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Redmon Frosts

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Everything posted by Redmon Frosts

  1. sorta pony, sorta not pony. either way we at the station are keeping it on heavy lockdown until we can figure out how to kill it
  2. a few years ago, back when i first started RPing, i needed to create a villain who could easily top any villain i've ever seen (obviously i've been topped by now) so i created this, The Fallen. The Fallen is a being made of pure evil, whose sole purpose is to create pain and suffering to the fullest extent. others say that he's one of those "I'll rule the world!" types, but this is false. he wants only to kill every single living/sentient creature in existence, no exceptions.
  3. this is actually from a story of mine i never finished/posted and probably never will at this point. anyway, the white one is named Vaden the Holy, the God of Light, and the black one is Tendalum the Merciless, the God of Darkness.
  4. Redmon Frosts

    request shop Any requests?

    thank you kind sir/madame. the reason for such a strange request is that i needed a good cover art for my fan fic "Change". credit will be given to the artist. thank you. if you could, would you please email it to me?
  5. Redmon Frosts

    request shop Any requests?

    can you draw me a picture of Colgate and Berry Punch cuddling, except Berry is burning away in a few spots, showing she is a changeling?
  6. so, after learning that Applejack's parents actually DID pass away, i felt a drive to make a sort of tribute to such a hardworking mare for losing something so close to her. so i made this.
  7. Admin: well, personally i have no real opinion of them. i haven't been to their reality, but if they're anything like the mares in Ponyville i bet they would be tolerable. if i had to choose i'd just approve. better to be positi- Luna: FIRST AN ALICORN, NOW A HUMAN?! WE HAVE ENOUGH TROLLS WITH TIA ARO- Admin: Luna's on the fence
  8. you are 20% better than me at sappin sentries
  9. jennifer aniston? "You're like a car crash in slow motion. it's like im watching you fly through a windshield"
  10. i give you the rainblower and pyrovision. go nuts
  11. "i thought last time we agreed you wouldn't sneak up on me when my pants were of" you discover a wounded changeling mare has broken into your home to escape a violent storm outside
  12. i thought we agreed we'd do this at your place last time?
  13. this is something i started a few hours ago for Midnightblue. it's not my best work, but i hope he (and everyone else) really enjoys it!
  14. like the Administrator (my OC) Data Break, or "Glitch" is Admin's younger, way tougher and bigger brother. he, like Admin, wears a hoodie that shrouds his face, along with that he wears a gas mask. since he and his brother can jump dimensions, Glitch often jumps into video games. i had just beaten Prototype 2 when i decided to draw this. input?
  15. here is some more products of my boredom. the first is obviously of me and my waifu. the second is a fic im working one about the Administrator trying to understand Pinkie Pie...and failing miserably at it. the last is actually a dream i woke up laughing from and just had to draw it.
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