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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by wildpaw

  1. Whelp, another semester of collage has started... Nuff said.

  2. I'm the same way, although my rotation consists of: Super Mario 64 Castlevania F-Zero Legend of Zelda
  3. I like to read mostly fantasy fiction novels. My two most favorites are Warrior Cats and Wolves of the Beyond (in that order). Reading books like these kinda inspired me (along with watching MLP) to start making my own fantasy fiction stories.
  4. I've just recently attended Nightmare Nights in Dallas, I was awesome. I guess I should post some pics for ya'll to see soon.

    1. SaburoDaimando


      Sweet. Did you meet anyone in person?

    2. wildpaw


      I went to the wonderbolts concert friday evening. It was awesome.

    3. Sony


      Me and Wildpaw had a blast, we got new friends and got to meet Sonata Dusk ^^

  5. I haven't worked on my gameplay videos for about a month. I'm gonna get back on it this weekend for those of you who are interested in my youtube channel.

  6. I've just recently uploaded a couple of gameplay videos to Youtube. If anypony is intersted, plz check them out and subscribe too.

  7. I've just recently discovered that if you can get 20 people in a chat room on PSN, you'll get an automatic $60. My PSN name is Wildpelt, please help me.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Monsoon


      We can't play I have a ps4 and an Xbox 360

    3. wildpaw


      Oh, well it was worth a shot, LOL. well, I guess I'll talk to you later. see ya.

    4. Monsoon
  8. October 23rd, I will be going to Nightmare Nights in Dallas along with my friends. I know It's still long before then, but there's no time to start preparing like the present.

  9. This is the first time I'm doing a blog entry on this site. As a matter of fact, this is the first time I'm doing a blog ever. I really hope I'm doing this right. I'm starting this off with an entry about a book project I'm working on. It's a Fantasy Fiction novel called Demon Hunters. First off, I want to point out that I've started working on this book ever since I became fascinated in the furry community (pretty sure there's nothing wrong with that), so if the story was made into an animation; it would use furry characters such as cats, dogs, wolves, etc that have a sort of anthropological build (in case nopony knew what I was talking about). Secondly, the story setting is in a world that is made up of different realms; here are some examples: Forest Realm Volcanic Realm Arctic Realm Digital Realm Realm of Light Realm of Darkness Realm of Souls Basically, all of these realms are like many different planets made up of what they portray. For example, the Forest Realm is like a planet made entirely to be a forest. Finally, another reason I started this project was to have some sort of idea for a game to share with my friends once we graduate college and start our game company (still undecided on the name of the company though). So with that been said, once again, I hope I did this blog right. And thanks for reading. By the way, this is one of the characters. The main character named Shade:
  10. I just want to come out and say that I have some amazing friends, both online and IRL. I really hope my life will be filled with making tons of new friends as I go on to College and so forth.

  11. Hey everypony, I just finished my fan art entree for the SSS warrior cats contest. However, I'm going to make a topic for it on the 14 of this month.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      *hugs =)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=) yea =)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)

    3. wildpaw


      LOL, so many hugs=)=)=)=)=)=). Well, the day isn't over yet; gonna play some Kingdom Hearts 2. Thanks for telling me about dailymotion, and have a wonderful day.

    4. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      I hope you have wonderful day too =)=)=)=)=) and happy time today =)=)=)=) YAY =)=)=)=)

  12. I'm currently in the middle of a fan art contest for SSS warrior cats. Really trying my best, and when I'm done I'm making a topic about my artwork. Hope anypony knows about persona 4.

  13. My favorite word would have to be "neko". I'm pretty much a cat person.
  14. This sounds kind of interesting. I have some free time on my hands for the next few months, so I could probably help. Although, the only thing I can see possible for me to do is voice acting for an extra/background pony. Plus, this is the first time that I'm willing to participate in something like this, but I'll do my best if you decide to let me help.
  15. I have to say Legend of Zelda; Majora's Mask was the worst game I've ever played. It took me about 3 years to finish the game only because I had a set amount of days to complete a task. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the Legend of Zelda franchise, but this one game made me rage quit so hard that I nearly broke my computer. Oh yeah, I play on a N64 computer emulator, but that's not the main problem. I'm use to the computer controls; it's the time system of the game that threw me off so many times. I'm just glad to be done with it.
  16. I had my brother take this pic of me and send it to my phone. I was in the middle of playing Black Ops 2.
  17. Hey everypony, I'm always looking for some multiplayer fun, so add me if you want to. 3DS: 2251-4817-0005 Name: Sandstorm PSN: Wildpelt I don't really play on my 3DS that much, but I when I do; I mostly play Animal Crossing New Leaf, and Pokemon X. I'll be getting Pokemon Omega Ruby soon. On my PS3, I have COD Black Ops 2, The Last of Us, Uncharted 3, AC3, Minecraft, and Defiance (which is kind of like Destiny). Thanks in advance, I'll be looking forward to it.
  18. There was this one time, during my high school years, where my English 3 teacher swore to the whole class. I forgot what he said because it was last year, and he was talking pretty fast. Obviously, some of my other classmates understood what he said. The reason he swore was because everyone in the classroom was talking to loud. (The most common problem for teachers)
  19. I got into making origami figures. It's great because I've been knowing only how to make paper boats.

    1. Literally Snails

      Literally Snails

      Can you make a frogie? I like the origami frogies.

    2. wildpaw


      I'll try, and if I succeed, I'll make a topic and post my creations.

  20. To everypony that has replied to this topic up to now. Thanks a bunch. I'm just here to say that I'm adding Black Ops II to the list. Once again, thanks for the replies
  21. I just bought Black Ops II from a friend today. But my PS3 won't connect to the wifi right now. so I'm stuck playing by myself 'till I can fix this.

  22. I started going to cons last year. I went to Comic-con in Dallas, and it was pretty cool. Bought a PSN pre-paid card, rainbowdash socks, pinkie pie comic, and a bunch of wolf stickers.
  23. Hey Everypony I started this topic in order to obtain more friends on PSN; preferably on PS3. Lately I haven't been playing online on PSN for a while, and I'd really feel better if I played with other players that share some of my interests. My PSN name: Wildpelt Games I play: Minecraft Defiance Destiny Uncharted 3 The Last of Us I don't care how good or bad you are at the games above, I just to have other players that I know somewhat about them to play with. Anyway, I'll be awaiting your request. Plus, if it's too much trouble to send me a request; just post your PSN name and I'll send you a request. Thanks in advance!!!
  24. Just got done practice driving with my dad. Man I feel awesome!

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