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Gabriel Smith

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Posts posted by Gabriel Smith

  1. Yeah, no. I see this as going down as well as the whole "Fur and Loathing" episode from Vanilla CSI. And being completely honest, the only time I can recall an even remotely good, light hearted stab at Bronies was one Teen Titan's Go! segment. You know the one.


    Having said that though, a TV Series called Bones has done an episode on "pony play fetishists" (no I have no idea what the actual fetish is or if it's even remotely related to Ponies). I'm not sure what the hell that is, but it might be close to some of the more...cloptastic sides of the fandom. That's just my guess though.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Pretty much any time there's a musical number. It usually means I have to skip 3 or 4 minutes of an episode or be placed into such writhing agony it can physically manifest itself. And most of the time it's padding anyway (I swear you could remove the musical number from the Cider episode, and it would be a much shorter episode without it).


    Also, most of Season 2 qualifies. It was so bad I had to stop watching the show.

  3. Atlas woke up startled. His body was covered in cold sweat, much to the misfortune of Starshine. He then rolled over in the opposite direction of where Starshine was standing, flattening a few idle trees in the process as he looked around in a dazed fashion.

  4. 90's Disney shows. To be more specific, most of their movie licensed shows (Hercules and Aladdin for example), and then there's (correct me if I am wrong) things like Pepperanne (spelt correctly?) and Doug. It's gotten to the point where I fear for anything with the Disney name attached to it, because it'll either get screwed over (Tron: Uprising) or just be - well - terrible (any of the previously mentioned items).


    Also, just to commit more heresy, I also wasn't (and still are not) a fan of -


    • The Powerpuff Girls
    • SWAT Katz

    Huh. That was a short list. Now excuse me while I go rig up a long list of 80's Cartoons I didn't like...

  5. Unfortunately for everyone in proximity, Atlas was not exactly someone you wanted to sleep near. The colossal Pony thrashed and rolled around in his sleep as he lived out the same horrific nightmare each night, creating a raucous din for miles around and preventing anyone nearby from sleeping.


    At least the Hut was not in danger of being flattened?

  6. @Gabriel Smith


    Hey sorry I've been out for a while and I plan on making those tweaks after I get off of work at 9:30 eastern if that's alright?


    Ok the changes have been made, fingers crossed!!!


    I would have preferred it if these tweaks had been made in a Bio like everyone else wrote up...but I suppose this will do.


    Hrm, two players is not quite enough for my tastes. I'll wait and see, but if this doesn't pick up I'm out.


    I'm just having a lot of setbacks right now. A lot of them. I'm starting to wonder if it's even worth it.


    Wow. Now that's just insulting. It also exposes a variety of fallacies in your thinking in regards to your entire original plan for this roleplay, but I don't have the patience or the inclination to explain them. 


    I'm not so sure I'm going to do this after all. I've recently been reminded of some of my old plans, and I think it's about time I act on them, leaving me with little time to dedicate to this.


    Oh, and you should have made it a bit more clear from the beginning how few characters you intended to accept. You could have saved quite a few people the trouble of applying.


    1. You are (were) already a member and thus had a character.
    2. We had a limited number of slots on the main page. It's why neither list ever moved past 4 (or if it did, that was the result of a formatting error).
    3. I was under the impression the reason Cloak and Dagger were suggested was to round out the character list. Taking Power Trip over the pair seemed like the better option as it fulfils the exact same job and adds another person to the roster and was a better use of the slot. There did not appear anything unreasonable about it.
  7. I'd just like to point out that you've only accepted three characters, two of whom are knights. Do you really think that's enough? Oh, and I have to ask for a reason why Cloak and Dagger were declined, because otherwise I'm just going to continue wondering about it all night until I go insane. 


    Simple - the appearance and acceptance of Power Trip. Thus, having Cloak & Dagger around sort of became unnecessary. Unless of course, you are inclined to disagree?


    That, and I also wanted to keep the RP small to begin with. I'm still holding out that Frosty might finish fine tuning Jaeger by then...if not, then I'll probably be using Cloak & Dagger in his place.


