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Phoenix Blaze

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Everything posted by Phoenix Blaze

  1. Phoenix Blaze on Discord's side if you please. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/phoenix-blaze-r3569 I would also like to control Applejack, if that's alright.
  2. Crystal Night hid in her classroom as the fighting that besieged the castle continued. Her students, who were no more than 13, were all incredibly worried. The rebellion had been wearing on her from the start, seeing as her coltfriend was a member of the Imperial Guard. Now she has to protect her students from these insane 'Lunar Rebels'. She looked at her students and said "Stay here and keep practicing that locking spell that we learned today, I'm going to check on the princesses." With that, she left for the Canterlot Caverns, an area only select ponies knew about. After evading a pony with lightning surrounding him she made it to the secret entrance. She pressed her horn into the key and it opened to reveal a dark passage.
  3. Crystal Night as a pro-empire if you please, I'll try to do more in this. If my computer doesn't die. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crystal-night-r3646
  4. Four hours after Crystal found out that peace was coming, the four were on a train bound for Canterlot to speak with Princess Celestia and meet with a contact that had been staying in Canterlot Castle. Tension was thick as each pony brooded on what would happen. Shining worried about how Celestia would react to his desertion, Phoenix pondered on how the Princess would react to a Lunar Guard in her midst. Cadence thought about how badly things had gone with her Aunts and Crystal was hoping that her students would be alright.
  5. "Phoenix! Princess Cadence!" cried Crystal Night, an orange unicorn with a blond mane, running into the throne room of the Crystal Empire.. The orange earth pony and pink alicorn turned from their meeting with former Captain Shining Armor. "What's goin' on Crystal?" Phoenix asked. "Luna and Celestia are ending the war! We can go home now!" the mare said with glee. It had been a long four months since Equestria split in two, the New Lunar Republic and Solar Empire fighting for complete dominance. A number of ponies had fled to the Crystal Empire to escape the war, including Master Sergent Phoenix Blaze of the Lunar Guard and Crystal Night, a teacher at the Canterlot Magical Academy. Shining looked at his wife of just over a year. "Finally we can go home. And see Twilight," he said. Cadence nodded, but frowned. "I think we need to figure out what happened between Aunt Celestia and Aunt Luna first." OCs: http://mlpforums.com...nix-blaze-r3569 http://mlpforums.com...tal-night-r3646
  6. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/phoenix-blaze-r3569 http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crystal-night-r3646 Here's Phoenix and Crystal. For this Rp, I'll have Phoenix be an ex-Lunar Guard instead of a farmhoof.
  7. Can I join as a nuetral party? Like a third group dedicated to unifying Equestria? OCs: Phoenix Blaze (Earth Pony), Crystal Night (Crystal Unicorn), Cloudchaser (unicorn)
  8. Melody Song. That's not a horrible name considering my love of singing, but it could be a bit manlier.... I love these Name Scenarios and Birthday Scenarios, they're so cool. Except that one time I was raped by Milk Mare.... That was disturbing.
  9. Are you an RPer by any chance?

    1. Nohbdy


      Nah, I'm not too into that.

