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Everything posted by Whinny-Millie

  1. My grasp of number manipulation is minimal though, and I'm very good at messing up stupid things when playing with the numbers to try and reach that one definite answer. That and formulas never stick in my head, for some reason. Random facts about the human body or animals, yes. A string of letters and symbols that are all supposed to mean something, no.
  2. My destiny is one full of magic and mystery... One day, and rather old and senile pony will approach me and hand her a necklace she has owned wince she was a mere filly. I will try to ask her why she has handed me such a thing, but she will blabber on about scribbles and small flying fluff-balls, then throw cupcakes at me until I shut the door and lock her out. After having a shower I will discover that the necklace has turned into a rather cuddily baby dragon, who can speak in Pony English. He will tell me that I must embark on a great quest to find the Milk Of Palendrome; a sacred possession currently withheld from the world by the evil and powerful enchantress Captain Dasterfoal. After delivering this message, the dragon will promptly explode, leaving me with a pile of ash, a little scroll of paper, and a desire to have another shower. Within the scroll is a map of Equestria, upon which is a path to the Milk Of Palendrome, depicted simply by a potato in a silk gown. With no other instructions and no clue of how even to start my journey, I decide to pay a visit to the most intelligent pony in town - Twilight Sparkle. Upon seeing the map, Twilight will have an odd little twitching fit and begin searching madly for book amongst all those of her library. Finally she will discover it under a daffodil sandwich she meant to eat a year ago, flick off said sandwich and open the book to the correct pages. Within the book will be a duplicate of the map the dragon gave to me, but it's to the footnotes that Twilight will direct me to, her left eye twitching maniacally. Anypony who possesses the Milk of Palendrome will die "My destiny is to die?" I will ask her, and she will not solemnly. At which point I will hand her the necklace and the scroll before turning towards the door. "Where are you going?" She'll shout after me, slipping on the necklace so she can catch up. "Without the Milk of Palendrome the town will perish when even enchantress decided to wake and wreak her vengence upon us all!" I will turn and look her straight in the eyes, freezing her to the spot before saying: "And I'll die anyway, just faster. Screw that for a game of apple tossing. Have fun!" Then I will trot out of her library and leave her there with the book and the scroll, knowing she will head up to save the Milk Of Palendrome from the enchantress and being peace to equestria. Meanwhile, I'm going to be back at home eating muffing. ~The end.
  3. I have an overdeveloped work ethic, according to my teachers from school. Not sure if I still possess such a thing, but I used to and still pour myself into work that needs to be completed, and usually hand them in a week early, receiving 70-80% bands (highest mark for my degree course is 70 and over). Felt like boasting my scores, since everyone else has no qualms about it. <.<
  4. My grasp of Maths has never been brilliant. I can do algebra to the extent that brackets start getting involved, and then I suck at everything beyond that level of understanding. Subjects that require me to learn facts and use this knowledge to figure out the answers to more complex questions - the application of logic and understanding are the subjects I'm good at. This means my strong subjects at school were biology, a reasonable understanding of the basics in English and a good hold on Psychology. I'm average at French and a few other subjects, and suck at computers.
  5. To be honest, your statement there comes across as an opinion rather than a fact. While they may be interchangeable to you, they are destrincly different to me, and the dictionary seems to agree with me, since there is no overlap in the definitions of these two words: Excuse: Attempt to lessen the blame of attaching to (a fault or offence); seek to defend. Reason: A cause, explanation or justification for an action of event. While both of these may be considered a justification of something that has happened, there is a difference here between the two; one is a defence of an action and a shifting of blame, the other just an explanation of the cause rather than a denial.
  6. I have probably done a lot of stupid things in my lifetime but, thankfully, my memory is so bad I can't recall any of them now I'm trying to. Only thing coming to mind is when I was 8 and decided to walk along the wall at school. It was only about a foot high and quite wide, but I lost my footing and fell onto the concrete playground. It was after I got up and felt dizzy that I decided to get back up on the wall, and I promptly fell right back off again, and almost threw up from the head trauma.
  7. Perhaps a valid excuse could be classed as a reason, since it's something out of your control that occurred that lead to you being late or whatever the outcome may be. That's a cleaner definition, at least a little bit. I see a definition between the two words. An excuse, as Kodiak pointed out, is often used to try and shift the blame from ones self even if it was actually your fault to begin with. On the other side of the coin is a reason or, if you like, a valid excuse, where something one could not control occurred. Admittedly, there's a hazy line down the middle, but there's still a definition between the two for me.
  8. And Princess Luna wins by a landslide, lol. I'm going to assume this is something to do with the fact that she's become nice and reasonably socially acceptable since the first series now, and has an almost cult following of people who believe this is how people really act in the real world. I like her for her colours, for her attempts at being a nice pony and her ridiculous Canterlot voice. This might even put me in the aforementioned cult following, but I find I don't give a hoof. Yay.
  9. Twilight - a pet that studied with me and kept me on track when I wanted to get distracted. She's also a lot like me, so would not want to do things that I hated when we weren't studying.
