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Everything posted by Sincerity

  1. I've got seven tabs open in Google Chrome right now. Four for various forums, and three on the wiki for a game I'm playing right now!
  2. It's a characteristic I really appreciate in people, and it also happens to be one of my middle names! I guess that's not tremendously creative.
  3. A lot of blenders can't handle crushing ice. I know I had to dish out a bunch of money for a decent blender. I got lucky, too, and my dad gave me his NuWave party blender thing that he never used, and that crushes ice like a dream. But yeah, homemade smoothies are the best!! I like strawberries (and other berries, too!), bananas, peaches, and mango in mine. Try adding a little yogurt for sweetness instead of sugar, or some fruit juice!
  4. I got my license at 16. First I drove a 1998 Plymouth Neon, and then my mom bought me a 2005 Hyundai Tucson when I was 19, because I had joined a band, and was starting to drive long distances with a bunch of stuff in my car.
  5. Oh man, I grew up in the 90s, so I have tons of fond memories of gaming. Playing those early computer games with my dad - I remember Duck Tales in particular. Donkey Kong Country and Mario on the Super Nintendo, and of course, the Final Fantasy series. And Earthbound!! That was, quite possibly, my favorite game as a kid. I still love it. It's so quirky and fun.
  6. The kind with pages and words. Honestly, I read so much that whatever book I'm currently reading is usually my favorite. I do really like the Chronicles of Narnia still, and I re-read it every year.
  7. The only thing I can think of off the top of my head is the Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD re-release. I've been wanting to replay it for awhile, but I'm waiting until that comes out. I'm fairly excited for Watch Dogs as well, but aside from that, I'd probably have to look at a list of upcoming games.
  8. You're one of not too many that stuck to their word on that. I never promised that,I knew I couldn't do it. I definitely didn't support the lockout from either side, really, but hockey is my favorite sport. I couldn't stop watching, even if my team does kind of suck right now, haha!
  9. Oh gosh, that pangolin is the cutest! Kind of reminds me of an armadillo, another totally adorable animal. I see them a lot, living in Texas.
  10. Aww, thanks for the warm welcome, everyone! This forum seems very active, even late at night! Well, late in my part of the world at least!
  11. I'm female, and pretty indifferent. I mean, I thought it was cute, that there was a "human" Flash Sentry and a pony Flash Sentry, and the whole "meet cute" thing, where he and Twilight kept running into each other. It was nice of him to help Twilight out of a rough spot, but honestly, he didn't do enough for me to care. If they bring him to the show, that's fine, I don't mind. Just give him more to do, and a real character, and I'll be okay.
  12. I SO agree with bats!! Bats are totally adorable. Also agree with snakes. I'll add bearded dragons and chameleons to the list! Almost any lizard, really. I think they're so adorable!
  13. Oh my goodness, seeing all these teenagers makes me feel so old! I just turned 28 two weeks ago, but my mom always says that I act like I'm in my late teens or early twenties. It's pretty true, actually. Sometimes younger, like, little kid young.
  14. I actually started watching the show because my friend Krystina (who is totally Pinkie Pie) told me that I reminded her of Twilight Sparkle - bookish, sarcastic, not much patience for a lack of common sense. My friend Lacy is very much like Fluttershy - she's super quiet and very shy around new people, although she does have a streak of Rainbow Dash in her when we play board games!
  15. American football - Dallas Cowboys, now and forever. I was raised a Cowboys fan, I can't go back on it now! Hockey (my favorite sport) - Dallas Stars are my hometown team, and therefore my favorite, but I also root for the Pittsburgh Penguins. Baseball - Texas Rangers & Minnesota Twins Basketball - I find basketball pretty boring, to be honest, but I suppose I would root for my home team, the Dallas Mavericks.
  16. I live in a suburb of Dallas, Texas. Woo, stereotypes! I do own a cowboy hat and boots, I can ride a horse (in fact I see people riding their horses to the drive-thru at fast food places here), I drive an SUV (a small one, though). I don't have much of an accent though!!
  17. I'm about 5'7" or so, and weight is totally no one's business (also, I haven't stepped on a scale in a long time aside from the doctor's office, and my doctor won't show my weight because of my history with disordered eating). I'm a bigger girl, but I'm pretty comfortable in my own skin.
  18. Hi! I'm new around these parts. I like forums, I like talking to people, so I joined up! Woo! Looking forward to getting to know y'all and talking about ponies.
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