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Everything posted by Astrobrony

  1. There's just one minor problem with your dream synopsis. The magic mirror stopped working at the end of the movie and it won't work again for another 30 moons, meaning that the human world and the pony world are pretty much split for the foreseeable future, meaning that there won't be anymore dimension hopping for a while. At any rate, don't let this whole issue bother you that much. It's just a movie. Don't let the little things bother you so much. Besides, if EqG REALLY bothers you this much, just pretend it never happened and continue waiting for season 4.
  2. "Get mah rope." I honestly don't know why AJ put a stop to Pinkie's mustache shenanigans in "Spike At Your Service". She started it in this episode!!!
  3. Why should I regret liking the show and liking ponies? It's just a TV show after all. There are more important things in the world to worry about. Ponies are just a really nice, and really awesome distraction.
  4. As far as the last question about Carrot Top/Golden Harvest, she doesn't seem to do as much in fanon-wise as Lyra, Bon Bon, Derpy, or even Colgate/Minuette. Sometimes she's Derpy's roommate, but othertimes she's Applejack's rival in terms of farming (Carrots vs. Apples of course). Overall, I haven't seen as much fanon materials with Carrot Top as I have with the other background ponies.
  5. Granted! Here's your Big Mac from McDonald's! That'll be $4.99. I wish I knew where I was going.
  6. Well allow me to welcome you to the community in style! OOPS!!! hehehe... wrong image! Let me change that... There we go!!! Never hesitate to ask anypony if you need help. And don't forget to have fun!
  7. Granted. Enjoy the nonstop irrelevent ads for everything you don't care about!!! I wish I had an iPad.
  8. I don't always ship ponies. But when I do, I ship Applejack x Rainbow Dash. Perhaps that's mainly because the best shipping stories I've read were AppleDash stories, but the two work so well together. Although I just like it when the two work together. The shipping is just a bonus.
  9. Ah yes. Good ole Rule 63. As far as the show is concerned, what we got in 'Magic Duel' might be about as much as were gonna get. However, some bronies have gone and answered this question already (read "On A Cross and Arrow"! It's an excellent fic that addresses this very issue. http://www.fimfiction.net/story/755/on-a-cross-and-arrow). For those who don't know, here are the fanon names of the Stallion 6... Twilight Sparkle ---> Dusk Shine Rainbow Dash ---> Rainbow Blitz Pinkie Pie ---> Bubble Berry/Berry Bubble (I've seen both) Rarity ---> Elusive Fluttershy ---> Butterscotch Applejack ---> Applejack (yes, AJ's still AJ) Spike ---> Barb/Spines (Again, I've seen both) Celestia ---> Prince/Lord Solaris Luna ---> Prince Artemis And it goes on and on from there. There's r63 versions of EVERYPONY floating around derpibooru and deviantart! As for the OP's question, IMHO, the Mane 6's personalities wouldn't really change that much as stallions. What WOULD change is how they would be perceived. I think that, while the perceptions of Dusk Shine, Bubble Berry, and to a lesser extent Applejack (the male versions of Twilight, Pinkie, and... well, Applejack), won't change much as stallions, "Rainbow Blitz" and his huge ego would come across as extremely unlikable compared to Rainbow Dash. Moreover, as opposed to Fluttershy, "Butterscotch" would be hated for being a useless wimp, kinda like how people hate Shinji Ikari from Evangelion. And sadly, "Elusive" and his passion for fashion would just create too many negative connotations for the audience that Rarity never has to worry about dealing with. You could play his more 'gentlemanly' aspects up, but I fear the ties to fashion won't sit well with some of the audience (Thanks parents of America! >:-( ) One of the advantages with female characters is that they can pull off just about any type of personality in a story and the audience can still like them/relate to them. Male characters, on the other hand, don't have that same flexibility in relatability, especially characters like Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity. In short, MLP would not be as appealing with a Stallion 6 as the lead overall. The show would be the same, but the audience appeal would not. BTW, for a hilarious take on what the show would have been like genderflipped, take a look at Trotsworth's Brotherhood is Awesome! comic series on deviantart! Don't take this seriously, of course! :-) http://trotsworth.deviantart.com/art/MLP-BHoA-314233275
  10. I don't relate to Rarity as much as the other five, however like Rarity, I am a bit of an overactor sometimes. I tend to overreact to things as being THE! WORST! POSSIBLE! THING!!!
  11. Don't mind me. I'm just waiting for the apocalypse.
  12. EDIT: And have a "Taralicious" comic too!
  13. Eeyup! It's Tara's pony avatar. And that's John on the other side.
  14. I honestly wouldn't mind myself. It would make for an interesting programming hour for the Hub; Friendship is Magic in the first half-hour and then Equestria Girls in the second half-hour. Personally, I would prefer if EqG remains a one-shot, but I wouldn't object if they made more.
  15. Granted but... the night... will last... FOREVER!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I wish I had tickets to the circus.
  16. WOW! That's just so wrong, I don't know where to begin. First of all if you saw the movie (which now I'm convinced you HAVEN'T), you would have known that Pinkie insinuates that there IS a human Twilight Sparkle around who has a dog named Spike somewhere. She just hasn't transferred to Canterlot High yet. Secondly, that comic was a joke! Nothing more! In the movie, the girls know that Twilight doesn't belong in the human world and she and Spike needed to go home, which they did without any sort of drama whatsoever. The comic was just a silly idea that wasn't meant to be taken seriously. Leave it at that and move on. Thirdly, the human counterparts are not inferior to their pony-selves. They ARE their pony selves, only as humans. And at any rate, do you think either set of friends would be mad at Twilight for anything she had to do in the movie? If your answer is still yes, them you might want to rewatch the show & the movie since you've obviously missed the whole point of both. Most importntly, like pjsforever pointed out, Equestria Girls is a separate cannon from Friendship is Magic. It won't affect season 4 at all. If you really have concerns about EqG replacing everypony, just ignore it and continue watching FiM like nothing ever happened. Seriously, if you want to create this much fuss about it, just ignore it! Honestly, complaining about EqG like what you've been doing is desperate, especially if you resort to what's essentially a weak, petty argument.
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