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Posts posted by Saturnsparkle

  1. I don't care to much for cloppers, or shippers, or ponfags (people who are so brony that they throw it in everyones face)

    I have to agree with you friend. back before i even liked this show my friend darren would just non stop begging me to watch the show. one time he accually gave me a killer migrane so much so that i cussed him out and told him to shut the fuck up and that i'll watch it in due time.
  2. I more open about my bronism than a black hole. i go anywhere in my brony attire with pride. i hum or sometimes even sing song from the show and from the fandom out loud. i never really cared what people thought of me so it easy for me to be a open brony

  3. Can I have a refernce picture or are you going by the avatar? would like to know for size and colour and that because can't get something clear from the avatar

    Well basically her coat is a cool orange and her hair is a blue with a cyan streak. She has blue eyes that are shaped like twilight's
  4. My friends tell me i am good at twilight's voice even though i'm a male and i sing bass. they also say im good at pinkie because i know how to make myself talk really fast. in my opinion they aren't that good but i guess they are on account that when my friend xavier asked me to do twilight's voice for the first time, he flipped his shit because he thought is was spot on.

  5. Reject? why in the name of celestia would i reject somepony that likes me. if twilight cofessed her feeling for me i wouldn't reject her at all. i would help her find a spell that would turn me into a pony. she could do it because she's a fucking alicorn princess


    Reject? why in the name of celestia would i reject somepony that likes me. if twilight cofessed her feeling for me i wouldn't reject her at all. i would help her find a spell that would turn me into a pony. she could do it because she's a fucking alicorn princess

  6. I'll happily help the both of you with whatever questions you have about this.

    What is it you would like to know?


    And @Saturnsparkle, you can have a set personality already set for your tulpa, however, whether or not they will deviate depends on how they feel. If you feel that having something like that set in concrete can help you with the creation process then you by all means, go for it.

    Thanks man for the help . first off where do i even begin to make a tulpa what do i do first? I also heard you need good consentrating skills do you have a easy way to cosentrate. also does having adhd make it harder to create a tulpa?
  7. Okay so i had this idea ''what if we could ponify 50's and 60's music. so i thought about rockabilly then BLAM! My mind instantly when to rockafilly. does this sound like a good idea?

  8. I should have been more specific. It's a fanfic. I thought it would be cool to do. :) I tend to leave out the important details sometimesc. (: But i mean well. :) I thought it would be fun to write after my serious series, just something to relax and enjoy. Anyone interested?

    I'm in you can friend and message me on here or if you want i'll give ya my facebook but only if you want it
  9. I agree completly to what you have to say about people freakin' out over little thing that you mentioned but i abosolutly can't stand when people talk shit to me. i know love and tolorate but when a bitch needs a slappin' i give the slappin'

  10. I have been picked on for bein' a bony at school. i'll be sittin' there mindin' my own then i'll have the occasinal ''why are you a pony fag?'' question. i'll just look up to the person and say ''obviously you don't know how to read. the shirt says BRONY pal''. some look for word and if they can't find any they walk away. others would say ''FUCK you brony fag''. and to that i would say ''look whos callin' who a fag''


    Well, My town has a Hot topic, so i think pretty much everyone is a brony, But i do get the "Gay" Comment a lot, There is a guy who calls me "Pony boy" And then that one time i told that JERK that i cuddle with a rainbow dash plush a i wish she was real, and he told everyone. So yeah, welcome to my amazing world. I(I also get called an "Autistic ponyfag whos legs are jacked up" Because that's true. ((It is, i am autisic and i have cerebal palsy.))

    Hey i would love to be called ponyboy he's a bad ass greaser from the outsiders. in fact i think ima buy my self a lether jacket a can of pomade and be a greaser just so people could call me that. thanks for the idea friend
  11. Have you ever clopped?: yes


    more than once?: yes


    would you consider yourself a clopper?: i guess what else would i be


    in my opinion i think that clopping isnt that bad because they are cartoon characters. they could be veiwed as attractive. to were as if it where real ponies i would say buck no!

  12. Now i know this is silly and im most likely on this forum to care but i had a idea for new music for the fandom. so earlier today i was drinving with my family in the car and we were listening to elvis. he was defenitly famouse for his rock n roll or as its also named rockabilly. so i was thinkin why don't we have a brony genre of music called rockafilly? it could be all 50's and stuff. i want to know what you think about this.

    • Brohoof 2
  13. I got rainbow dash even though i don't really like her. but me and my friend darren came to the conclution to why i dont like her is because she acts like me. and i'll tell ya i can be a little head strong and compeditive but i am also very loyal to the people i trust

  14. One time in class it was all silent and i was just sitting in my desk and this girl walks by you know the type of girl who talks really loud to get attention. she says OMG IS THAT A MY LITTLE PONY?!?! then everyone looks over at me and starts to giggle and laugh. my ''friend'' daniel was like yeah cause he's a fagget. then after class this girl walks up to me after class and in all seriouseness ask me if im accually gay. i did a face palm and explained to her why i like the show but i dont think she was convinced

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