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Posts posted by Binary

  1. I am very impressed, however I do see one problem...


    ...I wonder how Hasbro is going to react to this. Hopefully they won't go legal-happy and cease development. Because Fighting is Magic got a cease-and-desist order from Hasbro for very similar reasons I see here.

  2. No, Quantum Mechanics is atoms.

    Whether it be how an electron travels in different orbitals, or how light is given off of different particles as they react.


    And according to dimensional theories.  You couldn't ever visit a 2nd dimension.  As a 3rd dimension (as is ours) is composed of INFINITE 2nd dimensions, we can't simply view them.  They are like a plane.  As is a 4th dimension composed of 3rd dimensions and so on. 


    So IFFFFF This were even possible to have an equestria out there, it would have to be 3 dimensional...which is still cool, but I don't think it's ever going to happen.


    Equestria, without a doubt is a 3D environment/world. We've seen plenty uses of depth and many different angles of different objects, which perfectly implies that Equestria exists with all 3 axes.


    If there are multiple universes, the existence of somewhere a planet within a solar system in a galaxy someplace populated with pastel colored talking equines is very possible, maybe there are few to many to possibly comprehensible amount of duplicates with slightly to very dramatic differences. Meaning that perhaps that OCs that fellow Bronies have made live in one of them, or even multiple of them, taking of the exact detail as we made them.


    I could go on for paragraphs about the subject. This kind of stuff fascinates me.

  3. I tend to act more mature, sophisticated, and use a larger vocabulary online.


    However outside everything internet I'm more playful and not as serious as I am online. However my personality will quickly change to my online persona when I am pissed, talking geeky, debating about a subject, or in a position where I can't joke around.

  4. I found it on a forum. Some one had started a MLP topic around the start of 2011 and I saw one by one, almost every person I knew on the forums start using pony avatars. I wanted to stay out of whatever they were doing. But by mid 2011 I thought I ought see what all the commotion was about and watched the first episode.


    Best decision ever.

    • Brohoof 2
  5. My favorite numbers are any base 2 numbers. Like 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4086, 8192, etc.


    My other favorite is 66. It came from a old alias I made back in 06 or 07, when it was completely chosen at random along with my real name.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I do compose small pieces now and then, and I'm certainly no professional. But I can give a few tips.


    First is to recognize the vocabulary of music. Like what types of drums there are, the difference between "bass", "synth", and "string". There are a couple dozen words to learn, but you'll better understand by looking at FLS's instrument library, read the instrument names, and listen to them. Before you know it, you'll already know what a snare, hihat, and a bass drum is. If you want to compose electronic music, a couple key words are "Attack", "Hold", "Decay", "Sustain", "Release" and your types of cutoffs, and lastly what kind of sound waves there are like "Sine", "Triangle", "Saw", "Square" etc.


    Second is to listen to just listen to music. Whatever you prefer and what you want to produce. For example, I want to compose Dubstep, Industrial, and Glitch music. So I'll listen to artists like Knife Party, Alien Vampires, and The Glitch Mob.

    When you listen to music, I suggest listening to all the parts of the track. Like the beat, melody, and trying to identify what they are. Be sure to listen carefully to some instruments as you might not notice their presence, for example I never knew Rainbow Factory had drums in the background until I listened closely.


    Third is trying to compose small pieces (they don't have to be small, they can be larger if you like) of music you want of whatever genre every day. I would also suggest looking at FLS save files that other people made so you can get an idea of how they made their beat, melody, and so on. This will get you familiar with composing music.


    When you compose your piece, and it doesn't sound right, try to keep modifying whatever part sounds out of tune until it sounds right to you. Never submit something you don't feel really confident about.


    After all that is just practicing I guess. Then you can start learning more advanced techniques like the use of VST plugins and Automation.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. I would take Scootaloo (preferably grown up) to the movies to see Wreck it Ralph or something.


    Then get kicked out for trying to bring a animal into a movie theater.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. • I thought "baby back ribs" came from real babies
    • I thought babies came from the stomach, which they had to be surgically removed
    • I thought the stomach was just a large pit of everything you've ever ate in your entire life.
    • I thought if I could make a plane out of cardboard, it would be able to fly
    • I thought I could use a plastic bag as a parachute to fall slower when I jumped off places

  9. I'm not the type of person that uses the old "Love and Tolerate" technique, it just seems more like a "Yeah, okay, whatever" and is not doing anything effective (Unless it's just a troll, then you're basically just ignoring them).


    I usually try to reason with the person, always from a third person view listening to what they have to say, then see what I can do about it to make them shut up about the situation. If they're being ignorant; I just leave them be. There's no use trying to talk to a person who won't listen to reason.

  10. I've had a short lucid dream where I managed to alter the landscape but I got excited and woke up afterwards. 


    If I had another successful lucid dream I'd visit equestria as a pony and get to know everypony there smile.png


    Other things I'd do would be to learn to play the piano, visit other worlds and dimensions and see who I was in a past life.  

    Yes, a big problem with lucid dreams and even with normal dreams is that they can easily be interupted by strong emotions. Like sadness, anger, joy, etc. Not to mention is that all emotions are amplified when dreaming, becoming a big hazard to lucid dreamers.

    • Brohoof 1
  11. Hello. I'm not sure how to greet myself here, since posting in such a different forum is somewhat out of my comfort zone. I've never posted on a another forum except one I was previously on which had around 150 members active daily.


    I came here because I was "ran out" of the forum I was previously on. The haters and anti-bronies were just too stubborn and stupid I couldn't reason with them or even put up a defensive argument. I couldn't take it there, so I came here, for a more friendly community, a place where I'm not attacked on a daily basis. Plus, the Brony community there has degraded to nothing more than pointless arguments.


    But with that aside, I am Binary.


    I have a big interest in software development in Visual Basic .NET and C. I generally work on software to interact with more advanced parts of hardware and occasionally networking applications. Hope to see some fellow software developers here!


    Anyway, I hope to become a contributing member to this forum as I did with the other one.

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