  10. I pretty much agree with your reasoning, not forgetting also that excuses can be derived from half-truths (pretty much a lie but with enough basis for it to be unquestionable' such as stating there was an accident on the way over when really there was an accident, but it wasn't the reason you were late. The accident could have been handled very well by the response services and in fact you left the house late because you weren't organised enough. Telling the difference between an excuse and a reason can be very hard, and I would subject it to the kind of person I was dealing with. For example, my brother is pretty much a compulsive liar, and as such when he tells me he has forgotten something he promised me, such as a birthday present that's way overdue, what this actually means is he did forget it - but he forgot to buy the thing in the first place rather than forgot to grab it on his way out. It really upsets me when people don't believe me, for some reason. Like, a few weeks ago, I missed my bus into University. I forgot that the school holidays, set a week apart from my own school holiday, made the buses run a few minutes earlier than expected, and as such they pass my stop earlier. The bus I use to catch it up also left early, so I was left waiting an hour for the next one. It being cold and early I went home and encountered my dad, who promptly lectured me on being ready on time, to my annoyance. But yeah, subject to whoever's telling you the excuse or reason, in my opinion.
  11. The main point of this is it's a theoretical thing. That, and is trying to solve for one letter you would only substitute one of the letters with a number as well. My other half can prove that 2+1 =1 or something...I forget.
  12. I tend to ignore the posts of people that spam useless crud...or unfriend them if I never really liked them that much anyway. Lol.
  13. ^ This lists all the shows I forgot about that I watched. Man, so many...
  14. My Facebook is linked to a junk email, so I don't get notifications through there. I just check it in the morning on the bus (on my phone), and when I get home in the evening on my laptop. Lol.
  15. I have brony friends on the internet who went on about it so much, I eventually caved and watched some. Hooked.
  16. Facebook helps me keep in contact with all the people I know around the world, including just friends and family. - Most of my online friends are American and as such I have their facebooks. I don't see them daily, so it helps me keep up. - My fiance is Australian and as such my soon-to-be family in law live a long way away from me in the UK. See above.
  17. Yeah, I don't have time for a job any day except the weekend, and then I only work one day, or my studying would falter.
  18. Maybe I shouldn't have smiled at this after your comment about your paediatrician jumping at "ghosts", but this statement in itself should have been a cause for them to rethink their diagnosis if neither of your parents have symptoms... Myself, I have an issue with the bacterial flora that are supposed to live in my gut. While I wasn't born with the problem, an idiot doctor I had as a child put me on antibiotic medication, some of it rather strong, for a total of 15 months for an ear infection. Not only did she not manage to cure the infection, she successfully rid my intestines of about half the natural flora, resulting in a list of food intolerances and a series of symptoms that until recently would not go away. Intolerances include: - Grapes - Apple skin - Corn - Peas - Anything spicy enough to make my mouth tingle - Anything fried - Bread that isn't freshly made - Frozen wheat products - Part-baked, stored and then finished baking wheat products - Toast - Apricots - Oranges - Grapefruit - Melon - Pastry that has been kept warm - Fizzy drinks (effect is noticeably less though) - Some meats (oddly, specifically Australian bacon, and any gammon) - Milk and butter - Eggs Note that I still get sick at least once a week, so there's additions to add to this list. Symptoms - Insistant headaches - Poor fluid balance - Bloating - Strong heartbeat in head - Fatigue and lethargy - Insomnia - Inability to keep awake in middle of day - Rashes - Incessant hunger - Difficulty losing weight even with controlled intake (~1000 calories) - Susceptible to colds (mostly throat infections) Thankfully of the above, I usually only get the headache and poor fluid balance commonly. The insomnia, rashes and heartbeat on the head are common after I've eaten a large quantity of something I'm unable to deal with effectively and the susceptibility to colds is slowly receding.
  19. I don't find Fluttershy's behaviour cute, I find it cringe-worthy due to her painful shyness. Pinkie acts off the wall rather than cute... Rarity isn't cute at all. She's a little...snooty. Rainbow Dash couldn't be cute if her life depended on it Twilight isn't really that cute either, since she's so logical all the time. I suppose Applejack is a little cute in the sense that she's modest, and we've seen her shy away and kind of blush when people praise her work.
  20. I only work part time since I'm at University, but I make sandwiches on Saturdays. Sandwich Artiste FTW.
  21. Nickelodeon - Rugrats, Fairly Odd Parents, Drake and Josh and a few others. Cartoon Network - Scooby Doo, Garfield, Whacky Races, Catch the Pigeon, Dexter's Lab, Hong Kong Phoey, Danger Mouse Other - Sonic the Hedgehog, Power Rangers. I've probably forgotten a few. They were the main ones.
  22. Ponyville... I'm not a posh enough Pony for Canterlot, dislike cities so Manehatten is out of the question, not a pegasus pony so Clodsdale would be unreachable and am allergic to apples, so Appeloosa would make me uncomfortable. Lol.
  23. My bag, since it usually contains my tablet, phone, keys, bus pass and general other stuff I would be stuffed without. That, and I'd make sure my other half was awake and running too.
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