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Sollar Eclipse

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Everything posted by Sollar Eclipse

  1. He is not a terrible Spike. The voice-actor had to change his voice a lot to be "acceptable" for lot of very critic Brazilians. He suffer a lot... I saw a lot of terribles Spike and they never were so good like this one. I can show those Spikes and you will see who is worst.
  2. Okay, after 2 years I made this. No, I took this long because I had 3 Twilights, 4 Rainbow Dashes, 3 Spikes, 2 Rarities, 3 Applejacks and 2 Fluttershies. I had too much work to finish this. So, here is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VezmCdIhODE
  3. Now in a better quality, Italia is the first country to start to dub the season 4 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It was kind of difficult to find the full episode in the internet.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVoMhPNu26w This is a cover made by the voice-actor of Applebloom, Michelle Creber. I decided to make a pmv... So, here is...
  5. It was hard to find those dubs, I just wanted to make something special to them. I would like if someone could do another dub of those cartoons in another language...
  6. I made this video to us think more about that: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=3d9xt0w7wXA The weird thing is that she treats him a lot like her family. But calls him a assistent however in the same time Spike can grabs Twilight and even ride her that she is not going to care.
  7. OMG.... Thank you, I didn't expect that somepony would answer this post. No, is true, we only had one singer in the entire season 1.
  8. I dont know what happened, I downloaded every single file from youtube... But now I can't find the episodes 23, 24, 25 and 26. And youtube has blocked those episodes in vocal-free.
  9. I don't how to explain this... But... I'm just shocked...
  10. The preview of the first full fandub episode of season 4. I working so much on this... I planned everything... Twilight by: http://www.youtube.com/user/MariYuuri1 Spike by: http://www.youtube.com/user/Onlyafandub
  11. Is from a project that I making... I searching for people to make the characters sound better in portuguese, here is the original version from Brazil: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymhR1dDFdJg And here is the fansinging:
  12. I made a new one for Picasso's Guernica, I was watching a documentary about the second World War and Picasso.
  13. Here is Big Mac: And some other voices that I can make: I will try to do other characters that you listed.
  14. Oh, I think I can make a Queen Chrysalis appears on the history. Well, Red Blast is a good mare, but when is in danger or intimidated she turns into evil one. And her mane gets fire just like Twilight Sparkle. I didn't made yet a power for Gray Diamond... I still need to think about something.
  15. She is not evil... Just Fluttershy negative version has a second personalite that's evil. Her name is Red Blast. The characters have negatives things but it doesn't mean that all of them are evil.
  16. You can try anypony. I just get Pinkie and Twilight. Wow... But I still need a Fluttershy. And a Luna. And a Celestia... Yes, a lot of characters.
  17. Okay, I'm really disappointed about the Equestria Girls oficial dubbing in my country... I mean... Look at that: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vyvb-ZBjdbc All characters have the same voice while singing. What in the world is that?So... I decided to make a fandub of the full movie. Flash Sentry and Spike: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzYqd11zUUE Pinkie Pie: Sunset Shimmer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPzJHAXAx4k Rarity: Appebloom: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvdA0FtPWR0 And I'm searching for the others...
  18. I really liked it. But I'm in doubt about who you could do... Rarity or Gray Diamond. I must choose... But it's so difficult to me. Hum... The history have drama, adventure, action, comedy... I will have to translate the history first. I still have to complete Gray Diamond and Nightfall Star personalities. I recieved your email. I'm going to see it right now and thanks a lot. Oh my gosh... This is going so fast... When I try to do something here in my country, it takes too much time.
  19. Here is my email: kimpielum23@gmail.com I would love to have a writer. I didn't get no one yet. And I'm searching for people that can do the background characters.
  20. To voice-act you only need a good microphone. There is a lot of good ones in the stores... Let me see... Samson... Shure... And others but some of them ar expensive. And thanks a lot.
  21. When I said drafters, I mean someone that can edit some stuff. So, you can do it. I'm very happy to see finally someone to do it, I'll also see if I can edit to.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Stj1RJjuKU I will need these characters: Characters: Twilight Sparkle: Open Fluttershy: Open Applejack: Open Pinkie Pie: Tellab Artz Rarity: Open Luna: Open Celestia: Open Spike: Open Negative mares: Yuki (joker and funny pony, element of the desonist): Open. Phrase: What do you have on the bag? Just let me peek . Come on. Nightfall Star: Open. Phrase: Again... The same house... The same book... I'm tired of it. Gray Diamond (worried and nervous, element of the suspicion): rascal61 White Flash (peacefull and happy, element of the fear): Open - Phrase: Ponies? Do you want me to talk with ponies? Oh, no, no, no, no... Red Blast (angry and inpacient, element of the rancor): Open - Phrase: Oh, yeah? So let me show you what can I do... Pinkamena Diamond Pearl (unhappy and very sensive, element of the trauma): Open Phrase: What do you know about pain?
  23. I don't know if I have to put this here but I'm so tired of doing things for people of my country and almost getting nothing... I just want to do so something with other people. I mean... I almost do everything alone... I never had someone how could help or something like that... And even if I had sometimes those people... They left me in the end... http://www.youtube.com/user/Onlyafandub/videos
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