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Toko Yakkai

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Posts posted by Toko Yakkai

  1. The only downside to this is to experience their fall if such a thing were to happen. but I think the whole "I want to die" Thought has to be genuine. The "Kill-switch" probably wouldn't activate unless you truly wanted to give up your eternal life, for death. Just thinking "should i die"? on a whim probably would do nothing.

    Wouldn't that still be intriguing though? To watch the steps that our race makes throughout time? Think if you were immortal a thousand years ago and to see what we've done and become. Say you were alive during the dark ages, to experience the plague, wars, good times and bad times, and then to know that we as a race make it through all of that. How would that affect your character, your thoughts and beliefs? Would it make you wiser, more comfortable to change, more fluid as an individual in societies? Would you be able to bring peace to nations with culture, language, and thought systems that are strikingly different from one to the other?


    • Brohoof 1

    Simply put, the only way I would ever want to be immortal is if I were also forever young. There are quite a few things I could do for the benefit of mankind as a whole if I were immortal. However, the 'kill yourself by thought' stipulation does concern me. Perhaps if it were more...safe, I could work with it, but if it's a simple 'I want to die' thought, and then I die, it would be silly. Sure, friends and family would eventually pass, but I believe that it would be worth it in order to be around to watch how humans evolve.

  3. Whoa. So, you actually DID come to this site... Well, er... Hi, Toko. Heh...


    This is your friend, if you couldn't tell.


    Well, you did say that it was a good site, so I kind of had to check it out.


  4. I shall weclomed you with this song. I hope that your gonna have fun and make friends 


    I don't know if I can ever hear that song enough. Thank you :)


    Hello and welcome to the friendliest MLP forum on the web.  I’m glad you found us, but can you say a bit more about yourself?  Who’s your favorite character and how did you become a fan in the first place?  Inquiring minds wanna know!  smile.png


    To be honest, and I know it's might sound a bit chiche, I don't really have a favorite character. I find that most of the characters in the show have their own cons and pros, so to pick one as a 'favorite' is rather difficult for me. I became a fan of the show through a very late night and youtube, it was an accident to be quite frank. I was incredibly tired, and used to be quite a hater, so as I'm trolling through Youtube I come across the first episode. I'm thinking 'Hey, if I watch this I'll have more things to mess with those weird bronies about.' So I watch the first episode, after about 4 hours I've realized I've gone about halfway through the first season.



    • Brohoof 2
  5. As with many others who post in this section I'm new. I was referred to this site via a friend and am pretty excited to meet others. I'm not exactly sure what all I should include about myself in this initial post, if there's any questions you all would like to know about me I'd be more than happy to answer them.



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