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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Posts posted by ____

  1. Hey there,

    I'd like to throw my OC at you, good luck!


    Could I please have a digital picture of a maniacal Eratticus?

    Thanks and good luck,


  2. @skullgal56



    People dislike Alicorn OCs because they feel that only a chosen few-say, Lauren Faust-should get an Alicorn, as if it's a sacred or mythical rank. They're just obnoxious enough to beleive that you guys aren't worthy of that so-called rank, when really, we all are!

    So yeah, Alicorn OCs cop critism from the majority of the more...blinded members of the community. Poor them.


    Oh, I'm supposed to request something...

    Um... how about a non-pony sketch? Could you draw me a pink rose, please?


    Thanks for your time, guys!


  3. Me too!

    Eratticus can be found as a link in my signature.


    Haha! You posted this thread literally six minutes ago, and already have three requests!

    No pressure, take your time.

    Regards, EG

  4. My apologies to the artists and to Feld0 in advance-but I disagree almost entirely with your decision.


    Jamiequadbike's work reminds me only of two things: the popular social network Skype's logo, and the Yin & Yang symbol.

    In fact, the logo could represent anything. I feel it is so generic, it could represent...say...


    It could represent a supermarket fish product.





    Yeah, that's a little mean, but hey: I'm just being honest!

    Sorry again. I looked a some others, and i agree with FC. I would have picked Matrixchicken's.


    Congratulations anyway, Jamie.

    • Brohoof 8
  5. German Sheperd.

    Wonderful dogs, a machine of a breed.

    So loyal, too. Not the least bit dangerous, if trained right.


    On the other hand, they need a lot of space and exercise.

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