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Everything posted by Captainloudmouth

  1. Hello, I'm captainloudmouth. If you want to read my blog then i suggest that you read this. Though i don't know why you would, seeing as I've never been good at writing. Anyways, onto the point. This blog is dedicated to ranting, and showcasing the stupidity of the ifunny anti-bronies. I hope you have a good time reading my blog. (Not all rants and entries will be pony related. Rants will now be titled "rants" and idiot showcases will be titled "bronies: the ifunny division")
  2. Abb - acronym for " Anti Brony Brotherhlod."
  3. *WARNING* This may contain substitutes for swears (buck,shift,grass,) this may also include homophobic phrases. So, you know, if you are offended by such content, please click the back button. The first thing I want to rant about is a commonly used phrase by haters. The phrase is "fag" it has different variations such as "horsefag" or "ponyfag". I honestly don't know why this is an insult. Being gay is not wrong, the only reason i can come up with is that the show is for "little girls" and that "us men should not be viewing such girly material". If you think that, you can buck off. The only reason they say this is that they have not seen it. They just judge the show by its name. I also hate how they argue in a childish manner. Here is an average argument between a brony and a hater "lol this iz gaye" "no, the show is decent and teaches good values." "well ur a fag" "no, i actually have a girlfriend." "Shut up horsefag". I'm not even lying, this is how arguements always go. It seems that a monkey escaped from the zoo and types hate. I have saved the worst people for the last... THE GOSHDARN ABB. These people are completely and utterly ridiclous. They are an embarassment to the human race. They will go out of their way to find and harrass bronies. They even go as far as to threaten death to us. Anyways, this is my first rant. I know it's bad, but could you guys give feedback and tell me what i could do better? Also, i want to thank you for reading my wall of text.
  4. So, this is the first entry. I just want to give a warning real quick. *WARNING* the comments from haters can contain mild language such as: gay, fag, or homo. Anyways, here is the first post. i really don't know what to say. He just sterotypes bronies.
  5. Hello, I'm captainloudmouth. I hope that you have a great time on these forums.
  6. You've done it world, you have created the dumbest person ever. It just makes me cry how dumb people can be, these people are like the internet kkk. come on, really? Who would do this? I know the motto of our people is "love and tolerate" but, really? This is ridiculous.
  7. Hello, I'm captainloudmouth, I've devised a simple forum game: you 'DAWWW you lose, post cute pictures. And try not to 'dawwww
  8. Fluttershy, fluttershy, fluttershy can barely fly. I can get where you're coming from, but rainbow dash will forever be 20% cooler.
  9. To me, i think it's one of the better fanfics out there. I liked it, and i thought it was sad. Also, most of the other fanfics in our fandom suck buttocks. An example of a terrible (insert swear here)y athuor is orange. What he writes is bucked up. Take "1-4th gear scootabuse" this involve scootaloo be abused. It absolutley TEARS apart the cheracter of rainbow dash. As THE ELEMENT OF LOYALTY BEATS UP HER BIGGEST FAN. Anyways, mld is great.
  10. Hello, my friend. I hope you have a good time on the mlp forums. Since there is a 200 character limit, i must say, to me, rainbow dash is best pony. My favorite episode is wonderbolt academy. And i like season 3.
  11. Last day of school was today. I'll be headed for TN. tommorow.

  12. So, after a quick search i have found no threads that have any replies or are non-pony related. That is why i have started the "pics that make you lol" thread. My reason for putting this in "non pony artwork" is that these pics are not strictly pony related.
  13. Welcome to the herd, my friend. I hope you have a great time on the forums.
  14. To me, unicorn is the best. As they can use magic to conjure wings, this removes the point of being a pegasus. Also having magic abilaties would be epic.
  15. I woudn't mind if she has one in s4. It seems in her character to be having freakouts. As she always has been a perfectionist to me.
  16. Great, it's nice to see another brony who has joined the fandom in the same manner as i have. Anyways, am i allowed to upload files before i advance from "blank flank"?
  17. Thank you, my fellow brony. It's nice to see that somebody took the time to read my post. Normally, on other fourums a post more than a paragraph long would be followed with "ain't nobody got time fo' dat".
  18. Hello, i'm captainloudmouth, and up until about two months ago, i was a hater. I used to hate bronies with a passion. I always thought that the show was for little girls. That was until i was in an argument with a brony. After hours of fighting, i was asked to watch the show. I did, the episode i watched was "wonderbolt academy" i loved it. However, being the complete douche i am i did not openly say that i liked it. And i went on hating. It wasn't weeks until i watched it again. The second time i watched it is when i considered myself a brony. I then made a new profile. Under the name of "a_normal_brony" (if anyone asks, this all happened on the app "ifunny"). Anyways, i'm captainloudmouth. My intrests are: gaming, soccer, and trolling anti-bronies. I'm sorry if this post is considered "off topic".
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