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Posts posted by fly

  1. i would like to say that it is because "fly" can be used as a noun, a verb, and an adjective. but i didn't think of that until after i chose it. this website is the first one i've used this username on before. i originally chose it because i'd never seen a website that let you have a name as short as three characters, so i thought fly would make a cool name. then i realized how the word can be used in different ways, which made me like it even more.

  2. my mom knows and doesn't really even think it's weird. and my dad knows my little brother is, but i don't think he knows i am, he probably would think it's weird. all my (few) friends know i am too, but they thought me to be weird before they knew, so it doesn't particularly make a difference.

  3. okay. i'm a Christian. i even go to a Baptist church.
    but that was COMPLETELY and UTTERLY a joke. i mean, how could you even think those things? now, if being a brony really was all those things he said it was, then yes, it would be wrong. but it's not. not even close. maybe he's a troll. i don't know. but they all seem so sincere. who knows. some of you think it's funny, and i'm not bashing you at all, but i think it's pretty sad.

    • Brohoof 2
  4. other than my brothers and sister (yes i'm lucky to have siblings who love the show as much as i do), i've only met one brony. i actually knew him for a couple of years before i found out. &it was kinda funny how i found out he was too. he's in my youth group at church, and we were all hanging out, and i was like, "i'm 20% cooler than all of you..... none of you get that, do you?" and he was like, "i do." aaand i was like >:DDDD. but then everyone started joking around with us and he decided that he only watched it because his sister made him do it. but it didn't really make him more attractive.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. thank you guys soooo much for being willing to help me. you guys are all great! :D but, unfortunately, i can pick only one of you and you guys definitely didn't make it easy. buuut i tried my best to pick someone who i think would make a good interviewee and would represent bronies as a whole very well, so did pick one of you. thank you guys sososo much.


    p.s. i wasn't planning on really using this website much after this, but i think i might stick around a bit more, thanks to the friendliness of you guys.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Is that something that you wanted or do you want me to write some more?

    no, i think that'll do. i'll just wait a little while to see if anyone else has any answers. if no one answers in the next hour or so, then you'll do just fine, but if anyone does, i suppose i'll have to choose. thanks for your help, by the way.

  7. okay, i'll just ask a simple question, that will have a not so simple answer, to help me decide. [: this is for those of you who have already posted (if you see this) and will post:

    why do you like MLP (just try to sum up your answer without writing a book [; i know it can be hard)?

  8. hmmm. i wasn't expecting this many replies. i don't really know who to pick now. just so you know though the interview less about MLP and more about you as a fan of MLP and why you're a fan (and other things like that), if that changes anyone's mind.

    • Brohoof 1
  9. <p>hi, hello. i am quite new to this site and i do hope i'm not being to intrusive by asking this, but i would like to ask someone who might be more experienced in the whole My Little Pony/brony group, if you consider yourself pretty serious about it, of course, a question. i am doing a project for my English class &amp; it involves interviewing someone that is part of a counterculture or a subculture, and i'm fairly sure that being a brony fits into one of those categories. so if any of you more serious and experienced bronies are interested in an interview, just let me know and we can set one up. thanks so much. [:</p>

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