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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Shiek927

  1. Shiek927_BigMac.mp3Shiek927_PhoenixWright.mp3Shiek927_ShiningArmor(Agitated).mp3Shiek927_ShiningArmor(Excited).mp3Shiek927_TheJudge.mp3Shiek927_Trident.mp3 Sending in my auditions for various male roles! ^^ If you are interested in what you hear, get back to me at "shiek927@gmail.com" and we'll talk! =)
  2. Been another month since I uploaded music! don't have as much to show as I did before, but qualitatively, my works are beginning to improve. The last one is simply my vocals and nothing more. I was requested to upload just that for a remix, so, here it is. As ever, please comment and critique! I'm curious what people have to say about the progress I've made so far. Friendship is Magic in the Town of Ponyville.mp3 For Dashie (Cover).mp3 For Dashie (WIP).mp3
  3. No, I haven't disappeared! I'm still here! Nice to have gotten a part. When it came to ol' Granny, this series is plainly trying to be funny and satirical, so that's what I went for. Let everyone know when the scripts are ready and we can get started!
  4. Hey there! If you are still taking auditions, here are mine! If you have any questions or concerns, email me at "shiek927@gmail.com"! Shiek927_Arryl_AbridgedWindWaker.mp3 Shiek927_Grandma_AbridgedWindWaker.mp3 Shiek927_Link_AbridgedWindWaker.mp3
  5. It's been about a month since I posted anything here, so I'm bumping this up with new works that I've put out. Hope you all enjoy it!
  6. A wonderful post - no question about it. For me, I simply want to be able to enjoy this movie for it's own merits. If there is a silver lining to be found, I want to find it. I don't want to immediately write off this movie because it wasn't Lauren's vision. I also don't want to blast any of the good people behind it, who are also greatly responsible for FiM in the first place (the hate Meghan Mccarthy has gotten has been *ridiculous* - I'm happy Faust defended her on 4chan though). I simply want to try to enjoy a good movie, and I don't know if it's good because I haven't seen it yet. I don't want to dislike it because of all the behind-the-scenes drama which isn't worthwhile. I want to dislike this movie if it turns out to be a bad movie, *that is it*. I don't want to dislike it because of my own ego.
  7. It's a well-written article, but the title is wrong: this wasn't why *we* need Equestria Girls, but why Hasbro apparently needs it (money). If the point of this was to convince me why the fandom needs Equestria Girls, I wasn't convinced.
  8. As I continue to upload new material, I'll try to post it here as well. As I improve, you can bet that each song will sound a little better then the last. That's certainly what I'm aiming for. Here's what I got so far, in descending order: "Anthropology!" (Cover) - https://soundcloud.com/shiek927/anthropology-guyra-coconeru "The Sun and the Moon" (Cover) - https://soundcloud.com/shiek927/the-sun-the-moon-cover "Swing Tavi Swing!" (Cover) - https://soundcloud.com/shiek927/swing-tavi-swing-cover Polychromatic (Cover) - https://soundcloud.com/shiek927/polychromatic-cover Bare in mind that the last one is "WIP", and I put that in quotes because I'm unsure if it's ready or not. It's up in Soundcloud, but not on Youtube, and possibly will remain that way until I make it better.
  9. I'm the same way - I'm willing to lend my voice, but It would probably have to be a background pony given my narrow skill with voice-acting right now. Still, I'd love to be able to join your project My gmail is "Shiek927@gmail.com", if you are interested.
  10. You do realize there is already a pony named Raindrops, right? It's a great drawing though - I need to move forward in my traditional artwork as well.
  11. This sounds like a pretty ambitious project - sign me up! If you have room for one more tenor singer, I'll gladly join in with everybody
  12. Here's an interesting question: will they still have the same names? Perhaps "Rainbow Dash" is just her affectionate nick-name, while "Snips and Snails" are just what bullies call them. It makes sense, though I'm not sure how much I like it anyway. I wouldn't be surprised if the movie goes that route.
  13. What I think will end up happening, is that Twilight with this guy in the human world, eventually leave, and try to spark something with him back in Equestria, perhaps by lightly teasing him about something only he is supposed to know (like something important to him that he confided to her).
  14. I find that the older you get, the less and less you care about what people think about you: not in the way you do as a teenager, but genuinely. You're through with feeling overly self-conscious or scrutinized for your interests, and you become more open with the things you love. If you can't be free to enjoy and do the things you love, then when will you be able too?
