be counting symbols and punctuations as characters. Just a minor thing, but I thought I'd bring it to your attention!
  15. Epic BUMP! Now that we've seen the Changelings, well change in the show, isn't it time for the changeling avatar to change as well? Just a thought!
  16. I'm in the camp of "everyone should calm down and give it time". As others have said, the new update is only a couple of hours old, but a few users are getting upset about the change. Whilst I'm running into bugs here and there, I personally enjoy being able to instantly know when I get a reply to a thread though I'm on mobile, and I really enjoy the simplicity of mentions! I'm sure the devs are hard at work at importing some of the more useful features of the old site, so again, give it time!
  17. @Yellow Diamond, Perhaps it's something the regular members cannot see, but it appears that members who have been banned are now regular users again - there's nothing in regards to stating the member is no longer active. ...And ninja'd by @Deae Rising Shine~
  18. I checked this, and sure enough, it's true... That may need to be a priority bug to fix!
  19. Whaaaa??? Holy crap, I wish I knew about this sooner! This is amazing news! Now, if only the original cast members would return... They really made the show funny as all hell!
  20. Just discovered a new bug! Whenever I go to the resource page, I get this (hopefully, y'all can see my screenshot) :
  21. Ahh. I was wondering what was going on, but I understand and support this decision, @Feld0!
  22. I own a digital copy of the book, and I rather enjoyed it! All I will say is that Cadence does a thing and saves the day!
  23. I don't really wear any merchandise, so you wouldn't be able to tell that I'm a Brony, but I have met a Brony on the bus one time on the bus a few years ago. He even had a custom t-shirt on and was reading a comic! In public! Another time was when I was at an old job. He posted pictures of Rainbow Dash, so I sent him a few hints that I too, watched the show, but he didn't seem to pick up on them...
  24. Will there be a mobile mode? All I have is a phone, and may not have an internet connection of my own for some time...
  25. Well, blow me down! The site's all different! 

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