    2. Phoenix Blaze
  10. Introduction Applejack is my favorite of the Mane Six. She has several different qualities that appeal to me and several other fans. However, many people believe her to be the lowest of the Mane Six, even considering her as a 'background pony'. I will discuss these in a later blog. In this I will analyze the various traits of Applejack. Then I will apply my headcanon and tell all who listen of my plans. Past In the show, Applejack's past isn't mentioned much. She has her Cutie mark Chornicle and the various pictures from the Apple Family Reunions, but other than those we don't have much to go on. From what I could tell, Applejack's life is as follows: Applejack was born roughly 14-15 years before the show began (see ).About three years later, Apple Bloom was born and their mother and father were presumably killed by unknown means. In between that time, Applejack left for Manehattan to escape the country life- only to see the first sonic rainboom and return with her cutie mark. From then on, it was up to Applejack and Big Macintosh to run the large orchard that is Sweet Apple Acres while their grandmother, Granny Smith, baked goods and cared for Apple Bloom. Applejack grew older and became known by those in Ponyville as a honest, hardworking mare. Eventually she was tasked with providing the food for the Summer Sun Festival. Personality Early on in Season 1, we could see exactly what kind of pony Applejack is. She is intelligent (in terms of her field of work), dedicated, and most importantly honest. She isn't afraid to hold back ponies that are acting out of hand and are being reckless (namely Rainbow Dash). She is stubborn to a fault (as seen in Apple Buck Season) but has good intentions. She works hard at Sweet Apple Acres to support Granny Smith and Apple Bloom. Based on what I saw in Magical Mystery Cure, she is the one who fixes things around the farm as well as bucking apples. Pairings/Sexuality The most popular shipping I have seen with Applejack is also my second favourite- Applejack/Rainbow Dash or Appledash. Their personalities collide just right for them to bond, seeing as how both work hard towards their goal. I placed Applejack as eventually falling for my OC, Phoenix Blaze, in my fanfiction, The Farmhoof. Their personalities match well because, once again, both are hardworking. Contrary to most Bronies, I do not see Applejack as a fillyfooler right away. She is torn between the tradition of family (which is remiscent of a standard traditional farming family) and how deep her love of her friends goes. To me, Applejack is bisexual- she would only fall for her friends as a fillyfooler and could be swept off her hooves by a charming stallion. Headcanon/Future First and foremost I cannot see Applejack permanently leaving Sweet Apple Acres or Ponyville. She simply loves her home too much. She will grow up, find a certain somepony, and work the farm for the rest of her days. It seems like a small life, but that's the way Applejack is. She doesn't want to be a princess or leader of some army. She likes the rural life of a country mare. According to my headcanon (which includes Phoenix Blaze), after Twilight ascends to being a princess Applejack will return to Ponyville to work, falling for Rainbow Dash in the process. Rainbow's rashness will cause trouble between the two and they will seperate, leaving Rainbow for a returned unicorn Twilight Sparkle. She will hire Phoenix Blaze who will win her heart and continue to work at Sweet Apple Acres and serve as the Element of Honesty.
  11. My personal theory is similar. I believe that in the first few episodes of Season 4 Twilight will recognize that being the Princess of Magic will in fact hamper the effectiveness of the Elements of Harmony. The Elelments are bound by their friendship, and if Princess Twilight must move away to Canterlot to work as a Princess, this will damage the bond that the Mane 6 have. Twilight will be forced to grow away from her friends, which will render the Elements useless because the bearers aren't as close as they were in seasons 1-3. Twilight Sparkle will see this and ask for Celestia to return her to her humble position as the most faithful student and the Element of Magic.
  12. Phoenix truly disliked his friends at the moment. After they had found him laying low in Ponyville to escape persecution from his past crime, they MADE him apply for a guard position at the Asylum. He shook his head to dispel these thoughts. "Can't let myself go. Come on, Phoenix, this is temporary. Next stop, Canterlot as a Lunar Guard," he said to himself. He looked at the paper given to him by the facility's administration. "So... I'm supposed to be the pony who protects the counselor from the crazy ponies. Easy enough." He began the eerie walk towards the Counselor's Office, ignoring the varied cries and yells of the patients. The admins said that he would get used to the sound. He hadn't yet. "Swwet Luna, not even the DRU was this insane." Phoenix said to himself as he passed a crazed mare accused of turning young fillies and colts into pies that were sold to gryphons. Upon reaching the door, Phoenix entered the room and nodded to the counselor. "I'm Phoenix Blaze, the new guard. I'll be supervising this conversation you'll have with Miss MoonSparkle."
  13. Applejack's parents died not long after Apple Bloom was born. She was very unsure as a filly, hence her excursion into Manehattan. I think the reason she is so stubborn is because she wants to prove herself to her parents even though they died a long time ago. She has to support Granny Smith and Apple Bloom, making her work extremely hard.
  14. It just proves to say. One episode can change a hater to a brony if they sit down long enough. My friend (who acts almost exactly like Pinkie/Pinkamena watched Too Many Pinkies and instantly fell in love. He was a determined hater.
  15. Cloudchaser ya hornless unicorn! How did you make such an epic picture?
  16. I'm a hardcore shipper of it, but a lot of friends don't agree. Discord's chaotic nature and his sense of humor is a way for a stressed out Celestia to unwind. It's healthy oppsites attract case.
  17. Earth ponies know the value of hard work. They have to adapt without wings or magic. Not to mention they are the strongest and fastest. The Earth Pony tribe could most likely have functioned independently.
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