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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Moonpie

  1. Hairing a NMM Custom today

  2. I got a beautiful ten gallon tank setup for my new frogs from my friend, and I got to order the Pinkie Pie Build a bear as a late birthday gift since she was sold out local. So now I have dash and Pinkie
  3. 8 Bit Mario and Zelda original not the new ones ORIGINAL! *Flex* yeah im an ol fart ;P get off of mah lawn ! *laughs* Thoes games gave me lots of joy and we still have them today.
  4. Anthro Artist / Pony custom artist and Housewife/ Miniature zookeeper XD of many loving animals and one big brat erm husband lol.
  5. Tongue followed by Nipz probably was my worst of my 3. Sadly when I had to have a surgery they were removed and shockingly the buggers healed up all within a few days of it >.< even my belly wich had been done for years prior! Only that did not was my ears
  6. Moonpie

    request shop Free Pony Cartoon Dolls

    These are simply adorable and seeing other peoples OC's are just so cute I really need to get out of my art block or swap someone to do more of Moonpie or my other oC's
  7. I hate sinus infections >.<

    1. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      So do I. Had one earlier this year that was as debilitating as the flu. >_<

    2. Moonpie


      Yeah this one has me draggin my heels like a worn out ol lady lol and my head feels like a swollen balloon and ugh my nose argh! poooof! nuff said

  8. Been sick lately thus not on much always can chat on aim

  9. Been super busy irl and a bit of a down mood If no there can reach me on my msgners.

  10. Welcome to the forums! And oooh norway cool ! I know a friend that lives in Hoorn Dutch so yall are not quite to far appart persay.
  11. gosh so many game memories that I am seeing here A few I guess I found amusing that some were like meh I loved Paperboy for NES but some of my friends thought it was nuts.. same with Friday the 13 n jaws I have others i could list but thats just off top of head
  12. I would adore seeing some origin work on the regal sisters sometime. Even them working in passing I know would be difficult with there duties being of Sun and Moon. But still the writers are quite tallented storyweavers thus far I am shure they could amaze us with something.
  13. Happy Birthday to meee *Giggles*

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Moonpie


      we had that on fathers day to be early since they had a buisness trip to do :) shes going to give me a bang trim and touch up my hair dye. And im gonna shove my service dog in there large shower and give him a bath XD


    3. ~StatesTheOblivious~


      Happy Birthday!

      ... I have to admit that reminded me of Harry Potter. But good to hear that you are not alone.

    4. Moonpie


      ^_^ never alone and thank you :)


  14. Friend gave me some for early bday and there so tiney atm im trying to ID them from what he had hes unshure who bred lol http://s231.photobucket.com/user/moonstonewind/library/frogs thought id share them my main wonder is the toad if hes a firebelly or american the two frogs appear to be a tree for shure one and maby leopard or hybrid leo possibly another tree I dunno but I thought id share n see if any ideas
  15. oh lordy these are way to adorable quite a good handfull of fun little snippets of giggles and some just down right guffaws
  16. Hubby found ss at a toys r us and we found the Luna at a local Wallmart the tru was in Arlington tx the Wallmart in lake worth tx wich is a small area in ft worth
  17. My latest includes the design your own Luna (going to paint it up properly) fashion style pinkie pie w/ the umbrella hat XD Sunset shimmer and a near mint G1 medly I got to pick out some stuff early before birthday and well now im quite content with my "haul"
  18. Apples esp fuji and granny smith, and I adore raspberries omg can not get enough of them ... dust a little sugar or chocolate on them ... I devour them faster than a candybar!
  19. Been a pony fan since a child. I doubt its of any surprise to them that I embraced the new series. In fact I even got my husband into it, and several friends. I even got my mother to watch a few episodes and the ones I showed her choked her up and made her smile so yes I think its safe to say "they know" wowoooOoOOooO ;P lol
  20. I tend to do like I would for any "hater" for both MLP or Furry click alike. Politely try to educate, if they genuinely will listen, but if they are one of thoes with there heads so stuck up in the clouds that they know whats best for everyone including me. I just giggle and tell them how adorable they are when there angry and move on ignoring there banters.
  21. Pansexual, I do not judge by gender I judge by personality and character. I try to never gender stereotype anyone either. And I am very supportive of thoes that wish to have an "alternate" lifestyle outside of a tradional man/woman relationship. My husband knows this as well, and respects this in me that I do not judge by gender relegion, race or creed, but by actions and personality.
  22. Still not best, but Painting on a Nightmare Moon Custom

  23. The only ones I know of for shure at this time is the currrent and Twilight Alicorn will be in august sometime Id presume Early August, as they have already shown teasers of the plushie.
  24. I would like to see one perhaps on Octavia, and Lyra or any of the musician ponies or any of the artists of equestria. Perhaps another maby Semi background but still known What about the Mayor ???
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