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Sazama Ichida

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Everything posted by Sazama Ichida

  1. Death Battle is not dead. It's coming back very soon now.
  2. Is that you Coltshan?

  3. Nice to see you again. Couldn't find your friend request for some reason.

    1. TheRockARooster


      Same to you, Sazama. :coco:
      How are you?

  4. Most overrated Sonic game: Sonic CD Most underrated Sonic game: Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
  5. Firefox all the way. I've never seen any browser that could compare to it.
  6. I had an experience on the official Death Battle wiki awhile back that was deeply disappointing. Despite attempting to engage in constructive conversation, I encountered individuals who were rude and disrespectful when interacting. What was even more concerning was that the staff themselves were participating in this behavior, and they were blatantly violating their own rules. The disregard for the site's own rules was very concerning. I witnessed several instances where rules were violated, yet no consequences were given. This is unacceptable and contradicts the very values the site claims to uphold. And I was the one who got punished, despite being polite and following all the rules. This was a clear violation of the site's own policies and demonstrates a lack of fairness and respect. I am deeply disappointed that a community that claims to value respectful and constructive dialogue would allow this type of behavior to go unchecked. Moving forward, it is my hope that the site administrators will take swift action to address these issues and ensure that all members are treated fairly and respectfully. I was very respectful and was trying to have an engaging conversation. They violated their own rules (disrespect, harassment, false claims, etc.), while I was being respectful and speaking politely in the comments section, explaining why I disagreed with certain fights. They ganged up on me and were very rude to me, and the mods and admins were in on it. I am very disappointed in this community. We could've had a civil and constructive debate. Instead, they insulted me, and even told me to outright shut up. The problem was that I was disrespected and they violated their own site rules, and yet, me, who was trying to have a civil conversation within the rules, was penalized. The disrespect I'm referring to came from the ones that called me stupid and outright told me to shut up. Now THAT is disrespect. Anyway, Breathing new life into this topic now. Hopefully we can get some nice peaceful conversations and VS debates going in here.
  7. If only I could start over...I know things would be different this time around...*sigh*

  8. So many people are suddenly banned...What's going on?

  9. Hey there. Have we RPed before?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sazama Ichida

      Sazama Ichida

      What do you like to do in RPs? I like a good adventure with epic fight scenes and killing monsters.

    3. abronymouse


      heh, I havn't rp'd in a while, but when I did I think the longest running ones tended towards adventure, with a little bit of a drama and silliness. I tended to enjoy exploring places more than fighting, but a little bit of action could be fun.

    4. Sazama Ichida

      Sazama Ichida

      Awesome. What's your Discord?

  10. I'm so glad you got unbanned. Man I've missed you. I know you don't recognize me, but we've talked before.

  11. I'm removing people from my friends list who I don't really know or talk to or remember. So if you know me and/or still want to talk, just message me and I'll add you back.

  12. The bar for what passes for quality in cartoons sure has gotten low now...
  13. The question is WHY though? Why is it that shitty cartoons like that one last so many years but all the good ones barely last any time at all? What's next? Are people gonna start saying Thundercats Roar is better than Thundercats 2011? I am so glad He-Man got a proper reboot eventually with Revelations and didn't suffer such an awful fate.
  14. I can't say anything about the other shows since I've not seen them, but I have to disagree about Adventure Time being an example of a good new generation cartoon. I thought it was pretty dumb. Just because I like true quality the most doesn't mean I don't like other cartoons. Heck, Spongebob is one of my all time favorites.
  15. I thought it was because kids like silly and stupid cartoons better than dark, gritty, serious, and edgy ones. This is true, but stuff like this is the reason why our generations keep getting dumber instead of smarter. Children would rather eat candy than vegetables too. But that doesn't mean it's good for them to do that instead. That's what this is like. And well, that's not entirely true. There have been good shows that helped companies make money. I imagine Hasbro and Mattel made plenty of money off of My Little Pony and He-Man and The Masters of The Universe respectively. Companies made toys of the characters in the other shows I mentioned too. DragonBall Z and so on had plenty of action figures back in the day too.
  16. Why are cartoons only getting worse instead of better? Not to mention some cartoons started out great but have completely diminished over time and been downgraded and ruined by crappy reboots like The Powerpuff Girls, Teen Titans and Ben 10 etc. What happened to all the good cartoons like Dexter's Laboratory, Samurai Jack, Batman The Animated series, Superman The Animated series, Justice League Unlimited, Static Shock, and Jackie Chan Adventures etc? And other cartoons in general that seem to be compelling and have a solid plot and motivating story? Most cartoons these days seem to just be there to rot people's brains and turn kids into idiots. They have nothing to offer but stupidity, randomness, and toilet humor. Examples: Breadwinners, Pickle and Peanut, Sanjay and Craig, Fanboy & Chum Chum, and Teen Titans Go etc. Needless to say, these shows don't live up to such a great legacy. Sure the 1990's and early 2000's had some bad brainrotting cartoons too. But back then most cartoons were awesome and it wasn't near as hard to sort out the gems from the excrement. Mostly we had awesome stuff like the aforementioned shows. And we didn't have many shitty cartoons except for stuff like 2 Stupid Dogs and Mega Babies etc.
  17. I just want to be loved and know what it feels like because I never had a real family...Just two parents that abused me...I just want a family and to be loved and accepted...Is that so wrong? But everyone always leaves me eventually...I guess I really am just a cancer...

  18. The people on here really must hate me...Whenever someone else on here makes a Life Advice topic they get a huge pity party. But whenever I do it people say mean and insensitive things to me.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rikifive


      On the surface maybe yes, but the presented problem, arguments, and attitude (your topic is extremely insensitive and unapproachable), are vastly different, which impacts on who replies and how they do so. But okay, that aside, in the topic you compare to, "getting a job" is actually mentioned as well, but it's not so apparent, as the current primary problem on their end is the paperwork, so that's something they get advice on.

      Not that I defend or blame anyone, I don't want to judge who's right and who not. I'm merely sharing my thoughts on something you've shown and asked me. You're free to take what I say with a grain of salt or straight disagree, it's really up to you what you do with it, it's not like my opinion changes anything. I don't want to argue, I just wish you the best.

    3. Sazama Ichida

      Sazama Ichida

      How was I being insensitive and unapproachable? Because I insulted my worthless parents? Why should the people who reply to that topic care?

    4. Rikifive


      Sorry, I choose to back off. I don't know what do you expect from me, I'm unable to help you.

  19. I am certainly pleased about these fights. I hope Frieza cleans Megatron's clock.
  20. That's right everyone. I have recently come to the realization that I am Trans. I've thought this through a lot and I'm not like other guys. Never have been. I was always weak and effeminate despite being born with male genitals. My voice is very highpitched especially when I scream. Many people thought that I was gay and even thought I was a girl for years. As well as when they saw me and when they hear me talk on the phone. And I'm just plain not cut out to live as a man either. I'm too weak and dependent on others. So I've decided to stop running away from who I am.

    And this lovely character you see here is one of my Anime RP personas. I hope you like her.

    1. Miss


      Congrats 🏳️‍⚧️:grin:

  21. Hey, do I know you? Were you wanting to RP?

    1. SCS


      Hi there! I don't think we ever properly met, I just added you because your name sounded familiar from my old times here. 

  22. Would anyone like to play D&D?

  23. I realize that I've hurt and offended people on here...I doubt this will mean anything to anyone...I doubt they will even remotely care at all...But I really have matured over the years...I also doubt they believe me, but I truly am sorry for everything I've done...*sigh*

  24. Let me know if you wanna add me on Discord to play Dungeons and Dragons.

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