    Three of four to begin with should be enough. Any more and I'm going to have my hands full chasing around everyone.

  8. Ladies and Gentlemen, due to failing Mental Health I've had to take a few days off. This has pushed it back further than planned.


    Therefore, I will be writing up the initial post for the IC sometime tomorrow morning. The finalised list of characters and people who have been accepted have been printed on the front page for all to see.




    If I have not added your OC to the main page, you have been declined.


    Incidentally, if Frosty has made those last minute tweaks like I asked, I will add him to the front page as well.

  9. Um...if it's not too much hassle...could we get a little more detail on the RP? Please?


    Also, you've posted this in the wrong forum. This is for Roleplays that have a OOC thread and are past the planning stage, and thus are in progress. There's a separate piece of board space for Roleplay Planning & OOC Discussion.

  10. I'm so sorry Gabriel,I've been very busy of late and I don't have enough time to keep up with your roleplay. Is it alright if I request that I'm taken out of it? It is a great roleplay but I just can't keep up with you guys. Is this Alright? 


    This is perfectly okay. I do not have any hard feelings here Rascal. Hope to very much see you again soon.

  11. Now perhaps I have misread this but it seems you've made for Celestia being an antagonist of sorts, making her somepony that the players need to avoid... why? Did you consider making het the founder of these groups perhaps instead?


    Apart from the above this seems like a very interesting roleplay.


    The reasons were given if you actually sat and bothered to read the first post. That said, I have no plans for any of the Canon Cast and while they are around and exist, will not be taking further part in this RP for the forseeable future.


    I'm using the knight regardless. Other character applications incoming when I have time.




    Sorry I have been gone for a while. All I want to say is do my changes need to be on the OC page or can the be made adjustingly in the RP?


    Also what specific changes are needed?


    It quite simply doesn't match up with the established Bio - what Affiliation is he? for example. His backstory could also pose a problem given - y'know - mercenary. And stuffy stuff.

  12. Oh, I can play as many characters as it takes. Just you wait and see. So you want me to do Cloak and Dagger plus a monk, then? Or another member of the inquisition? Or both? I can totally handle it.


    For now, just Cloak and Dagger, and maybe that Knight you made earlier. Assuming you still want to use him.

  13. I never said that alicorn was the correct word that should be used just that its only meaning was not simply 'the horn of the unicorn'. I was pointing out that it actually does have a different meaning in French.


    Lauren Faust herself said that Celestia and Luna were meant to represent all three races, the harmony of the races.


    Fans must find a word that better represents the fact that this is the case for Celestia and Luna. One may be able to get away with calling Twilight and Cadence a winged unicorn and pegacorn but not the royal sisters.


    Indeed. I apologise if my comments may have gotten a bit out of hand. Though at least we can agree a better name is required. Unfortunately however, Mythological Horses tend to be close relatives to the Pegasi - I had previously thought the Turkish Tulpar would have been a better name...until upon closer reading it was basically a Pegasus.


    Again, my apologies if I went a bit overboard. It's a habit of mine during debate time -_-


    However, I still stand by above point, especially upon looking up one of the definitions of the word -


    (nonstandard) A winged horse with a single horn on its head; a winged unicorn



    Which naturally leaves out the Earth Ponies too (BTW, source on this is Wiktionary, so take with salt pinch).

  14. Starshine smiled happily. "Thanks!" he exclaimed. Now he would have a huge protector for the night, even though Atlas himself looked concerned about something else. Could he sense the beast too? The group eventually arrived at Sunyatay's cottage.


    "Uh... Thanks, but I'm not that hungry. You can eat the fruits, I've had enough weeds today," he answered. Sunyatay looked a bit tired herself, but Starshine wasn't the one who would truly bother himself about others. He trotted briskly into the hut and yawned. "I think I'll get some shut-eye for now. Good night fellas!" he called out to Atlas and Sunyatay before taking off his saddlebag and curling up to sleep at the corner of the bed, leaving enough room should Sunyatay decided to share the bed with him. He was a hell lot smaller than she was.



