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Posts posted by CorruptedPegasus

  1. Typically I have a very high tolerance for gross things. I could be watching a horror movie and not even flinch, knowing that its just a movie. Or be watching some ER surgery show. But when it comes to real-world blood and gore (like watching someone get shot), I'm scarred for life ;_;

  2. I think that it's a great concept, allowing tablet users to assist gamers in-game. Although there are trolls who will undoubtedly abuse this power,  it's a great way to allow gamers to have a little fun when they're away from their home gaming console and provide a different experience.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. My passion is the outdoors. Hunting, fishing, camping, just taking a walk through the forest is amazing to me. Nothing beats sitting with my back against a tree during fall. Just being out there, away from all the excitement and technology, thinking about how my ancestors lived. Getting down to bare minimum, a bow and knife, and just becoming part of the land.

  4. I personally am a big fan of death metal (specifically Cannibal Corpse). I also love some good Metallica or Slayer every now and then. The death of Jeff Hanneman really took its toll on me for a while.sad.png

  5. Hai Alex! welcome to the forum! So you say your a blacksmith? That's certainly a pretty awesome skill to have.img-1379355-5-xtWXQl1.png

  6. My name is CorruptedPegasus, and I'm kinda new here.

    I love drawing, gaming, and making music.yay.png  I've been a brony since around the middle of season two. My friends are also bronies, but obviously they can't be around ALL the time, so hopefully some of you guys are friendly enough to have a nice chat every now and then!derpy_emoticon1.png

  7. For a very long time I have dreamed of going to Bronycon, but after totaling up the costs of airfare, hotel rooms, etc, I find that it would cost me $900-$1000 to go! So I would like to know how many of you attend or have attended Bronycon or other brony meetups. If you have, is it this expensive for everypony, or am I just unlucky?

  8. To be honest, once your parents and friends know about you being a brony (and hopefully accept it), it's all a whole lot easier since you don't have to hide anything anymore and don't have to purchase merchandise secretly. My dad couldn't really care less, and my mom was glad (suprisingly) that I was taking an interest in something more positive.smile.png

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