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Everything posted by Halfblood

  1. Halfblood

    Ouray: Day One

    Holy hell, that first photo is gorgeous. Also, chipmunk! :3
  2. One of my favorite metal youtubers, InfidelAmsterdam, brought the awesome that is Blood Mortized to my attetion. They're pretty boss, imo: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=wO5u-NVKQsk Also, good to see you around these parts again, NNL!
  3. I have become a Squirrel! Fear the wraith of me nuts! >:D

    1. StingeMuffin


      I hope they're pecans! :D

    2. Halfblood


      One is! The other is a cashew ;D

  4. That's great news! Listening to my Dad's old Rush cds back in the day really helped me get into progressive rock/metal, which opened the doors to great bands like Coheed and Opeth; at least for me. This is one of my favorite songs from their 2012 album. It's probably the heaviest they've ever gotten: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYTOZU9rRj8
  5. Ah, PeachPalette, your art never ceases to astound me. This is a wonderful piece! I enjoy the expressions your and your fiance's OCs; it's pretty adorable, which is a word I don't use very often but here, it's appropriate! As always, splendid job!
  6. Good morning Metal Thread. I've been trying different songs to play as my alarm for the morning during the work week. I've been feeling Septic Flesh for a while.
  7. I too do not enjoy PayPal, especially after they updated their policy to ridiculous levels. I am kinda sad that you guys might phase out the one-off payments, but it's for the good. Subscriptions are more sustaining than the single chance someone decides to donate the monies. Anyway, a good change! Adding Stripe as an alternate option for payments is definitely wonderful.
  8. Hey, these are pretty good! I have to say, Applejack is my favorite, and you really did her justice. Also, are you planning on drawing a pony on everyday of this month? If so, that is one heck of an awesome challenge! Keep it up
  9. Haha, when you mentioned Tosin Abasi, I had a feeling it was gonna be Animals As Leaders! This band is definitely a must listen. KKR, if you find that you like that sort of instrumental, 7-8 string guitar bliss, also give Chimp Spanner a go: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=72RP8lvHcqc
  10. Dang bro, this is an awesome piece of art. I love the concept; Twilight plunging into the dark depths of the arcane! Your process is good and clean; multiple layers are good layers, lol. I think you could not have done the shading and lighting any better. This looks superb!
  11. Glad to know you'll be around the 'ol Metal Thread now. Always looking for metalheads to share tunes with. Also, this should help blow that headache right outta your skull http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzIZC_94wFk
  12. Suggestions, hm? I'll go with one my favorites as well: Opeth. If Mikael's blood thirsty growls don't scare you away, this is truly one of the most beautifully sounding metal bands ever. There is a serene balance between light and heavy, coupled with the amazing songwriting and rich lyrics present within their music. To demonstrate the contrast in their music, here's one of their lighter songs: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IzLDT73bkk&feature=related And one of their heavier songs: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7C9Tr4okNw I can also say Deftones are a wonderful band to get into if you are dipping into metal.
  13. I recently watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 at a buddy's place. All the carnage at the end hits me right in the feels every time. Speaking of Taken, I want to see Stolen, which I hear is a "knock-off" starring Nic Cage. I made a caption image in that regard:
  14. Constructing a potential Pathfinder campaign for the future. I'll get back to drawing in a couple of hours, lol.

  15. My favors would be as follows: -I would ask Twilight if she would assist me in astrophysics and engage in some nerdy banter. -Then I would ask Fluttershy if she could help me out with choosing the right kind of pet for myself. -Afterwards, I'd strut over to Applejack's farm and ask her if she would kindly bake me a delicious apple pie for consumption -Since I'm there already, I'd ask Big Mac if he would like to bro-out for a day, maybe get in touch with Braeburn, Caramel, and Thunderlane and make it an all Stallion pow-wow. -If I ran into Rainbow Dash, my favor would be to ask her to challenge me in an Iron Pony competition! -I would then go to Rarity's boutique and politely ask as a favor if she could help me update my wardrobe. -Finally, I would ask Pinkie Pie if she would throw a huge party, inviting all of Ponyville, in my honor! edit: I can't just ask 1, I would need to ask all 6! Haha.
  16. I've heard Attila being called "partycore" before. Heh, I always thought that sounded ridiculous, and never really gave Attila a fair listen through because of it. I may go back and give it another go, although "partycore" sounds a genre people would call Pinkie's deathcore band Have some Meridian. Been winding down to these guys recently. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIPHLoNXxmU&feature=related Also, BOO is pretty awesome too. Bought Discovery when it came out like a year ago.
  17. Alrighty, I had my bit of retro fun :D

  18. This is good. I like this. I will archive these images in the deep Siberian recesses of my computer, where I view them in all their glory. Thank you, kind sir.
  19. Ah, I cannot get over how much I love Deftones. They released another song from their upcoming album. Not their heaviest, but it's definitely a tune I can sit and relax to: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIgNBxNvAJg Also, some Omega Experiment: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=MW919aAG4BA&feature=related
  20. Eat cupcakes. Make you strong; strong like bull.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. null123456



      It makes you a pegasus. :3

    3. Halfblood


      Greetings, Comrade Hammer. I am Chairman Brospeh Stallion.

    4. Dimitri Hammer

      Dimitri Hammer

      Well hello comrade!

  21. (In a heavy Russian accent) "My Little Pony. It's good for you!"

  22. Welp, I fell pretty deep into the pit of lazy today.

  23. Broseph Stallion will ride again! >
  24. "I like rocks! And I make fine frocks."

  25. Tara Strong cosplayed as Twilight at Canterlot Gardens. Kinda had a ponygasm, no lie.

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