    Sunyatay put on her saddlebags and cloak, with her hood doffed this time.  It took most of her concentration to hold them in place, along with keeping the flower Atlas had given her tied into her mane.  The remainder of her brainpower ran around in circles trying to think of something to say.  Atlas hadn't answered her question about his interests, but she didn't want to pry.  And Starshine...  She could probably talk to him about magic, geometry, or science once he was rested.  But that common interest meant that he could subject her ideas--and Sunyatay herself--to informed scrutiny.  That frightened her more than the prospect of Atlas making a misstep.  He would probably step through her, rather than on her.  That wouldn't go so well for her books though, so she was careful to stay clear.  Suddenly, she had a thought.


    What if scaling principles don't apply to him because he's existing in a bounded spacetime with a different metric?  Would his boundary squash me?  Or would I cross over into his metric...  Sunyatay pulled away from that train of thought, as it seemed headed for a rather strange rabbit hole.  If Starshine's "How did you get to be so big" made him uncomfortable, the questions that idea brought up would be an Atlas-sized faux pas to ask.


    As they neared her shelter, it hit her: she was about to be a hostess for two ponies--and she hadn't had a chance to make any preparations whatsoever!  For now, Starshine looked like he just wanted someplace relatively comfortable to crash, so he would probably be OK, at least until the morning.  Accommodations for Atlas on the other hand...  She looked around, trying to find a clearing big enough for him to nest in without tearing out too many trees, and hopefully without any boulders in the way.  She'd been trying to avoid staring at him, trying to treat him like she would treat any other pony.  But that meant she hadn't really taken his measure with the kind of precision she felt she needed to try and suggest a comfortable place for him.  He might be able to lie down on the road, but then he'd be exposed.  She guessed he'd want more concealment.  


    It still took some doing to summon the courage to speak, but it seemed to be getting easier with time.  "Goodnight Starshine.  As I said earlier, you're welcome to the fruit in my shelter if you want it.  Atlas...is there anything that you need?"  Not that I'll be able to do very much...but I've got to try, right?


    Atlas calmly shook his head. "N-No, I-I'm f-fine...t-thank y-you, m-miss S-Sunshot.". With that, Atlas backed quite the distance away from the Cottage, before flopping over on his back and falling asleep...however, the pair had no idea that it was not going to be a sound sleep, least of all with a giant, PTSD induced Pony nearby.


    (Not sure if I should have Atlas rolling around in his sleep now or next post, given Sunny and Starshine should be having their turn X3)

  15. Oh. My. Gosh. Thanks to AK I got on this thread. I love it!


    I know you mentioned Canterlot Guards having to be different, so I'll switch it up. I'd still prefer to use my ponysona Minath, though.


    Instead of being taken in by Celestia, I was wondering if she could be taken in by the Knightly Order: Hospitalizer Group?


    Name: Minath Watcher (Minath for short), to defend the weak, grey

    Age: 22 (In human years, so like, 12)

    Appearance: A ton of references in her character page

    Affiliation: Knight

    Skills: Extreme weapons skills (Spells, weapon tactics, ect.), minor knowledge of healing, and a fierce sense of justice and the knowledge to execute it correctly

    Equipment: Her armor (See character page) and two broadaxes

    Personality: See character page

    Backstory: See character page


    ...I'm on the fence. I don't want to disappoint Alex, but there's a few umbrage points here.


    1. She's a Pegi/Ali/Whatsit Corn Flake.
    2. We already have a lot of Knights.

    However, I've decided to put it on the Pending list.

  16. Given that this thread hasn't seen any action in three days, I just wanted to make sure this was still happening, and perhaps remind those who had forgotten about it. I'm really looking forward to this RP, and I would hate to see it never get off the ground.


    We're still going forward at this time. I may cut the timer short even. And no, there's a reason I haven't added the last two trying to join to the que X3

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