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Everything posted by Astrobrony

  1. Banned for not snuggling anyone else in this thread.
  2. Oh boy, I've got a couple. From Stare Master Fluttershy: I'm the world champ, you know. I bet you can't beat me. *squee* From Lesson Zero: Twilight: She even comes with her own notebook and quill for when you want to pretend she's doing her homework!!! AND ALSO Scootaloo: I want it! Apple Bloom: I need it! Sweetie Belle: I really like her MANE! Finally, from Too Many Pinkie Pies: Pinkie clone: Bet you can't make a face crazier than... THIS!!! I've got too many favorite quotes. I just can't list them all.
  3. This brings up a very good question as to what Equestria Girls is rated by the MPAA anyway. I haven't seen anything about that yet.
  4. An error has occured. Wish.exe has attempted to divide by zero and has been shut down by Windows. Press ENTER to continue I wish the line at IHOP would go faster.
  5. Drawn Together ran from 2004 to 2007 and I'm fairly sure Lauren Faust didn't even start working to put together FIM until around 2009. So yeah, this is more or less a very funny coincidence. BTW, it's pretty funny to hear Tara as Princess Clara as she's pretty much using the same voice she would later use for Twilight. Although I'm pretty sure Twilight would never say the things Clara said on 'Drawn Together'.
  6. My theory is that in order to save the day against whatever they are trying to save everyone from, Twilight will have to activate the Elements on the human side of things, and the resulting magic gives the 'Human 5' that pony-hybrid form. At any rate, they said it will all make sense in the movie so we're just going to have to wait.
  7. The G1 movie had two things going for it, the antic of the bad guys and, of course, the smooze (btw, that was the greatest non-G4 MLP song EVER!). Everything else about that movie was just mediocre, to dull. So Equestria Girls doesn't have a very big hill to climb in my opinion. The latest trailer alone tells me that it's going to be better than the G1 movie.
  8. Here's another one of the R63 variety... And for good measure, here's Jay Leno getting canned...
  9. Principal Celestia would make sense to me. An authority figure that still serves as a mentor to her students, and particularly to our little egghead. Besides, she can't be mayor. That job should be taken by Mayor Mare's counterpart.
  10. Applejack +1 Pinkie Pie -1 Twilight: 3 Applejack: 15 Pinkie Pie: 38
  11. It's a Rule 63 joke. The CMC were watching the colt version of the "Babs Seed" song. Seeing boy versions of themselves made them react like that.
  12. I might be wrong, but I think loyalty and honesty as a concept are kinda similar if you think about it. They both deal with the matter of trusting your friend, either by word (honesty) or by deed (loyalty). And both AJ and RD display both sides of these, heck in AJ's case she's flat out called the 'loyalest of friends'. What sets the two apart is that when push comes to shove, Rainbow's tendency to act first leads her to be a stronger representative for 'loyalty' than AJ.
  13. Here's one I photoshoped together a little while back.
  14. I would probably lay down in a corner and cry over the lack of eligible bachelors in Equestria. And then I would probably settle with Big Mac.
  15. I guess it might have something to do with that rabid badger chomping on my tail.
  16. Banned because you didn't use the word 'snug'
  17. Banned because "Snuggle" is a copyrighted brand name and we can't afford to keep paying the royalties.
  18. If they ever did My Little Pony: the Next Generation with all the foals grown up, then yes Applebloom would be the main character. At this moment however.... Applebloom is just too young and way too impatient to hang out as a regular friend to the others. She's still got a lot to learn and to her credit, she's learning the lessons she needs to. AB's time will come to shine on her own, but not yet.
  19. There's got to be a song about Twilight discovering the new dimension for the very first time. In fact, I can see exactly how it will play out. Twilight takes a look at the human world all around her. And then she starts to sing... A whole new world... A new fantastic point of view... And then Disney sues Hasbro. The End! (lol, j/k) Seriously though, they'll be a song about Twilight confused about the new world, and I'll guess they'll be a villian song by Sunset Shimmer a la 'You're Only Second Rate' to borrow another Aladdin song. And for good measure, they'll most likely end t when a friendship song along the lines of 'A True True Friend.' That's just my guess though.
  20. Ew... FALSE!!! What am I, a human? (IRL, very VERY true!) TPAM knows a song that gets on everypony's nerves.
  21. IMHO, G3 was what Hasbro considered 'safe'. It was just enough to keep the scores of little girls happy. What makes G4 special is that they went above and beyond with the source material with a show that could be enjoyed by everyone. Although with that said, G3 still amuses me greatly mainly due to the fact that several of my favorite VAs were a part of it (Tabitha as Minty was just flat out fun ).
  22. Every single pony personality test I've ever taken says I'm Applejack. I also think that Applejack is best pony. So in that case... I'll see y'all at the rodeo, everypony! YEE-HAW!!!
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