  15. Isn't kind of a stretch to call her a villain? We don't know *anything* about her. Undoubtedly she'll be the antagonist, but It's a step higher to call her a "villain": that's territory you'd only really reserve for people like Discord or Chrysalis who commit actions that are threatening to, well, everyone. I don't believe at all she'll go that far: she'll just be more like the majority of antagonists in the show who are there to create conflict, but not necessarily bad people (or at least, as bad as a straight-up villain like Discord). You wouldn't put Gilda and Discord in the same category, they aren't even close I'm not really going to go off-the-wall with speculating on her, because there is only so much you can infer from what we saw, and odds are that the trailer misdirected all sorts of stuff. Unlike Trixie and Twilight, you can argue that their is a much more personal contrast between them, right down to similar names (Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer). Here's hoping she's nice, or at least reforms in the end: her toy is too sweet for her to stay bad
  16. Sure, why the hell not? If you don't like it, look away -- don't think about it, talk about it, or whatever...just move onto to the people and things you do like. Things will be much happier for you that way. The people who do usually keep to themselves about it. As before, simply spend your time with like-minded people with like-minded interests, and let others do the same.
  17. People seem to have a misunderstanding what Tolerance means. Hasn't *anyone* here seen the South Park episode on Tolerance? Or the big topic on this on Round Stable way back when? We're all good people, and we all have our differences - the Brony community is generally one of the most accepting communities you could find and that's a good thing. That doesn't mean, however, that it's the end-all be-all of anything, and it's very much just another fandom like any other, including with it's share of trolls and people you'd rather not be with. Should you try to love and tolerate these people anyway? Sure, it's good to try and love and tolerate someone, even if they are being frustrating...but the key thing to remember is that you don't necessarily have to like them - tolerance, like Mr.Garrison said, is just putting up with them. And even then? Sometimes, tolerance has it's limits, and some behaviors should generally not be acceptable at all. Bronies are generally good people, and it's wonderful that we try to 'love and tolerate' everyone for who they are - learning to pick our fights carefully, and loving and tolerating someone, even when that mantra seemingly backfires. I wouldn't say it fails as a mantra, in general or for the community as some said, but for those who say they can't love and tolerate everyone....well, that's okay. You don't have to like them, you are just putting up with them and trying to love them all the same. There is so much I could go into with something like this, but I'll just leave it right there.
  18. I honestly can't say that I have any. Oh sure, there are ideas that I like more then others, but I wouldn't say I generally dislike any of them: usually, I can at least understand where the rationale is coming from, even if I disagree with it.
  19. What a ridiculous idea - Twilight is replacing her friends? She's not replacing anybody. We don't know, yet, why she went by herself to Earth. Hell, we might not get an adequate explanation for that, but why in the world do you believe she is replacing her friends when this is all just an alternate universe and she will end up going back to Equestria, inevitably? That image you saw is undoubtedly from the end of the movie, during the prom - one final group shot, that Twilight will probably take back with her to remember her adventure by. Why would her friends be angry at learning that she made friends with their human counterparts? They'd probably compliment that, even in anther world, the Magic of Friendship lives on.
  20. May seem a bit silly to say, but I like everyone's honesty in expressing themselves the way they are. Me, I honestly can't say that I have a best friend...or maybe 'friends' for that matter: I have acquaintances, people I talk to on the internet, but friends? That's a tough one, in all honesty. I think those are actually hard to come by. It's something, of course, I'm trying to turn around with the general attitude I'm having toward life lately in trying to reinvent myself. Friends has been something as alien for me as it was for Twilight, but I am trying to better myself and I hope, the next time I see a topic like this, I can readily answer without a pinch of hesitation. .
  21. Some questions are worth asking, and some are not. The whole questioning on Twilight's longevity? The idea that it would even be approached when little kids are watching, is hard to swallow. If it is, it will be handled gingerly. It basically comes down to what has been said before -- fans have extremely elaborate headcanons to fill the humongous gaps of the story. The writers give us just enough, and we go off-the-wall. With Twilight's change, some questions will have to be answered, but the vast majority won't even be touched on, if only because it exceeds what they can reasonably show to little kids.
  22. Most people on this thread seem to have a good mentality. The people flipping out, arguably have every right too, but if people *do* actually leave because of this, I question how much investment they had in FiM in the first place. And the so-called threats against the show staff are unacceptable, period.
  23. Sunset is awesome, and is probably one of the main reasons I feel excited about this movie. Amid all the controversy and negativity, including my own wariness (though I will see this movie with warm expectations), I'm curious what her story is. Why is she still a teenager for one? Even if she was directly Celestia's last apprentice, shouldn't she have aged to be much older then high-school? Unless she went through the portal as a filly. Perhaps she feels resentment toward Celestia, or doesn't remember her and grew up badly...there are all sorts of reason for her antagonism despite the nice image her toy represents. I still expect however that she will be ponified and brought back to Equestria...or maybe not, and she will remain on Earth. Either way, I do expect her reformation by the end of it.
  24. Kind of a bizarre chain of comments here - what is so creepy about wanting to go see this movie? Won't most older men who see this movie be, well, the fathers of the kids? And even if they aren't, what difference does it make either way?
  25. Perhaps, but you're not really selling yourself the way you should - I get your humor, but if you keep writing about yourself and how bad you are, how is anyone going to listen to your songs? If you yourself seemingly don't like them? I get your humor, I do, but you should try for a more positive upbeat image - that's my advice anyway.
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